Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the others--Friend or Foe?

According to Hillary Republicans are the number one enemy. How do you think conservative talking heads are going to respond to that?

Before you blame talking heads for vitriol look within first.
According to Hillary Republicans are the number one enemy. How do you think conservative talking heads are going to respond to that?

Before you blame talking heads for vitriol look within first.

The number one agenda of the Tea Party is to help Hillary Clinton win, while blasting Republicans. The Tea party is lead by RUSH LIMBAUGH and other right wing talk radio hosts. They continually leave out critical information--by refusing to tell their listeners. It's not that they don't know this information, it's because the very worst thing that could happen to them is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.

As an example. Rush Limbaugh after being a radio talk show host for over 25 years, and knowing that he has a lot of women listeners, and also knowing that Republicans were being accused of a "war on women" campaign decides to go off on a 30 minute tirade over the cost of birth control pills. He then ended up calling a college student a slut. This of course elevated her to national media attention, and she was in advertisements, and ended up giving a speech during the Democrat National Convention. After 25 years of being in broadcasting, this by no means was an accident.

Another example: I find it quite funny that Donald Trump knows how important it is to win the Hispanic vote, but his supporters don't. Another critical tidbit of information that right wing talk radio never told you about.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.

We will see candy corn. You libs like to post that the south gets more help but the truth is that every single state in the union pays the Federal Government more than what it gets back. The is not a single state that gets more than what it paid in. It terms of dollars back from the Federal government, California gets back more than Texas and New York combined. You libs bitch about the south but what you fail mention is that these federal dollars are going to support the poor in these states yet you complain when a poor person in a poor state gets help and tout your success when a poor person in a wealthy state gets help. Why do all the states have close to the same percentage of welfare if some states have so much money. Could it be that government policy is driving the increase in poverty and welfare is just appeasement?

You like to make fun of people who do not like Hillary. Do you think that more of the same is what America needs? Do you think that wealthy people should be able to buy influence? This is what our current government is all about and Hillary is one of the top participants in this system.

You can laugh and tout whatever you like but you will be shocked at the results of the election. People are throwing off the shackles of big government in this next election. Real reform is coming soon, no more of this fake hope and change shit that was just more of the same.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.

We will see candy corn. You libs like to post that the south gets more help but the truth is that every single state in the union pays the Federal Government more than what it gets back. The is not a single state that gets more than what it paid in. It terms of dollars back from the Federal government, California gets back more than Texas and New York combined. You libs bitch about the south but what you fail mention is that these federal dollars are going to support the poor in these states yet you complain when a poor person in a poor state gets help and tout your success when a poor person in a wealthy state gets help. Why do all the states have close to the same percentage of welfare if some states have so much money. Could it be that government policy is driving the increase in poverty and welfare is just appeasement?
Government policy is driving welfare now...I have to admit that is a novel approach to explaining why the impoverished south is an area of such blight...."its the education stupid". I wasn't going to go there but I'm glad you did.

You like to make fun of people who do not like Hillary.
Take her to task on her many lies and fanciful stretches of the truth (to put it as kind as possible).
Take her to task on the changes in dialect.
Take her to task on her many seemingly incomprehensible crises of confidence that cause her to do stuff that is stupid.

But the personal attacks are stupid, the droning on and on about e-mails is retarded, the whole Benghazi thing is dumb. Saying she has no accomplishments is a lie. Saying she is not qualified is nuts.

I make fun of those who do the latter as opposed to the former.

Do you think that more of the same is what America needs?
A president that is center-left and will appoint center-left jurists to keep Roe in tact, hopefully strengthen privacy standards and hopefully limit the 2nd Amendment to what it was designed for? Yes.

Do you think that wealthy people should be able to buy influence? This is what our current government is all about and Hillary is one of the top participants in this system.
Well, she is not in government and she is running against a billionaire who is proud of the purchases he's made of politicians. If what you say is true, isn't there plenty of hypocrisy to go around?

You can laugh and tout whatever you like but you will be shocked at the results of the election. People are throwing off the shackles of big government in this next election. Real reform is coming soon, no more of this fake hope and change shit that was just more of the same.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

When you wake up on a Wednesday this coming November, you'll find over 90% of the House remained the same and probably over 80% of the Senate is the same with 1/2 of the 33 seats up for grabs going back to the incumbents. Keep in mind that this is the Congress responsible for a lot of the deficit--Obama can not spend a penny without Congress giving it to him. If the people are really ready for a reform, feel free to explain it.
I'm a Conservative and do not listen to any of them. They get paid for what every other person on the planet has - an opinion. Why waste your time asking anyone else for their opinion when you can educate yourself and form your own intelligent opinion?
Yeah...the GOP should listen to you and nominate a clone of W, McCant, or Mitty...since they were so clearly wonderful.
If the Democrat in 2016 gets about 400 electorial votes, then that will have been such a clear repudiation of the direction in which the GOP has gone in the last 8 years that there will be major changes within the GOP or it will go the way of the Whigs.

