Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the others--Friend or Foe?

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring

First of all I am not a liberal, I am a conservative. I have to laugh when a Tea Party member or a ring wing radio talk show host brings up Ronald Reagan in praise. Like I said you would have attacked him and labeled him as a Rino/Establishment candidate, lead by your right wing radio talk show hosts. You would have never supported him because he was a Uniter--you would have never gotten him to go along with mass deportation of illegals, and you would have never gotten him to bring up or campaign on abortion. You would have never gotten him to lead the charge against other Republicans in the house or Senate, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have done. You don't have a candidate like Ronald Reagan.

The one that most reminded me of Ronald Reagan was Carly Fiorina in the below video, and you have already kicked her to the curb, and many of you have referred to her as an Establishment candidate. So there's no way in hell you would have supported Ronald Reagan, if he were alive and running today.

Here is Ronald Reagan, only the female version.

I know you're pushing for her, But for some reason she hasn't sold me yet to vote for her. And I'm not a Trump fan either. She's going to have to do more to get the people to notice. I wish she would. You should stick with something President Reagan said. Stop dumping on your own party and give it to the other one. don't give them that ammo.

on edit. here's what he said. and I only take this to mean during important elections like the one coming up. Of course not one of them today has taken that to heart. it's sad in a way
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The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by late President of the United States Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.[1][2]
The Eleventh Commandment (Ronald Reagan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring

First of all I am not a liberal, I am a conservative. I have to laugh when a Tea Party member or a right wing radio talk show host brings up Ronald Reagan in praise. Like I said you would have attacked him and labeled him as a Rino/Establishment candidate, lead by your right wing radio talk show hosts. You would have never supported him because he was a Uniter--you would have never gotten him to go along with mass deportation of illegals, and you would have never gotten him to bring up or much less campaign on abortion. You would have never gotten him to lead the charge against other Republicans in the house or Senate, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have done. You don't have a candidate like Ronald Reagan.

The one that most reminded me of Ronald Reagan was Carly Fiorina in the below video, and you have already kicked her to the curb. Many of you have referred to her as an Establishment candidate, even though she has never worked a day of her life in the Government job. So there's no way in hell you would have supported Ronald Reagan, if he were alive and running today.

Here is Ronald Reagan, only the female version--and you kicked her to the curb for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson without ever taking a second look.

I met Ronald Reagan, worked on his campaign. You don't have a clue, and Carly Fiorina is no Ronald Reagan. And as far as the amnesty thing goes, securing the border was part of the deal and of course, the Democrats did not honor their agreement. He would not have done it a second time.
Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring

First of all I am not a liberal, I am a conservative. I have to laugh when a Tea Party member or a ring wing radio talk show host brings up Ronald Reagan in praise. Like I said you would have attacked him and labeled him as a Rino/Establishment candidate, lead by your right wing radio talk show hosts. You would have never supported him because he was a Uniter--you would have never gotten him to go along with mass deportation of illegals, and you would have never gotten him to bring up or campaign on abortion. You would have never gotten him to lead the charge against other Republicans in the house or Senate, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have done. You don't have a candidate like Ronald Reagan.

The one that most reminded me of Ronald Reagan was Carly Fiorina in the below video, and you have already kicked her to the curb, and many of you have referred to her as an Establishment candidate. So there's no way in hell you would have supported Ronald Reagan, if he were alive and running today.

Here is Ronald Reagan, only the female version.

I know you're pushing for her, But for some reason she hasn't sold me yet to vote for her. And I'm not a Trump fan either. She's going to have to do more to get the people to notice. I wish she would. You should stick with something President Reagan said. Stop dumping on your own party and give it to the other one. don't give them that ammo.

on edit. here's what he said. and I only take this to mean during important elections like the one coming up. Of course not one of them today has taken that to heart. it's sad in a way
Jump to: navigation, search

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by late President of the United States Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.[1][2]
The Eleventh Commandment (Ronald Reagan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the point-- of course you wouldn't vote for Carly Fiorina--the Tea Party has from the beginning labeled her an Establishment candidate.

