Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Where have I ever defended him?

Do you think me calling him a fat blowhard is defending him?
Now it is the Perpetual Dumb act!

You demanded the link and when I posted it for you, you said his HOPING those getting healthcare for the first time will get screwed down the road so he could enjoy their future suffering was not all that bad, at least not as bad as I made it sound, as if it could be made to sound good. Of course you could not make it sound better, so you attacked me to defend your MessiahRushie.

I never said that

You need to pay as much attention to posts as you do to Rush

And I have not attacked you

Well, I'm living proof that this claim from your video is a LIE!

April 24, 2013
RUSH: Exactly. The only people, by the way, the only people who do not like this program are those who've never listened to it... Everybody who has ever listened to it loves it.
Just out of curiosity, Empty Eddie.....

When Mr. Limbaugh takes a day or two off and there's somebody else doing the program do you experience severe or only moderate withdrawal symptoms?
Eddie suffers and listens to Rush! You need to change your name to EdtheMartyr.

Well, I'm living proof that this claim from your video is a LIE!

April 24, 2013
RUSH: Exactly. The only people, by the way, the only people who do not like this program are those who've never listened to it... Everybody who has ever listened to it loves it.

Just out of curiosity, Empty Eddie.....

When Mr. Limbaugh takes a day or two off and there's somebody else doing the program do you experience severe or only moderate withdrawal symptoms?
Eddie suffers and listens to Rush! You need to change your name to EdtheMartyr.
Like I said, every time I expose the DittoNazi's MessiahRushie as the liar he is, they can't rebut me in the arena of ideas so they stoop to attacking me personally.

Thank you.

Well, I'm living proof that this claim from your video is a LIE!

April 24, 2013
RUSH: Exactly. The only people, by the way, the only people who do not like this program are those who've never listened to it... Everybody who has ever listened to it loves it.

3 weeks...Rush has always said that if you give him or his show 3 weeks he will change your opinion of his show and him. So give it a try. Give him 3 weeks. Of course some folks have strong held opinions and beliefs or maybe they are employed by a union or the government and they will never admit to agreeing with Rush even if they already do.
So come on give his show or podcasts 3 weeks and see what happens.
The fallacy:

Perhaps 3 weeks of listening AND PAYING ATTENTION are required? Just monitoring to take notes for the party precludes understanding.

Well, I'm living proof that this claim from your video is a LIE!

April 24, 2013
RUSH: Exactly. The only people, by the way, the only people who do not like this program are those who've never listened to it... Everybody who has ever listened to it loves it.

Just out of curiosity, Empty Eddie.....

When Mr. Limbaugh takes a day or two off and there's somebody else doing the program do you experience severe or only moderate withdrawal symptoms?
Eddie suffers and listens to Rush! You need to change your name to EdtheMartyr.
Like I said, every time I expose the DittoNazi's MessiahRushie as the liar he is, they can't rebut me in the arena of ideas so they stoop to attacking me personally.

Thank you.

You didn't rebuff anything, I get tired of dealing with stupid people like yourself that twist and lie to make a point.

Go on with your life edthemartyr. You play victim very well. If you can ever refute what I said drop me a PM and I'll look you up.

You are just plain deceitful and I don't play those games.

Well, I'm living proof that this claim from your video is a LIE!

April 24, 2013
RUSH: Exactly. The only people, by the way, the only people who do not like this program are those who've never listened to it... Everybody who has ever listened to it loves it.

3 weeks...Rush has always said that if you give him or his show 3 weeks he will change your opinion of his show and him. So give it a try. Give him 3 weeks. Of course some folks have strong held opinions and beliefs or maybe they are employed by a union or the government and they will never admit to agreeing with Rush even if they already do.
So come on give his show or podcasts 3 weeks and see what happens.

Everyone here knows I have listened for a lot longer than 3 weeks, in fact if you had been paying attention to this thread you would have seen the only attack the DittoNazis have left is that I listen too much. My problem is I can't be brainwashed like you no matter how much I listen. Your MessiahRushie lies to your level of ignorance and I am too well informed to swallow his obvious lies.
I have listened to Rush from time to time. I also watched some of his t.v. programs back in the 90's. He plays it safe and will never debate an opposition who's not hand picked by his screener. The guy's really humorous although grossly ignorant. That's the problem - he's spent his life in front of a microphone. No military experience, travel, college, or diverse jobs like many of us have had; never sired or raised children even though he talks like an expert on children. In reality, he knows nothing of life. Just a guy that follows the news and then mouths off his opinion of how the world works to a bunch of equally ignorant listeners

Well, I'm living proof that this claim from your video is a LIE!

April 24, 2013
RUSH: Exactly. The only people, by the way, the only people who do not like this program are those who've never listened to it... Everybody who has ever listened to it loves it.

3 weeks...Rush has always said that if you give him or his show 3 weeks he will change your opinion of his show and him. So give it a try. Give him 3 weeks. Of course some folks have strong held opinions and beliefs or maybe they are employed by a union or the government and they will never admit to agreeing with Rush even if they already do.
So come on give his show or podcasts 3 weeks and see what happens.

Everyone here knows I have listened for a lot longer than 3 weeks, in fact if you had been paying attention to this thread you would have seen the only attack the DittoNazis have left is that I listen too much. My problem is I can't be brainwashed like you no matter how much I listen. Your MessiahRushie lies to your level of ignorance and I am too well informed to swallow his obvious lies.

Stupid is as Stupid does.....
I have listened to Rush from time to time. I also watched some of his t.v. programs back in the 90's. He plays it safe and will never debate an opposition who's not hand picked by his screener. The guy's really humorous although grossly ignorant. That's the problem - he's spent his life in front of a microphone. No military experience, travel, college, or diverse jobs like many of us have had; never sired or raised children even though he talks like an expert on children. In reality, he knows nothing of life. Just a guy that follows the news and then mouths off his opinion of how the world works to a bunch of equally ignorant listeners

Glad to know you are one of his ignorant listeners, so is edthemartyr.
Limbaugh has been in business since the '80s. It's sort of anti-climactic to say someone is cooked after they've been a mainstay of the AM dial for 30 years. As far as I know, he's still on the AM during prime hours.

I've tuned in on the rare occasion, over the years. The fake commercials are funny. Every radio jock is a bloviator, and Rush is no exception. There's things on both sides of the aisle to make fun of and Rush does a fairly entertaining job of chiding the war on women and certain TV news personalities, among other things.
Limbaugh has been in business since the '80s. It's sort of anti-climactic to say someone is cooked after they've been a mainstay of the AM dial for 30 years. As far as I know, he's still on the AM during prime hours.

I've tuned in on the rare occasion, over the years. The fake commercials are funny. Every radio jock is a bloviator, and Rush is no exception. There's things on both sides of the aisle to make fun of and Rush does a fairly entertaining job of chiding the war on women and certain TV news personalities, among other things.

Yup. Because there's nothing more entertaining that yelling "Slut! Slut! Slut!" every other minute in between "Feminazis" and quips about the "White House dog". What a chock-a-block of chuckles that was. I laughed until I stopped.

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