Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the others--Friend or Foe?

boreo said:
* * * *
wow. You truly are a pantload.

No matter how hard you try, neither you nor any of the other dolts out there can change the facts.

The FACT is that a person born of a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth is a U.S. citizen.

Cruz is a natural born U.S. citizen and there is actually not even a single solitary valid question about that fact.

All the rest is just mindless irrelevant gasbag pontification from dolts like you, boreo.

I kind of doubt you stated that with Barack Obama--lol I doubt Rush Limbaugh even told you that one.* * * *

Nobody really cares what YOU allegedly think or doubt, boreo.

And you are wrong. While, for a period, I did feel Obumbler SHOULD have just fuckin' released his actual birth certificate [AND that he SHOULD release his own college applications, requests for financial aid and transcripts] there came a point where I was content that the incumbent was actually born in Hawaii.

Now, look. I realize that you are massively brain-damaged, but still -- HAD Obumbler been born of an alien dad and IN Kenya, then it maybe would be a valid question. Maybe. Maybe not.

Likewise, had Cruz's mom been a Canuck when he was born, then this left-wing (and Trump) bullshit "birfer" issue might have its first glimmer of credibility.

But as things stand, Sen. Cruz's mom was an American citizen when he was born, so he was a citizen at birth. That's it. End of story.

So you're winning strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton, is for Ted Cruz to run on the eligibility of Obama's birth certificate while defending his own birth rights--LOL

See this is the mentality of the right wing of the party--aka Tea Party member. Ted Cruz was promoted to you by Rush Limbaugh who certainly would have known that the overwhelming majority of this country, wouldn't have ever signed off on a far right Cuban that was born in Canada. Independents (the largest party today and a must win for Republicans would have never voted for him, and he would get creamed by women.) You are filled with 3 or more hours daily of right wing hyperbole, and because Limbaugh says it's so--you run with it. And you are also going to get creamed with it. You are being lead like little lambs to a slaughter on election eve.

DONALD TRUMP--his rally's look like an angry ALL White Mob--coming out of the 1960's during the civil rights movement down in the South. They have the same mentality--(angry, ignorant, and white). Add to this mix all the Evangelicals in the right wing that want to bring Church into politics, and it's going to be a total wipe-out of Republicans on election eve.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

The nation is not going to vote for that. Republicans will not only lose the White House, but the Senate also.

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boreo said:
* * * *

So you're winning strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton, is for Ted Cruz to run on the eligibility of Obama's birth certificate while defending his own birth rights--LOL

Not even remotely akin to anything I ever said.

When you find it necessary to outright lie, as you just did there, you dip shit fly fucker, then you have tacitly agreed that you are a pin prick scumbag and worthless at debate -- with nothing worth saying. And I agree. You are a dickless & worthless liar and a complete assclown shit for brain motherfucker.
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boreo said:
* * * *

So you're winning strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton, is for Ted Cruz to run on the eligibility of Obama's birth certificate while defending his own birth rights--LOL

Not even remotely akin to anything I ever said.

When you find it necessary to outright lie, as you just did there, you dip shit fly fucker, then you have tacitly agreed that you are a pin prick scumbag and worthless at debate -- with nothing worth saying. And I agree. You are a dickless & worthless liar and a complete assclown shit for brain motherfucker.

Did you finally figure out that Rush Limbaugh has screwed you over--LOL

Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters?
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) are now in Hillary Clinton's column?
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to all of those Obscene Profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.


Agree with them or not, love them or hate them, anyone who gets people talking about the issues are good for the country. Way too many people running around half brain dead and not paying any attention.
Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters?
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) are now in Hillary Clinton's column?
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to all of those Obscene Profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.


Agree with them or not, love them or hate them, anyone who gets people talking about the issues are good for the country. Way too many people running around half brain dead and not paying any attention.

No they're no good for the country if they don't tell the whole story. They just rant and rave, and we have 3 hours or more of talk radio daily, where listeners are so dam infatuated with this "Talent on Loan from God"--they select candidates like Ted Cruz whom is fully supported by Rush Limbaugh, that in NO possible way he could ever win the White House. They end up making donations throwing their full support to whatever candidate a right wing talk show host supports.