She's for immigration reform something you Tea Partiers want nothing to do with. She isn't threatening to do mass deportations, so no you're not going to vote for her. She doesn't put out the bullshit for votes, so of course you're not going to vote for her. She doesn't make promises she can't keep, so of course, you're not going to vote for her.

The Tea Party is lead around by a ring nose. And it's Rush Limbaugh and other right wing talk radio that pulls your ring noses. If they're not promoting a candidate of course you're not going to vote for them. Anyone candidate that can appeal to the majority voters in this country, and is capable of winning the White House, they're not going to support. You're nothing more than little lambs being lead to a slaughter on election eve, for ratings and $$$.

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Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring

First of all I am not a liberal, I am a conservative. I have to laugh when a Tea Party member or a ring wing radio talk show host brings up Ronald Reagan in praise. Like I said you would have attacked him and labeled him as a Rino/Establishment candidate, lead by your right wing radio talk show hosts. You would have never supported him because he was a Uniter--you would have never gotten him to go along with mass deportation of illegals, and you would have never gotten him to bring up or campaign on abortion. You would have never gotten him to lead the charge against other Republicans in the house or Senate, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have done. You don't have a candidate like Ronald Reagan.

The one that most reminded me of Ronald Reagan was Carly Fiorina in the below video, and you have already kicked her to the curb, and many of you have referred to her as an Establishment candidate. So there's no way in hell you would have supported Ronald Reagan, if he were alive and running today.

Here is Ronald Reagan, only the female version.

I know you're pushing for her, But for some reason she hasn't sold me yet to vote for her. And I'm not a Trump fan either. She's going to have to do more to get the people to notice. I wish she would. You should stick with something President Reagan said. Stop dumping on your own party and give it to the other one. don't give them that ammo.

on edit. here's what he said. and I only take this to mean during important elections like the one coming up. Of course not one of them today has taken that to heart. it's sad in a way
Jump to: navigation, search

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by late President of the United States Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.[1][2]
The Eleventh Commandment (Ronald Reagan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the point-- of course you wouldn't vote for Carly Fiorina--the Tea Party has from the beginning labeled her an Establishment candidate.

She's for immigration reform something you Tea Partiers want nothing to do with. She isn't threatening to do mass deportations, so no you're not going to vote for her. She doesn't put out the bullshit for votes, so of course you're not going to vote for her. She doesn't make promises she can't keep, so of course, you're not going to vote for her.

The Tea Party is lead around by a ring nose. And it's Rush Limbaugh and other right wing talk radio that pulls your ring noses. If they're not promoting a candidate, of course you're not going to vote for them.


will you cool your jets. I didn't say I WOULDN'T vote for her. I said she hasn't sold me YET. go have a drink or something. you're way too hyped up
Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


President Reagan was admired by the people back in that time. You wouldn't have any idea what that's all about. None of you liberals would. Look what you all did to Hillary the first time she ran for President.... so you can now go vote for the corrupted old crow. show how much you all ADMIRE her now after kicking her to curb the last time. your ranting's are so boring

First of all I am not a liberal, I am a conservative. I have to laugh when a Tea Party member or a ring wing radio talk show host brings up Ronald Reagan in praise. Like I said you would have attacked him and labeled him as a Rino/Establishment candidate, lead by your right wing radio talk show hosts. You would have never supported him because he was a Uniter--you would have never gotten him to go along with mass deportation of illegals, and you would have never gotten him to bring up or campaign on abortion. You would have never gotten him to lead the charge against other Republicans in the house or Senate, like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have done. You don't have a candidate like Ronald Reagan.

The one that most reminded me of Ronald Reagan was Carly Fiorina in the below video, and you have already kicked her to the curb, and many of you have referred to her as an Establishment candidate. So there's no way in hell you would have supported Ronald Reagan, if he were alive and running today.

Here is Ronald Reagan, only the female version.

