Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the others--Friend or Foe?


Trump has nearly twice the favorability among Women as Carly...oops!

Trump Favorability Among Women Typical for GOP Candidates
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.
I doubt kkkonswervatives abandoned Romney to allow Obama a win.

you must be talking about robert KKK byrd a LIB.

Byrd was a Democrat but he wasn't a lib, he was a KKKonservative just like most republicans are today.
so now they are coming after the American citizens and labeling them: friend or foes? and who get to decide that? we need to wake up to what's going in this country.
I saw an article in the NYslimes this morning about rethinking our Freedom of speech. time to be WIDE awake


ISIS Influence on Web Prompts Second Thoughts on First Amendment
NYT ^ | Dec 27, 2015 | ERIK ECKHOLM

It is one of the most hallowed precepts in modern constitutional law: Freedom of speech may not be curbed unless it poses a *clear and present danger* ~ an actual, imminent threat, not the mere advocacy of harmful acts or ideas. But in response to the Islamic State*s success in grooming jihadists over the Internet, some legal scholars are asking whether it is time to reconsider that constitutional line.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Log In - The New York Times
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

Far right conservatives help you win Red States
Republicans are getting killed in swing states and 246 electoral votes in blue states

More conservative votes does not help you
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

Not true.


Karl Rove tried to prove that conservative turnout was up in 2012. He missed a key point.
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

You have any evidence that Romney failed to receive support from conservatives? Oh, of course you don't. Because it's a lie.

The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Republicans

Karl Rove tried to prove that conservative turnout was up in 2012. He missed a key point.

Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election
Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters?
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) are now in Hillary Clinton's column?
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to all of those Obscene Profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.


Poach more Rinos
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

You have any evidence that Romney failed to receive support from conservatives? Oh, of course you don't. Because it's a lie.

The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Republicans

Karl Rove tried to prove that conservative turnout was up in 2012. He missed a key point.

Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election

The RW propagandists like Limbaugh talk up that myth because they know their audience likes it.
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

You have any evidence that Romney failed to receive support from conservatives? Oh, of course you don't. Because it's a lie.

The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Republicans

Karl Rove tried to prove that conservative turnout was up in 2012. He missed a key point.

Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election
Millions of "real" conservatives did not vote in the last several presidential elections, because there was no one to vote for.
That's just a fact, name the last "real" conservative candidate that is/was not a career politician?? It's impossible to be a "real" conservative and a career politician at the same time.
The last too presidential candidates were nothing but career politicians, absolute Rinos.
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

You have any evidence that Romney failed to receive support from conservatives? Oh, of course you don't. Because it's a lie.

The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Republicans

Karl Rove tried to prove that conservative turnout was up in 2012. He missed a key point.

Conservatives Struggle To Explain How Mitt Romney Lost 2012 Presidential Election

The RW propagandists like Limbaugh talk up that myth because they know their audience likes it.

Stupid people will stupid. I blame medicare keeping too many people alive long after their minds have deteriorated to sawdust. Now I see why Democrats like that program so much.
Millions of "real" conservatives did not vote in the last several presidential elections, because there was no one to vote for.

Isn't it obvious how low our countrys voter turnout rate is for, decades now. Of course no one showed up to the polls. There's no one worth a damn vote for.
The myth is this country acting financially responsible for many, many decades.
I listen to Rush maybe a total of 15 minutes every few weeks if that. I do like Rush but what he says has little influence over me.

I hear Hannity more often because I do watch Fox News more frequently BUT I don't care much for Hannity. He is a hyperpartisan loudmouth imo. I watch Fox for O'Reilly, Brett Bair & Fox News Sunday

I never listen to the other talk radio personalities

I suspect this is a VOTE FOR FIORINA thread
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

Not true.


Karl Rove tried to prove that conservative turnout was up in 2012. He missed a key point.

Better read that whole article...especially the last two paragraphs...

If the populations of religious and conservative voters had grown at the same rate as the general population between 2008 and 2012, the number of votes Romney received would have been much higher. By our projections, Romney would have received 1.4 million more votes from evangelicals and/or 940,000 more from conservatives, if those additional voters voted for him with the same propensity. (The "and/or" is because there is overlap between the two populations, as we noted last week.)

That vote gain would still not have been enough for Romney to win the presidency, of course. And Rove does note that other groups turned out less heavily in 2012 than 2008, which is why overall turnout was down. (2008 was an historic election, after all.) But if you're trying to argue that there wasn't a dip among key Republican groups, the water is a bit murkier than Rove suggests.​
It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
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Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

Romney tried so hard to please the conservatives that he lost my vote. I supported him in 2008 against McCain, but in 2012 he became another right wing nutter, so I voted for Obama. Don't fool yourself.

It wasn't because YOU didn't vote for him. It was because Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This by going into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Romney's fate was sealed long before he won the nomination. Women were not going to vote for any Republican nominee. Women are the LARGEST voting block in this country today, at 54% another critical tidbit that Rush Limbaugh never told you either.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

"And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”

Read more: Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


This is how stupid the right wing of the Republican party is. In 2016, not learning anything from 2012, they put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals right back on the platform that could never win women. If you can't win women, you don't win the White House. They are: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Scott Walker who committed political suicide right on the stage during the 1st debate, declaring the he didn't give exception to abortion for the life of the mother. Rick Perry had to drop out immediately also for mentioning a sonogram requirement. All of the above are LOOSERS coming right out of the gate.

In 2016 another 17% of the population is now solidly in the Democrat column, Hispanics, because of the ignorance coming out of the right wing base of the Republican party.

All of the above you NEVER learned by keeping your asses glued to right wing talk radio, and FOX News. They know all these stats, but they have never given them to you. And there's only one reason for that. Ratings and $$$$
Not all women are feminist dykes. I hate to be the one to tell you.

Do you think the women that the right wing base chased off which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama, are going to dump the 1st woman Presidential nominee, and come running back to Republicans so they can be told what type of contraceptives to use, and that their own lives aren't worth saving by the knuckle dragging neanderthals in this race?--LOL
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Do you think that 17% of the population that you just chased off (Hispanics) are going to come running back to a Marco Rubio who has flip flopped all over immigration, or a Ted Cruz nominee who has now jumped into Trumps corner on deportation?

I don't think so. Your "raining men" platform has already collapsed. Hillary Clinton is going to be the next POTUS. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing programs are responsible for it.

You are her biggest supporters.

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Millions of "real" conservatives did not vote in the last several presidential elections, because there was no one to vote for.

Isn't it obvious how low our countrys voter turnout rate is for, decades now. Of course no one showed up to the polls. There's no one worth a damn vote for.
The myth is this country acting financially responsible for many, many decades. evidence then. :thup:
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.
I doubt kkkonswervatives abandoned Romney to allow Obama a win.

you must be talking about robert KKK byrd a LIB.

Byrd was a Democrat but he wasn't a lib, he was a KKKonservative just like most republicans are today.
Guess again.
How Liberal Interest Groups Rate the Senators 2007
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing. The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die. The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

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