Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the others--Friend or Foe?

Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

I think whoever the eventual nominee is for the GOP should follow your barefoot, straw floored and slack jawed strategy. Because if there is one group that will win the next election it's whites without cable.
Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

I will always be a fiscal conservative, what I don't like is political ignorance. And I will out it--at every single opportunity regardless which party it is coming from. We have computers at our fingertips, computers with any bit of information available to you within seconds. a (non-partisan source) can tell you how candidates have voted in the past and what platforms they stand on.

You don't need help from right or left wing biased talk radio or entertainment news stations to guide you.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...

LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.

I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout

I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.
CBS news anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes unearthed forged documents in an alleged effort to influence a presidential election. It stands (or should stand) as the high water mark in sleazy left wing political dishonest "journalism". So far nobody on the left seems concerned about the possibility that CBS and the alphabet alleged news sources like NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS CNN and Al Jazeera might be biased as far as legitimate news reporting. Meanwhile the left freely quoted and suborned fake news analysis like the cable comedy channel's Jon Stewart. How in the world they can manage to promote a poll about radio voices? The left is becoming unhinged.
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...

LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.

I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout

I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.
CBS news anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes unearthed forged documents in an alleged effort to influence a presidential election. It stands (or should stand) as the high water mark in sleazy left wing political dishonest "journalism". So far nobody on the left seems concerned about the possibility that CBS and the alphabet alleged news sources like NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS CNN and Al Jazeera might be biased as far as legitimate news reporting. Meanwhile the left freely quoted and suborned fake news analysis like the cable comedy channel's Jon Stewart. How in the world they can manage to promote a poll about radio voices? The left is becoming unhinged.

What did CBS do to Rather and Mapes?
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...

LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.

I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout

I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.
LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.

I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout

I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.
I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout

I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.
I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.

Totally agree--there's lot of 60 years old out there that can't afford $500.00 a month. But as long as they don't get a handle on the explosive costs in actual care of patients there is no way to stop these yearly increases. For instance--my spouse had to get an MRI for back problems. So the hospital was going to charge $1500.00 for it, but he found another location that that's all they do for $200.00 which was a huge cost savings. i think this was what Paul Ryan was talking about in the below video. If we can centralize health care to cover certain needs instead of just all the time hospitals we will make a huge headway with the skyrocketing costs, which will help greatly with the premiums. This is his plan to save Medicare, but it would work for all health care too.

Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.
I doubt kkkonswervatives abandoned Romney to allow Obama a win.
You just proved yourself uninformed with that post.
Did you mean "uniformed?" That must have been what you meant to say because my response is uniform with those in the know.
Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.
I doubt kkkonswervatives abandoned Romney to allow Obama a win.
You just proved yourself uninformed with that post.
How so? Mitt Romney got the white vote. White people voted overwhelmingly for Romney in every state except 4.. Romney got 59% of the White vote vs Obama's 39%

KKKonservatives didn't stay at home, they voted. But it just wasn't enough to offset the diverse coalition of Democrats.
Oreo, when are you going to figure out that it is you and your type that is the problem with the Republican Party?

This hateful, spiteful destructive posting that you do every four years...and the more you don't get your way, the more hateful your posts get.

Do you think you convince anyone using these methods?

Do you see anyone coming to your defense in these theads?

This is all I see...



Hillary will do better in most of those states. That is what you'll see in November.
Do you think the losers know republicans won the house, senate and gained more governor seats during obamas fraudulent presidency than any president in the history of this county?

What am I talking about? They still think man made global warming is a fact.

I had friends who barbecued on Christmas. Yeah, that's normal.
To the OP....

HOw do you suggest Republicans win over women and Hispanics? By totally giving in on illegal immigration and abortion rights?

Then what differentiates the two parties? "Dooooy, Tax cuts for Rich People!!!!"
To the OP....

HOw do you suggest Republicans win over women and Hispanics? By totally giving in on illegal immigration and abortion rights?

Then what differentiates the two parties? "Dooooy, Tax cuts for Rich People!!!!"

One way to win them over is by agreeing with some Hispanic and Women's rights leaders when they say "_____________ rights are human rights." In other words, don't differentiate the groups, say that whatever your policy is will help ____________ group.

Of course, you can't say that straight faced while you're deporting 11,000,000 people. The GOP likes to immediately (and correctly) point out that those 11,000,000 people it wants to round up and deport are illegal aliens. Here's the thing. In the Hispanic culture, families are very strong social units where you're aware of the names of all 10 of your nieces and nephews; your cousin's names and yes even those who came across the border illegally.

You also cannot say that straight faced while erecting barrier after barrier to abortion rights. The GOP likes to immediately (and with unimaginable cruelty) suggest that "women don't vote with their vaginas." Probably because there are so few women in the upper echelons of the GOP, they don't realize that the abortion issue (with assistance from the VAWA and LLFPA which was resisted tooth and nail by the GOP) transcends practice and even religion because most (if not all) women had a period in their pregnancies or their lives in general where they were not sure if they could/would be adequate mothers and would be up to the task of giving birth and raising their child to be a woman or a man whom anyone would respect.

In both cases, the GOP could at least attempt to come off less extreme and less nutty. But then again, they wouldn't be the GOP if they did that.
I listen to Rush maybe a total of 15 minutes every few weeks if that. I do like Rush but what he says has little influence over me.

I hear Hannity more often because I do watch Fox News more frequently BUT I don't care much for Hannity. He is a hyperpartisan loudmouth imo. I watch Fox for O'Reilly, Brett Bair & Fox News Sunday

I never listen to the other talk radio personalities
I suspect this is a VOTE FOR FIORINA thread
I listen to Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin when I can. Hannity's popularity is an abject mystery to me.

It's not difficult at all to draw a straight line (and I mean a STRAIGHT line) from their comments to stuff I see here and what I hear when I talk to people. These guys are clearly the driving force behind all the absolutism that has infected the party, and they've given birth to countless imitators online.

These guys have a direct professional and financial interest in keeping people angry and binary. Either/or, all or nothing. Well then, that's what they have created. They're a BIG part of the problem.
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Oreo, when are you going to figure out that it is you and your type that is the problem with the Republican Party?

This hateful, spiteful destructive posting that you do every four years...and the more you don't get your way, the more hateful your posts get.

Do you think you convince anyone using these methods?

Do you see anyone coming to your defense in these theads?

This is all I see...



Hillary will do better in most of those states. That is what you'll see in November.
If Cankles does well in any state, it will ONLY prove how stupid Americans are.
Its like everything else folks. Eventually what is popular shows up in some form in almost every walk of life with people trying to outdo one another. If it were not for Donohue, there would have been no Oprah (just imagine how much better things would be) and therefore no Jerry Springer. If it were not for Run DMC (and others), there would have been no Tupac or Eminem. The almost criminal stupidity, meanness and hatred of talk radio have manifested themselves in the form of Donald Trump. Basically all you have to do is close your eyes while he is talking and you hear the same nutty phrases and poor impersonations.
I listen to Rush maybe a total of 15 minutes every few weeks if that. I do like Rush but what he says has little influence over me.

I hear Hannity more often because I do watch Fox News more frequently BUT I don't care much for Hannity. He is a hyperpartisan loudmouth imo. I watch Fox for O'Reilly, Brett Bair & Fox News Sunday

I never listen to the other talk radio personalities

I suspect this is a VOTE FOR FIORINA thread

I only listen to Carl Levine after the GOP takes it right up the wazoo in something. It's like a ghoulish practice waiting for him to blow a vessel or something.

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