I know you're pushing for her, But for some reason she hasn't sold me yet to vote for her. And I'm not a Trump fan either. She's going to have to do more to get the people to notice. I wish she would. You should stick with something President Reagan said. Stop dumping on your own party and give it to the other one. don't give them that ammo.

on edit. here's what he said. and I only take this to mean during important elections like the one coming up. Of course not one of them today has taken that to heart. it's sad in a way
Jump to: navigation, search

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by late President of the United States Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.[1][2]
The Eleventh Commandment (Ronald Reagan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the point-- of course you wouldn't vote for Carly Fiorina--the Tea Party has from the beginning labeled her an Establishment candidate.

She's for immigration reform something you Tea Partiers want nothing to do with. She isn't threatening to do mass deportations, so no you're not going to vote for her. She doesn't put out the bullshit for votes, so of course you're not going to vote for her. She doesn't make promises she can't keep, so of course, you're not going to vote for her.

The Tea Party is lead around by a ring nose. And it's Rush Limbaugh and other right wing talk radio that pulls your ring noses. If they're not promoting a candidate, of course you're not going to vote for them.


will you cool your jets. I didn't say I WOULDN'T vote for her. I said she hasn't sold me YET. go have a drink or something. you're way too hyped up

The point again, is that anyone that is a faithful listener to right wing talk radio isn't going to vote for anyone that is NOT supported by right wing talk radio. In 2012, Rush Limbaugh had the hots for Rick Santorum. For a couple of months that's the ONLY candidate he talked about in a praising "conservative manner." He was in the corner for Rick Santorum.

What Limbaugh didn't tell you, is that Rick Santorum is on video recording stating that States have the "right" to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning that your next door neighbor via a ballot will decide for you if you use them or not. Santorum is still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Griswold v Connecticut.) Now obviously this candidate wouldn't get to the start line in a National election with this type of stance, yet Rush Limbaugh couldn't stop promoting him.

He's done it again by promoting Ted Cruz. He's in his corner now. Cruz is polling so low with women right now it's absurd to think he is a viable candidate for the nomination. He also has this Michael Dukakis video moment that will crush him. Rush Limbaugh has never told his listeners about that.

Michael Savage has been in the tank for Donald Trump. Not informing his listeners of the women & Hispanic problem Trump has.

Again, it's not that they don't know about these problems, they do. And there's only one reason they're not informing their listeners of these critical pieces of information. They know that the very worst thing that could happen to their radio talk shows, is if Hillary Clinton LOSES this election.

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If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.

Ronald REagan was the guy who talked about Young Bucks and Welfare Queens, who pandered to the religious assholes, who demagogued about abortion and birth control. Just because he used dog-whistles instead of the blatant racism of Trump doesn't mean he was any better.

Trump is the harvest of the seeds Reagan planted. As you sew, so shall ye reap.
If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.

Ronald REagan was the guy who talked about Young Bucks and Welfare Queens, who pandered to the religious assholes, who demagogued about abortion and birth control. Just because he used dog-whistles instead of the blatant racism of Trump doesn't mean he was any better.

Trump is the harvest of the seeds Reagan planted. As you sew, so shall ye reap.

Nope--Ronald Reagan did not pander to religious groups, nor did he ever mention Welfare Queens or attack certain groups of people. He was a Uniter, and that's why he won in two historic landslides. His second term being a 49 state landslide. No one else in the history of this country has ever done that. He was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military that appealed to everyone. Reagan Democrats came out in the millions to vote for him.

Very much unlike the candidates the Tea party chooses to support.
If Ronald Reagan were alive today & running for POTUS--Right wing talk radio and their listeners would be referring to him as a (Rino or Establishment candidate.) He would have never made it to the nomination.


1984 Reagan V Mondale 2nd term win--This is an era when Right Wing talk radio and FOX news didn't have a choke hold on the Republican party. MSNBC and left wing programs didn't exist. Voters were just left up to their own minds and were not lead to any candidate. Today we have divisive politics everywhere because of these programs. Today we have a senate, congress & President who REFUSES to work with the other side depending on the R or D behind their name. These members of congress have to appeal to the minority of the right wing base or the left wing base to keep their jobs. What's left out? The majority middle of the country.
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If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.