This could be the last election for the GOP as we know it. If Cruz gets the nomination, there will be no more excuses about the nominee not being conservative enough. With all of the new restrictions put in place, there can no longer be any serious claim to voter fraud. With a well known political opponent in HRC, there cannot be a claim as to having run into a buzz saw that came out of nowhere. The only reasonable conclusion would be that the message was rejected (and that leaves the GOP with calling the voters stupid which is a cop-out anyway). If the message is rejected, that means the party is rejected.
Yeah...the GOP should listen to you and nominate a clone of W, McCant, or Mitty...since they were so clearly wonderful.
If the Democrat in 2016 gets about 400 electorial votes, then that will have been such a clear repudiation of the direction in which the GOP has gone in the last 8 years that there will be major changes within the GOP or it will go the way of the Whigs.

This could be the last election for the GOP as we know it. If Cruz gets the nomination, there will be no more excuses about the nominee not being conservative enough. With all of the new restrictions put in place, there can no longer be any serious claim to voter fraud. With a well known political opponent in HRC, there cannot be a claim as to having run into a buzz saw that came out of nowhere. The only reasonable conclusion would be that the message was rejected (and that leaves the GOP with calling the voters stupid which is a cop-out anyway). If the message is rejected, that means the party is rejected.
Assuming you are right, which is not likely, the end of the of GOP would be wonderful consequence of this election.

Of course, you want the GOP to be more like the D party, when it is clear to thinking people, it already is.

I tried to keep it short and sweet so you might comprehend Candycorny...did I succeed?

You've gone a whole post without calling someone a name (pretty much). The only insult was to common sense. There is a reason why the GOP has lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes when the people were polled. It isn't because the message from the Democrats isn't popular. That is the first lesson. The second lesson is that to be the polar opposite of the more popular position, in politics where it is winner take all, is a sure way to make your party irrelevant in a hurry.

I'll explain it to you but I'm sure it will be too long for you to stretch your attention span into covering....

The Congress isn't MIA because it wants to be; it is because they can do nothing since a victory to them is only attainable through total capitulation of the opposition and that isn't going to happen with this President and 46 Democrats in the Senate. So you have a marginalized House and a do-nothing Majority in the Senate.

How'd you like last week's budget deal that funded PP? :rofl:

To insist that you have to be the opposite is flat out silly when the opposite of some (not all) liberal positions is a losing proposition. Take PP funding for example. PP isn't funded; I believe it is Title X is funded and PP gets a chunk of that money through a bidding process. It provides low-cost (or no costs) contraception through a partnership with drug makers and public health entities. This gives women pap smears to detect uterine cancers, pregnancy screenings, and contraceptives to prevent them.

Prevention costs about pennies per day through this partnership.

Cutting the funding for these contraceptives will result in unwanted pregnancies and serious spending on welfare down the road. If you think it's bad now, wait until there are 5-10 million more births per year or so. I guess the GOP solution to that would be forced sterilization and other proactive measures....

Anyway, I know that was a lot for you to take in but if some of it got through, you're a much better person thanks to me.

The Rs have taken control of the House and Senate along with control of governorships and state houses, just since your beloved Obungles took over. But in your mind, the Rs are in big trouble because of the short time frame you analyze on POTUS elections. WTF!

I sure hope the R party dies, but unlike you, I do not want the R party mimicking the D party as it does today...but you can't see that.

They will lose the Senate in 11 months. And won't see the White House until 2021 at the earliest. But you stick to your definition of success....I'm sure it's fun at parties.
Oreo, when are you going to figure out that it is you and your type that is the problem with the Republican Party?

This hateful, spiteful destructive posting that you do every four years...and the more you don't get your way, the more hateful your posts get.

Do you think you convince anyone using these methods?

Do you see anyone coming to your defense in these theads?

This is all I see...



Hillary will do better in most of those states. That is what you'll see in November.
I hate to tell you this but the only women who like Hillary are lesbians. She WILL get the Janet Reno lookalikes though.

A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.

