Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Where have I ever defended him?

Do you think me calling him a fat blowhard is defending him?
Now it is the Perpetual Dumb act!

You demanded the link and when I posted it for you, you said his HOPING those getting healthcare for the first time will get screwed down the road so he could enjoy their future suffering was not all that bad, at least not as bad as I made it sound, as if it could be made to sound good. Of course you could not make it sound better, so you attacked me to defend your MessiahRushie.
The first link you provided and I wasted my time on was your distortion of truth.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.
The first link you provided and I wasted my time on was your distortion of truth.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.

If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
The first link you provided and I wasted my time on was your distortion of truth.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.

If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.
The first link you provided and I wasted my time on was your distortion of truth.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.

If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.

I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
Musing on the headline.....

IF Mr. Limbaugh were "falling" then, yes, our leftist fringe would be STUNNED!
If his show were cancelled they'd have nothing left to be paid to monitor and might have to quit blogging to save a few pence on electrics.
The first link you provided and I wasted my time on was your distortion of truth.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.

If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.

I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.
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Musing on the headline.....

IF Mr. Limbaugh were "falling" then, yes, our leftist fringe would be STUNNED!
If his show were cancelled they'd have nothing left to be paid to monitor and might have to quit blogging to save a few pence on electrics.
Again, you can tell the brainwashed DittoNazis when they parrot their MessiahRushie's lie that there are paid people out to get him. He habitually claims the media pay people to monitor him and the dumb mindless DittoNazis are stupid enough to believe him. When you see how easily I can expose him as the America hating lying scum he is, you have to ask yourself, why doesn't the media, that is supposedly monitoring him, expose him like I do? You almost never see the media using the devastating quotes I use, so if they are paying someone to monitor him, as the pathological liar claims, they are not getting their money's worth.

In truth, it is obvious the corporate media protects Porky because he is "controversial" and controversy sells, and corporate media is all about money.
The first link you provided and I wasted my time on was your distortion of truth.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.

If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.

I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.

I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
Just as your MessiahRushie programmed you to say when confronted with his own words quoted directly from his site.
Of course, you didn't and couldn't show what I had "distorted," you could only attack me for exposing you to the truth about your MessiahRushie whom you worship.

If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.

I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.

I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
I comprehend that YOU can't come up with a different context than the one I gave.
Thank you.
If I listened to him, you maybe right, since I don't, you are blowing more Ed bullshit. Nice spin though.

You got nothing, let me know when you do. Thanks
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.

I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.

I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
I comprehend that YOU can't come up with a different context than the one I gave.
Thank you.

I did. Thanks!
Ed, if you cease to be paid for monitoring Mr. Limbaugh do not despair! You could try augmenting your Obama ATM freebie card by selling your body.

To medical research.

They seem to like mutated forms.
Every tine your MessiahRushie is confronted by his own words he says he is being misquoted, like you did, and to go to his website for the exact quote. My having done that you attack me for quoting him from his website. Again, only a worshiper would use that kind of circular "logic" and think it made sense.

I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.

I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
I comprehend that YOU can't come up with a different context than the one I gave.
Thank you.

I did. Thanks!
You lie like your MessiahRushie.
Link to it.
Ed, if you cease to be paid for monitoring Mr. Limbaugh do not despair! You could try augmenting your Obama ATM freebie card by selling your body.

To medical research.

They seem to like mutated forms.
Again, the DittoNazis can't rebut what I post so they are reduced to aping theit MessiahRushie and made personal attacks. The Right can never compete in the arena of ideas.
I didn't say misquoted, you took him out of context and you know you did by your reluctance to give the full link.

Again, edthedipshit has nothing.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.

I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
I comprehend that YOU can't come up with a different context than the one I gave.
Thank you.

I did. Thanks!
You lie like your MessiahRushie.
Link to it.

I lie? You can't fuckin find it and so I lie.

Typical lazy liberal.

Dumb dumb it is in this thread. If you can't find it, and you answered me on it. Lol.

Get a life numb nuts. You are now wasting everyone's time.
There is no way to take it out of context, or you would have corrected the context by now. You only say it was out of context because your MessiahRushie programmed you to knee-jerk say that every time you have to eat his hateful words.

So tell us what the context is!

March 27, 2013


RUSH: Okay, folks, this health care business. We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

Well, there are some people that are hoping to experience schadenfreude over health care realizations down the road.

I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
I comprehend that YOU can't come up with a different context than the one I gave.
Thank you.

I did. Thanks!
You lie like your MessiahRushie.
Link to it.

I lie? You can't fuckin find it and so I lie.

Typical lazy liberal.

Dumb dumb it is in this thread. If you can't find it, and you answered me on it. Lol.

Get a life numb nuts. You are now wasting everyone's time.
Using your own "logic" your avoiding the link proves you know you are lying.
Thank you.
I told you in earlier posts, if you can't comprehend simple English, not my issue that you are a dumb shit.
I comprehend that YOU can't come up with a different context than the one I gave.
Thank you.

I did. Thanks!
You lie like your MessiahRushie.
Link to it.

I lie? You can't fuckin find it and so I lie.

Typical lazy liberal.

Dumb dumb it is in this thread. If you can't find it, and you answered me on it. Lol.

Get a life numb nuts. You are now wasting everyone's time.
Using your own "logic" your avoiding the link proves you know you are lying.
Thank you.

Fuck off lazy liar.
Again, the DittoNazis can't rebut what I post so they are reduced to aping theit MessiahRushie and made personal attacks. The Right can never compete in the arena of ideas.

It's more fun to jerk liberals chains than it is to soothe them. Easier, too.

He is just plain stupid, he wants me to link back to this thread? How fuckin moronic. Is he so fuckin stupid he can't go back and find where he responded to me? I lose patience for idiots.

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