Ronald REagan was the guy who talked about Young Bucks and Welfare Queens, who pandered to the religious assholes, who demagogued about abortion and birth control. Just because he used dog-whistles instead of the blatant racism of Trump doesn't mean he was any better.

Trump is the harvest of the seeds Reagan planted. As you sew, so shall ye reap.

Your comment Welfare Queen rhetoric didn't come out until the mid-90's when Clinton was in office.
Today we have a senate, congress & President who REFUSES to work with the other side depending on the R or D behind their name. These members of congress have to appeal to the minority of the right wing base or the left wing base to keep their jobs.
What are you talking about? The Republican controlled Congress has given Obama everything he has demanded.
Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

Oh, GOD! What a PERFECT example of exactly what is bad/evil with regard to right-wing talk radio.
"That's all I get (right-wing talk radio) 24/7." Well, I guess that clinches it. If all you get is talk radio 24/7, then it HAS to be right.

"Ahm a FOX NEWS REPUBLICAN, and ah got GOD on mah side, so don't cha even think about tryin' to bull shit ME!"

Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


Somewhere along the way, you misinterpreted what I said. I was referring to Stephanie's comment about Dems having old people running. People said the same thing about Reagan being an old goat. BTW, Reagan was a good president because he was a pragmatist and realized the importance of working with Congress, much the same as Bill Clinton did. Obama's failure has been his inability to work with a Republican Congress, but to his defense, that Republican Congress made clear from day one that they had zero intention of working with him. That is the main reason I left the Republican Party.
Today we have a senate, congress & President who REFUSES to work with the other side depending on the R or D behind their name. These members of congress have to appeal to the minority of the right wing base or the left wing base to keep their jobs.
What are you talking about? The Republican controlled Congress has given Obama everything he has demanded.

If you're talking about the fy 2016 budget. Where would you make cuts in the below chart? Being an armchair quarterback all of the time doesn't cut it.

You cannot DEFUND Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. Republicans could do that but the odds that they would get elected for county dog catcher is ZERO to NONE. It does no good to read Green Eggs and Ham from the United States Senate Floor. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk in hopes that he will repeal his own signature bill. You cannot threaten to shut down the government, been there, done that, it only backfires on Republicans. You cannot change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the oval office with a VETO Pen. Ted Cruz is out there stating he will REPEAL every single word of Obamacare. He can't. The only way to repeal Obamacare is with a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses and a sitting Republican President. That's how we got Obamacare, that's the only way you're going to get rid of it.

Call Rush Limbaugh and have him present his own FY 2016 budget to congress, and tell him to deal with Democrats--who will have to agree with those cuts, and see how well he does with it. Limbaugh can put up or STFU.

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Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


Somewhere along the way, you misinterpreted what I said. I was referring to Stephanie's comment about Dems having old people running. People said the same thing about Reagan being an old goat. BTW, Reagan was a good president because he was a pragmatist and realized the importance of working with Congress, much the same as Bill Clinton did. Obama's failure has been his inability to work with a Republican Congress, but to his defense, that Republican Congress made clear from day one that they had zero intention of working with him. That is the main reason I left the Republican Party.

How does anyone work with this? Republican or Democrat?

This is who Rush Limbaugh is promoting now.

A great article on Ted Cruz and what he really stands for is here.
What Ted Cruz Really Stands For | RealClearPolitics

We have two freshmen senators in this race (Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio), that are not going to survive their 2nd term senate campaign runs in 2018. Texas has a 40% population of Hispanics that have no intention of reelecting Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio has already announced during one of the debates he won't be running for reelection for his senate seat in Florida. This is why they are running for POTUS now.

