Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and all the others--Friend or Foe?

Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

Romney tried so hard to please the conservatives that he lost my vote. I supported him in 2008 against McCain, but in 2012 he became another right wing nutter, so I voted for Obama. Don't fool yourself.

It wasn't because YOU didn't vote for him. It was because Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This by going into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Romney's fate was sealed long before he won the nomination. Women were not going to vote for any Republican nominee. Women are the LARGEST voting block in this country today, at 54% another critical tidbit that Rush Limbaugh never told you either.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

"And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”

Read more: Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


This is how stupid the right wing of the Republican party is. In 2016, not learning anything from 2012, they put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals right back on the platform that could never win women. If you can't win women, you don't win the White House. They are: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Scott Walker who committed political suicide right on the stage during the 1st debate, declaring the he didn't give exception to abortion for the life of the mother. Rick Perry had to drop out immediately also for mentioning a sonogram requirement. All of the above are LOOSERS coming right out of the gate.

In 2016 another 17% of the population is now solidly in the Democrat column, Hispanics, because of the ignorance coming out of the right wing base of the Republican party.

All of the above you NEVER learned by keeping your asses glued to right wing talk radio, and FOX News. They know all these stats, but they have never given them to you. And there's only one reason for that. Ratings and $$$$
Not all women are feminist dykes. I hate to be the one to tell you.

Do you think the women that the right wing base chased off which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama, are going to dump the 1st woman Presidential nominee, and come running back to Republicans so they can be told what type of contraceptives to use, and that their own lives aren't worth saving by the knuckle dragging neanderthals in this race?--LOL
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Do you think that 17% of the population that you just chased off (Hispanics) are going to come running back to a Marco Rubio who has flip flopped all over immigration, or a Ted Cruz nominee who has now jumped into Trumps corner on deportation?
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

I don't think so. Your "raining men" platform has already collapsed. Hillary Clinton is going to be the next POTUS. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing programs are responsible for it.

You are her biggest supporters.

Your first link (from the liberal LATIMES) wants me to register to read the content so I don't know what it says but I'm sure it's as slanted as the one from NBC, which was written in August, when Trump first started his campaign. The other one from Gallup was from 2012. Not exactly current. And you seem to be of the opinion that ALL women vote the same way. You ASSume the same about hispanics.
Most women I've talked to don't care for Trumps personality but they like Hillary even less because she's a liar. And most hispanics I've talked to (and I know a lot of them, I live in So. Cal.) say the exact same thing. Hillary is a flawed candidate and is more abrasive and unlikable than Trump but more than anything else, people see Trump as the only candidate that will actually do something to change the collision course we're currently on. Also, nobody believes anything Hillary says. In fact, when I ask people about her, the first thing they do is laugh just before saying "there's no way I'd vote for that liar". You're gonna be very disappointed on election night, dear.
View attachment 58048

Trump has nearly twice the favorability among Women as Carly...oops!

Trump Favorability Among Women Typical for GOP Candidates

Here's the REAL woman poll based on the lost election in 2012 and after you lost.

The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

These women won't be dumping the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years for Donald Trump--LOL The Hispanics--or the 40% of the required 17% of the population that you just chased off won't be voting for Donald Trump either.
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Rush Limbaugh nor any of the rest told you that either.

Your goose is already COOKED.

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Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.

Romney tried so hard to please the conservatives that he lost my vote. I supported him in 2008 against McCain, but in 2012 he became another right wing nutter, so I voted for Obama. Don't fool yourself.

It wasn't because YOU didn't vote for him. It was because Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. This by going into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Romney's fate was sealed long before he won the nomination. Women were not going to vote for any Republican nominee. Women are the LARGEST voting block in this country today, at 54% another critical tidbit that Rush Limbaugh never told you either.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

"And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”

Read more: Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape


This is how stupid the right wing of the Republican party is. In 2016, not learning anything from 2012, they put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals right back on the platform that could never win women. If you can't win women, you don't win the White House. They are: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, and Scott Walker who committed political suicide right on the stage during the 1st debate, declaring the he didn't give exception to abortion for the life of the mother. Rick Perry had to drop out immediately also for mentioning a sonogram requirement. All of the above are LOOSERS coming right out of the gate.