We will see candy corn. You libs like to post that the south gets more help but the truth is that every single state in the union pays the Federal Government more than what it gets back. The is not a single state that gets more than what it paid in. It terms of dollars back from the Federal government, California gets back more than Texas and New York combined. You libs bitch about the south but what you fail mention is that these federal dollars are going to support the poor in these states yet you complain when a poor person in a poor state gets help and tout your success when a poor person in a wealthy state gets help. Why do all the states have close to the same percentage of welfare if some states have so much money. Could it be that government policy is driving the increase in poverty and welfare is just appeasement?
Government policy is driving welfare now...I have to admit that is a novel approach to explaining why the impoverished south is an area of such blight...."its the education stupid". I wasn't going to go there but I'm glad you did.

You like to make fun of people who do not like Hillary.
Take her to task on her many lies and fanciful stretches of the truth (to put it as kind as possible).
Take her to task on the changes in dialect.
Take her to task on her many seemingly incomprehensible crises of confidence that cause her to do stuff that is stupid.

But the personal attacks are stupid, the droning on and on about e-mails is retarded, the whole Benghazi thing is dumb. Saying she has no accomplishments is a lie. Saying she is not qualified is nuts.

I make fun of those who do the latter as opposed to the former.

Do you think that more of the same is what America needs?
A president that is center-left and will appoint center-left jurists to keep Roe in tact, hopefully strengthen privacy standards and hopefully limit the 2nd Amendment to what it was designed for? Yes.

Do you think that wealthy people should be able to buy influence? This is what our current government is all about and Hillary is one of the top participants in this system.
Well, she is not in government and she is running against a billionaire who is proud of the purchases he's made of politicians. If what you say is true, isn't there plenty of hypocrisy to go around?

You can laugh and tout whatever you like but you will be shocked at the results of the election. People are throwing off the shackles of big government in this next election. Real reform is coming soon, no more of this fake hope and change shit that was just more of the same.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

When you wake up on a Wednesday this coming November, you'll find over 90% of the House remained the same and probably over 80% of the Senate is the same with 1/2 of the 33 seats up for grabs going back to the incumbents. Keep in mind that this is the Congress responsible for a lot of the deficit--Obama can not spend a penny without Congress giving it to him. If the people are really ready for a reform, feel free to explain it.

You can remain asleep and utilize your past performance for elections as your comfort but like they say in investing past performance is no indication of expected returns. The government has been corrupted by two companies (democrats and republicans) who sell politics for profit. Your candidate would continue this system as she has been a life-long beneficiary as a seller of political favors. Trump is a wild card as he has been a purchaser of these favors and while you may see that as hypocritical, many see him as upset with the system in its current form. These two parties have run the political game as a Bernoulli coin toss. This has been going on for far too long and has pushed the greatest number of voters into the independent category as has happened in the modern era. If you believe that these voters, who are disgusted, will show up and vote for an establishment candidate, then I believe you are delusional. You think that abortion is the main issue by it is a sub-issue and Trump is not anti-abortion as he is only against using federal dollars to fund it.

No other candidate will bring out the independents like Trump. Mark my words, the game is changing and that old dog Hillary is already done. If he accomplishes just one thing, shining a light on political corruption so that politicians are afraid to be caught during his coming Presidency, then he will have done more for the people of this country since Reagan, maybe even Roosevelt.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oreo, when are you going to figure out that it is you and your type that is the problem with the Republican Party?

This hateful, spiteful destructive posting that you do every four years...and the more you don't get your way, the more hateful your posts get.

Do you think you convince anyone using these methods?

Do you see anyone coming to your defense in these theads?

This is all I see...



Hillary will do better in most of those states. That is what you'll see in November.
I hate to tell you this but the only women who like Hillary are lesbians. She WILL get the Janet Reno lookalikes though.

Oh! Is that Janet Inferno?

At first, I thought is was Candycorny.
Oreo, when are you going to figure out that it is you and your type that is the problem with the Republican Party?

This hateful, spiteful destructive posting that you do every four years...and the more you don't get your way, the more hateful your posts get.

Do you think you convince anyone using these methods?

Do you see anyone coming to your defense in these theads?

This is all I see...



Hillary will do better in most of those states. That is what you'll see in November.
I hate to tell you this but the only women who like Hillary are lesbians. She WILL get the Janet Reno lookalikes though.


With your analogy there, I guess we must assume then that all men that listen to Rush Limbaugh have penis envy issues, along with not having a brain of their own.

According to Hillary Republicans are the number one enemy. How do you think conservative talking heads are going to respond to that?

Before you blame talking heads for vitriol look within first.