This is the problem with the far right, and their adamant stance on no amnesty, deportation, no immigration reform. They forget that we have an enormous population of legal voting Hispanics in this country today--and they are also the fastest growing population in this country. In many states Republicans do not win elections without their support. They never realize the consequences to the candidates they support until much later, if ever. And it's because all of these right wing talk radio programs that never discuss the consequences.
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I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

The higher premiums are a direct result of providing coverage to those who could not be covered in the past. The simple fact is that healthcare costs are out of control. It's not the insurance companies or Obamacare that are the problem; it's the providers, specifically hospitals. Until we understand why the costs are so high, we cannot work on solutions to reduce costs. Do the simple math here. We are spending 17% of GDP on healthcare. GDP is about $18 trillion, therefore we are spending over $3 trillion on healthcare. I read in Forbes that the number is about $3.2 trillion for 2015. We have 320 million people so we are spending $10,000 per person per year. That is the cost for our kids, ourselves, and retirees. Someone has to pay this. As they say, it ain't free. So if you are crying because you can no longer get health insurance for $250 per month with a low deductible, it's because it costs more than that.

Hey, the hospital that my girlfriend works at is building a new tower to add on to the hospital. It's only costing them $350 million. No biggie, right? Somebody has to pay for it though. My sister is a nurse. Oh holidays she makes over $80 per hour. Someone has to pay for that. My sister's employer matches her 401k contribution 2 to 1. She has over $300,000 in her 401K after 16 years. Somebody has to pay for that. This idea that Obamacare is the problem is a big problem, because Obamacare was not the catalyst to these increasing rates. Rates had been increasing double digits every single year under Bush. This started back in the 90's and has just gone crazy, pretty much the same way college tuition has increased. We've got problems, but we seem to be looking in the wrong places for solutions. Repealing Obamacare is not going to reduce your premiums. In fact, it may drive them through the roof even more.

Certainly there's no doubt that health care costs are skyrocketing. But Obamacare never addressed that. So after I was forced into a policy that would meet the requirement of O-care for 2015, I had the cheapest policy I could afford at $350.00 a month--1 year later that policy was cancelled. (it was called Colorado OP) They were going bankrupt. So everyone in this state had to get another policy that averaged an additional $200.00 per month more. 24 other states in this nation had the same problem. It's still a mess.

I pay $350 per month for myself and $125 for my son. I too have the high deductibles along with a health savings account. I spend about $2000 per year out of pocket in addition to my premiums. Luckily I'm not on any meds.

My new policy is crappy. I am now paying $495.00 a month with a 6K deductible, and co-pays everywhere. I never guessed anyone would be celebrating to turn 65 years old, to get on Medicare, but that's what is happening due to insurance costs. There is just no way to avoid them.

I think one of the biggest flaws in the ACA is that the rates increase too drastically for those who are older. The rates should be more level across all age groups. For instance, my policy costs $350, but in ten more years it will be about $500 when I am in my 60's. If I was ten years younger, it would only be around $250. I realize they have set rates based on risk and that as we age the risk increases greatly. The problem is that everyone needs to be able to afford the insurance. Unfortunately, unless we address the real reasons that healthcare is so expensive, this is not going to change.

Worst thing about Obamacare is that it was forced everyone, even those wanting nothing to do with the socialist entitlement.
So much for freedom of choice
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.
It's too bad "Federal aid" only goes to progressives...
Why do they have to be either 'friends' or 'foes'? They are radio talk show hosts, entertainers, who make a living exercising their right to free speech. They are potential 'foes' because you don't like what they say?

Asking that of Obama for arming Mexican Drug Cartels, taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, and aiding/arming ISIS is valid. Trying to villainize an entertainer for his opiuon is laughable. They have as much power as you give them....
Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

Yep, I believe that's it. scared shitless they are. they should be with those two old fogies and that other guy they have to chose from

Same kind of stupid shit people said about Reagan.

Ha, Ha. You don't remember Ronald Reagan very well then.