In 2016 another 17% of the population is now solidly in the Democrat column, Hispanics, because of the ignorance coming out of the right wing base of the Republican party.

All of the above you NEVER learned by keeping your asses glued to right wing talk radio, and FOX News. They know all these stats, but they have never given them to you. And there's only one reason for that. Ratings and $$$$
Not all women are feminist dykes. I hate to be the one to tell you.

Do you think the women that the right wing base chased off which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama, are going to dump the 1st woman Presidential nominee, and come running back to Republicans so they can be told what type of contraceptives to use, and that their own lives aren't worth saving by the knuckle dragging neanderthals in this race?--LOL
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Do you think that 17% of the population that you just chased off (Hispanics) are going to come running back to a Marco Rubio who has flip flopped all over immigration, or a Ted Cruz nominee who has now jumped into Trumps corner on deportation?
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

I don't think so. Your "raining men" platform has already collapsed. Hillary Clinton is going to be the next POTUS. You, Rush Limbaugh and all the other right wing programs are responsible for it.

You are her biggest supporters.

Your first link (from the liberal LATIMES) wants me to register to read the content so I don't know what it says but I'm sure it's as slanted as the one from NBC, which was written in August, when Trump first started his campaign. The other one from Gallup was from 2012. Not exactly current. And you seem to be of the opinion that ALL women vote the same way. You ASSume the same about hispanics.
Most women I've talked to don't care for Trumps personality but they like Hillary even less because she's a liar. And most hispanics I've talked to (and I know a lot of them, I live in So. Cal.) say the exact same thing. Hillary is a flawed candidate and is more abrasive and unlikable than Trump but more than anything else, people see Trump as the only candidate that will actually do something to change the collision course we're currently on. Also, nobody believes anything Hillary says. In fact, when I ask people about her, the first thing they do is laugh just before saying "there's no way I'd vote for that liar". You're gonna be very disappointed on election night, dear.

Here's more links to eyeball regarding women mowing down Republicans in 2012--something that Rush Limbaugh nor any other informed you of.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
How Women Changed the Outcome of the Election
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -

Oh that's right--you only listen to right wing talk radio and FOX news, and only BELIEVE right wing web sites that are written of course, by right wingers.--LOL

Maybe you should call Rush Limbaugh & get his permission first to read another site--FIRST--LOL

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How many times are you gonna post that same 3 year old Gallup poll?
Oreo, when are you going to figure out that it is you and your type that is the problem with the Republican Party?

This hateful, spiteful destructive posting that you do every four years...and the more you don't get your way, the more hateful your posts get.

Do you think you convince anyone using these methods?

Do you see anyone coming to your defense in these theads?

This is all I see...

Hillary is going under The Great Democrat Party bus.

They may not want to but they will toss her because they know no other way.

Habit has become addiction.

Besides, George Soros hasn't told them yet who they have to nominate.
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Trump has just tied the Pope for second most admired man in the world after Obama.

Hey not bad there to tie the Pope!

Do you think the losers know republicans won the house, senate and gained more governor seats during obamas fraudulent presidency than any president in the history of this county?

What am I talking about? They still think man made global warming is a fact.
It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
hispanics hate gay marriage and abortion- they wont be voting for libs as much as you libtards think. And many go to church and believe in Jesus.
It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
So Romney and McCain and the rest of the Rino losers are complaining why exactly?

LOL--After the Tea Party/Establishment/Rino groupies & Rush Limbaugh gets done, you won't have any Republicans in the congress, Senate or the White house to label (Rino's or Establishment anymore.) Democrats will OWN everything.


which means a lot more of those "Obscene Profit breaks." "Talent on loan from "GUUUWADDDD"

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Fool. Romney lost the election in 2012 because he never went on conservative talker shows. Mitt basically didn't want any conservatives to vote for him. Guess what? He lost.

Now Oreo. I have no media except for dial up and the radio and I know my talkers very well because that's all I get 24/7 so you CAN'T BULLSHIT ME.