The number one agenda of the Tea Party is to help Hillary Clinton win, while blasting Republicans. The Tea party is lead by RUSH LIMBAUGH and other right wing talk radio hosts. They continually leave out critical information--by refusing to tell their listeners. It's not that they don't know this information, it's because the very worst thing that could happen to them is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.

As an example. Rush Limbaugh after being a radio talk show host for over 25 years, and knowing that he has a lot of women listeners, and also knowing that Republicans were being accused of a "war on women" campaign decides to go off on a 30 minute tirade over the cost of birth control pills. He then ended up calling a college student a slut. This of course elevated her to national media attention, and she was in advertisements, and ended up giving a speech during the Democrat National Convention. After 25 years of being in broadcasting, this by no means was an accident.

Another example: I find it quite funny that Donald Trump knows how important it is to win the Hispanic vote, but his supporters don't. Another critical tidbit of information that right wing talk radio never told you about.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Dumbest post I've read in some time
According to Hillary Republicans are the number one enemy. How do you think conservative talking heads are going to respond to that?

Before you blame talking heads for vitriol look within first.

The number one agenda of the Tea Party is to help Hillary Clinton win, while blasting Republicans. The Tea party is lead by RUSH LIMBAUGH and other right wing talk radio hosts. They continually leave out critical information--by refusing to tell their listeners. It's not that they don't know this information, it's because the very worst thing that could happen to them is that Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.

As an example. Rush Limbaugh after being a radio talk show host for over 25 years, and knowing that he has a lot of women listeners, and also knowing that Republicans were being accused of a "war on women" campaign decides to go off on a 30 minute tirade over the cost of birth control pills. He then ended up calling a college student a slut. This of course elevated her to national media attention, and she was in advertisements, and ended up giving a speech during the Democrat National Convention. After 25 years of being in broadcasting, this by no means was an accident.

Another example: I find it quite funny that Donald Trump knows how important it is to win the Hispanic vote, but his supporters don't. Another critical tidbit of information that right wing talk radio never told you about.
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Dumbest post I've read in some time

Yes it's very difficult to face REALITY of what right wing talk radio is up too. All those hours upon hours that you listened to it daily. Only to find out, that their ratings and profits are much more important than putting a Republican in the oval office.

Ted Cruz has received a lot of support & promotion from Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party. What Limbaugh didn't tell you is that Cruz has this Michael Dukakis video moment out there that Democrats would use to destroy him within hours.

If you remember Bush 1 used this video on Michael Dukakis--(the tank and the helmet video.)
Tank Ride Video - Presidential Elections -

Here is what Democrats will use on Ted Cruz--and it will destroy him.

Since Limbaugh or none of the other right wing programs didn't tell their listeners about the women problem the GOP has from 2012, they certainly didn't tell you that women would never vote for Ted Cruz.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Last edited:
Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.
We need to watch them labeling people like this folks. these people have a RIGHT to freedom of speech. they start putting LABELS like this on people. well just think it.
think book burnings back in it's day
Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.

Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring
Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.
Sure, that's why Reagan sent Rush a letter in 1992 thanking him for all he has done to promoter conservative principals, calling him "the voice of conservatism in our country". Maybe YOU are the one who doesn't remember him so well.
The mistake was elevating Rush, Hannity, and Savage to some sort of right-wing prophets in the first place.

They're neither "friend" nor "foe" - they're entertainers out to make a buck.
Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.
Sure, that's why Reagan sent Rush a letter in 1992 thanking him for all he has done to promoter conservative principals, calling him "the voice of conservatism in our country". Maybe YOU are the one who doesn't remember him so well.

I wonder if he was even born back then. he knows nothing about what the people felt for President Reagan. only his warped lefty views that were fed to him
Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring

First of all I am not a liberal, I am a conservative. I have to laugh when a Tea Party member or a right wing radio talk show host brings up Ronald Reagan in praise. Like I said you would have attacked him and labeled him as a Rino/Establishment candidate, lead by your right wing radio talk show hosts. You would have never supported him because he was a Uniter--you would have never gotten him to go along with mass deportation of illegals, and you would have never gotten him to bring up or much less campaign on abortion. You would have never gotten him to lead the charge against other Republicans in the house or Senate, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have done. You don't have a candidate like Ronald Reagan.

The one that most reminded me of Ronald Reagan was Carly Fiorina in the below video, and you have already kicked her to the curb. Many of you have referred to her as an Establishment candidate, even though she has never worked a day of her life in the Government job. So there's no way in hell you would have supported Ronald Reagan, if he were alive and running today.

Here is Ronald Reagan, only the female version--and you kicked her to the curb for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson without ever taking a second look.

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