Now we have the war of the right wing talk shows. Rush Limbaugh is totally in Ted Cruz's corner, and Michael Savage in all in for Donald Trump.

The point is any candidate that they support CAN'T win the White House. They know full well that the Republican party is the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million and Independents are the must win block--as they are the largest party today making up for 40% of the electorate. They also know why Republicans lost in 2012. Certainly they know that Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which secured a 2nd term for Obama. Did they tell their listeners that? Oh hell no. They told them Romney wasn't conservative enough and that's why he lost--LOL Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee, because the Evangelicalca
Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters?
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) are now in Hillary Clinton's column?
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to all of those Obscene Profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.


Agree with them or not, love them or hate them, anyone who gets people talking about the issues are good for the country. Way too many people running around half brain dead and not paying any attention.

Nope--they're absolutely worthless. The only thing that is comical right now--is the right wing talk radio wars going on. Limbaugh all in the tank for Cruz, Savage in the tank for Trump

Neither has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
As crazy as Rush can be, it's unfair to put him in a bubble with the raving lunatic Michael Weiner.
Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion
I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?
My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?
All mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, you're forced into paying for something that might happen from a private company.
Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters?
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) are now in Hillary Clinton's column?
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to all of those Obscene Profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.


Agree with them or not, love them or hate them, anyone who gets people talking about the issues are good for the country. Way too many people running around half brain dead and not paying any attention.

No they're no good for the country if they don't tell the whole story. They just rant and rave, and we have 3 hours or more of talk radio daily, where listeners are so dam infatuated with this "Talent on Loan from God"--they select candidates like Ted Cruz whom is fully supported by Rush Limbaugh, that in NO possible way he could ever win the White House. They end up making donations throwing their full support to whatever candidate a right wing talk show host supports.

Now we have the war of the right wing talk shows. Rush Limbaugh is totally in Ted Cruz's corner, and Michael Savage in all in for Donald Trump.

The point is any candidate that they support CAN'T win the White House. They know full well that the Republican party is the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million and Independents are the must win block--as they are the largest party today making up for 40% of the electorate. They also know why Republicans lost in 2012. Certainly they know that Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which secured a 2nd term for Obama. Did they tell their listeners that? Oh hell no. They told them Romney wasn't conservative enough and that's why he lost--LOL Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee, because the Evangelicalca
Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters?
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) are now in Hillary Clinton's column?
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.

Because the very worst thing that could happen to all of those Obscene Profit breaks is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.


Agree with them or not, love them or hate them, anyone who gets people talking about the issues are good for the country. Way too many people running around half brain dead and not paying any attention.

Nope--they're absolutely worthless. The only thing that is comical right now--is the right wing talk radio wars going on. Limbaugh all in the tank for Cruz, Savage in the tank for Trump

Neither has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House.


Well, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it.
My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?

There is nobody, not one single person, that is required to purchase auto insurance. They choose to do so.
There is nobody, not one single person, that is required to purchase auto insurance. They choose to do so.
Not quite!
Anyone who lives in a state with inadequate mass transportation needs a car to work and therefore requires auto insurance to hold a job. Here in NJ employers specifically ask about your work transportation on your job application.
The OP can put the most words into the tiniest idea of any person I've ever seen.
I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?

There is nobody, not one single person, that is required to purchase auto insurance. They choose to do so.

Then there is not one single person required to purchase health insurance either. Of course if you choose not to, there are fines and penalties in both cases. Of course if you choose to go without a car, then you do not need auto insurance.
I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?
All mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, you're forced into paying for something that might happen from a private company.

Well here is the deal. If you don't purchase auto insurance, then you don't drive. If you do, and you injure or kill someone, they should put a bullet in your head. If you choose not to purchase health insurance and then you get sick, if you can't pay, then they don't treat you. What you clowns want is to not have to purchase any type of insurance, and then expect that you can have someone else pay for your healthcare when you get sick, or everyone else needs to pay higher auto insurance rates because you and others like you want to drive without insurance. You guys crack me up.
Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice

What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?
All mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, you're forced into paying for something that might happen from a private company.