If Ronald Reagan were alive and running for POTUS today, you would be calling him a Rino, and Rush Limbaugh would be calling him an Establishment candidate. Reagan had to work with a hostile congress for 8 years, which meant there was a lot of dealing and negotiating with Democrats.

He was a Uniter, not a Divider---- very much unlike the candidates the Tea Party chooses to support.
You continually break Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Reagan was a moderate Republican but strong on fiscal and military issues. He never got into social issues, and avoided them like the plague. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the rest would have had a conniption fit over him legalizing Hispanics in this country.

Ronald Reagan would have disliked the Tea Party as much as you & Rush Limbaugh would have disliked him.


Somewhere along the way, you misinterpreted what I said. I was referring to Stephanie's comment about Dems having old people running. People said the same thing about Reagan being an old goat. BTW, Reagan was a good president because he was a pragmatist and realized the importance of working with Congress, much the same as Bill Clinton did. Obama's failure has been his inability to work with a Republican Congress, but to his defense, that Republican Congress made clear from day one that they had zero intention of working with him. That is the main reason I left the Republican Party.
Both parties are the same anymore dumbass
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.
It's too bad "Federal aid" only goes to progressives...

I've been through WV, nothing about the state is progressive, the clocks run backwards
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.
It's too bad "Federal aid" only goes to progressives...

I've been through WV, nothing about the state is progressive, the clocks run backwards
You missed my point, only a progressive would take money given to them by the federal government.
There's a lot more value to money earned than money just given to a person for existing.
A vote for Hillary is just another vote for the NWO where the wealthy people from around the world will tell We The People exactly how we are going to live. Bush is the same thing.
And we thought we had herd the last from the Dylan Avery crowd....

The coming election will be for the outsiders because the people do not want more of the same. So what if Trump dismantles the GOP, it is what the people want. Dismantling of government on many levels. The GOP must become the party of small government or die.
It should be a heck of a funeral then.

Those who benefit the most from the "big" governent are the ones who lest like the "big" government (on paper at least). Dallas was decimated by tornadoes this week. So was the mid-west. A few years back, Rick Perry (R.-Texas) couldn't put out a wild fire. The same state was hit with Hurricane Ike. FEMA was (and will be there) every step of the way. In AL, there are entire counties where a 1/4 of the population is on SS Disability (490: Trends With Benefits). Poor red states receive much more aid than they pay in to the Federal Government (not always their fault by the way):


The Dems already have the party of big government sewn up. They will eventually kill this country and turn it into a third world country of corruption run by the elites. Don't listen to these libs as this election will not be like anything we have seen in generations. It is the election to see if we regain control of our country or if our government gains total control over us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Blah blah blah....It's like this in every election. Some fools like yourself love to set the tone of "either we vote the way I see it" or we're doomed. Everyone running for Office (outside of Trump and possibly Carson) respects the rule of law, loves the nation, and genuinely thinks they are the best person for the job based on some criteria. The foundations of our republic were laid by giants so they could withstand the abuse of pygmies. Either way, we're going to no only persevere but prevail.
It's too bad "Federal aid" only goes to progressives...

I've been through WV, nothing about the state is progressive, the clocks run backwards

...and I've spent more than enough time in Southern California to know that it sucks. Why do you liberals always post the same statistics instead of posting the raw facts? Maybe because it is the only way your story makes sense. The worst Red State in percentage is Mississippi. They get 5.3 billion in Federal funding after paying in almost 11 billion to the Federal government in Taxes. Not exactly getting more help from the Fed than they give.

Seeing as how California gets over 100 billion in Federal aid which is more than Texas and New York combined, I would watch where I throw those stones.

It comes down to you guys complaining when the federal government helps poor people in poor states but you cheer when the same government helps poor people in wealthy states. Are not all poor people entitled to the same help or is a poor black in Chicago more entitled to your sympathy than a poor black in Alabama.

You libs are something else. Either you are for welfare the way it is or you want to change it. You don't get to pick and choose winners and losers by how the state votes in elections. That just makes you a partisan scumbag.

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