I heard Ryan freaking once with Laura. Otherwise the Romney campaign dissed and pissed off conservatives.

Consequently they stayed home. You don't win without conservatives.
I doubt kkkonswervatives abandoned Romney to allow Obama a win.
You just proved yourself uninformed with that post.
It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...
hispanics hate gay marriage and abortion- they wont be voting for libs as much as you libtards think. And many go to church and believe in Jesus.

Just call Hispanics stupid murdering-rapists and they're certain to hang around--LOL
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Funny but Donald Trump knows how important the Hispanic vote is to win the White House, but apparently none of his supporters do.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState


Another tidbit of critical information that Rush Limbaugh decided to leave out of that 3 hour daily program for the last 6 months-LOL
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It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...

LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.
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It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...

LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.

I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout
It's not Limbaugh's job to elect Republicans. His job is to spew the fears, hatred, divisiveness, paranoia, and propaganda his audience craves. His job depends on a cadre of angry, fearful White simpletons who believe every word he vomits.
It's the progressives job to tax without representation, see all socialist entitlement programs - most recently Obamacare
You have representation. Just because laws are passed that you disagree with it does not eliminate the representatives you elected.

You really should think long before you make such stupid statements.
I will never use Obamacare, yet I am still taxed for it.
Typical progressives taking other peoples money...

LOL another uniformed statement. Obamacare is about coverage. You are required to carry certain types of coverage, and that's Obamacare. If you are not covered for maternity, (regardless of your gender or age) your policy will be cancelled. If you are not covered for drug and alcohol abuse, your policy will be cancelled. You will be forced to buy another policy with this coverage, unless you're 65 and on Medicare.

It's a disaster. But you have one of your favorites out there (Ted Cruz) who has promised his constituents that he will repeal every single word in Obamacare. He's not telling you the TRUTH. The only way Obamacare gets repealed is a SUPER MAJORITY in both houses, and a sitting Republican President in the Oval office. That's how we got Obamacare and that's the only way it gets repealed. You cannot defund Obamacare leaving millions without insurance overnight. You could, but the odds of electing a Republican for a county dog catcher position afterwards would be zero to none. It does no good to send up 300 house bills to Obama's desk to repeal his signature bill. It does no good to read "Green eggs and Ham" from the United State Senate Floor. It does no good to try and change Obamacare with Obama sitting in the Oval office with a Veto Pen. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

Your choice then becomes--get a Republican President. But you've already blown that to smitherines, with your support of Donald Trump and too far right candidates that don't have a snow balls chance in hell of winning the white house.

Again, something else you have never been told by popular right wing radio talk show hosts. They're just attacking Republicans for not doing anything about Obamacare without telling their audiences the WHOLE TRUTH. Simply to keep their audiences at a certain level of hysteria & anger for ratings and $$$$.

I refuse handouts, Obamacare is a handout

I was FORCED onto Obamacare. A policy that I liked was cancelled, and I had to buy another policy that cost me twice as much. So I know all about Obamacare. I still have a high deductible also. There are millions in this country just like me. They're small business people, individuals that were FORCED onto it. Our higher premiums I am certain are to pay for all those subsidies that are given out to others who meet income qualifications.

In fact the individual market Obamacare was such a disaster they postponed the Employer mandate until 2017, because they know that's going send out millions more of insurance cancellations. It's going to be a real blood bath.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, until there is a Republican President sitting in the oval office. And even then they'll only be able to tweek it, as full repeal would require SUPER MAJORITIES of Republicans in both houses. That's not going to happen anytime soon with Hispanics now solidly in the Democrat column, due to all this love toward Donald Trump.

Now at 3 hours daily, you would have thought that one of these right wing talk radio hosts would have explained all this too you, instead of spending most of their time attacking Republican members of congress & the senate over it. Paul Ryan being the last victim of a right wing attack over the fy 2016 budget. Now this is the very last guy you want to lose when it comes to Obamacare.

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Does anybody else see the striking resemblance between oreo and Jake? It's almost like they're the same person. :eusa_whistle:

I don't recall Oreo being like this so much in the past. Apparently he has woken up and seen the writing on the wall.

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