Well here is the deal. If you don't purchase auto insurance, then you don't drive. If you do, and you injure or kill someone, they should put a bullet in your head. If you choose not to purchase health insurance and then you get sick, if you can't pay, then they don't treat you. What you clowns want is to not have to purchase any type of insurance, and then expect that you can have someone else pay for your healthcare when you get sick, or everyone else needs to pay higher auto insurance rates because you and others like you want to drive without insurance. You guys crack me up.

These right wing talk show hosts are in this for ratings and profits. They deliberately feed their audiences with right wing hyperbole while leaving out a lot of critical information.

The VERY worst thing that could happen to them, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election and they have nothing to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years. You might want to remember that. They support and promote candidates that cannot win National Elections for that reason.

A like little lambs you are being lead to a slaughter on Election night.

The best way to hit them is in the wallet, TURN THEM OFF, and that includes the Trump cheer leading squad at FOX news.

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What they should have done is just dropped the mandate that you must purchase insurance. Along with that, they should have dropped EMTLA. This way, if you get sick or into an accident and have no way of paying, hospitals and/or doctors are not forced to treat you. If you are diagnosed with cancer and have no insurance, then they send you home to die. This way they could do away with all the fines on those who choose not to purchase insurance. It would work great. All the stupid people who decided they didn't need insurance would no longer be a strain on the system.
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?
All mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, you're forced into paying for something that might happen from a private company.

Well here is the deal. If you don't purchase auto insurance, then you don't drive. If you do, and you injure or kill someone, they should put a bullet in your head. If you choose not to purchase health insurance and then you get sick, if you can't pay, then they don't treat you. What you clowns want is to not have to purchase any type of insurance, and then expect that you can have someone else pay for your healthcare when you get sick, or everyone else needs to pay higher auto insurance rates because you and others like you want to drive without insurance. You guys crack me up.

These right wing talk show hosts are in this for ratings and profits. They deliberately feed their audiences with right wing hyperbole while leaving out a lot of critical information.

The VERY worst thing that could happen to them, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election and they have nothing to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years. You might want to remember that. They support and promote candidates that cannot win National Elections for that reason.

A like little lambs you are being lead to a slaughter on Election night.

The best way to hit them is in the wallet, TURN THEM OFF, and that includes the Trump cheer leading squad at FOX news.

Yeah and the the talking heads on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS do exactly the same thing, but with a liberal bias. I don't suppose you agree...Yes? No?
Obamacare = legalized extortion

You shouldn't be required to purchase auto insurance either. I mean why should they force you to buy that?
All mandatory insurance is legalized extortion, you're forced into paying for something that might happen from a private company.

Well here is the deal. If you don't purchase auto insurance, then you don't drive. If you do, and you injure or kill someone, they should put a bullet in your head. If you choose not to purchase health insurance and then you get sick, if you can't pay, then they don't treat you. What you clowns want is to not have to purchase any type of insurance, and then expect that you can have someone else pay for your healthcare when you get sick, or everyone else needs to pay higher auto insurance rates because you and others like you want to drive without insurance. You guys crack me up.

These right wing talk show hosts are in this for ratings and profits. They deliberately feed their audiences with right wing hyperbole while leaving out a lot of critical information.

The VERY worst thing that could happen to them, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election and they have nothing to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years. You might want to remember that. They support and promote candidates that cannot win National Elections for that reason.

A like little lambs you are being lead to a slaughter on Election night.

The best way to hit them is in the wallet, TURN THEM OFF, and that includes the Trump cheer leading squad at FOX news.

Yeah and the the talking heads on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS do exactly the same thing, but with a liberal bias. I don't suppose you agree...Yes? No?

Yep they all spin it one way or another. I have switched from FOX news to CNN coverage. Their opinions are not near as biased, and they typically tell the whole issue, not just one side of it, and their election coverage is about a thousands times better than FOX.

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