Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney is not a Conservative.

jeesh, stop airing your whining on us.
grow up

Actually, Ghook is the one who needs to change his/her approach. 8537 may be a bit misguided and most certainly from another planet :)eusa_angel:).....but 8537 deserves respect as he always shows respect in return.

all fine, but what goes on behind closed doors...should stay there in my opinion.

<resists the easy joke here....resisting...resisting...:lol::lol: >
Actually, Ghook is the one who needs to change his/her approach. 8537 may be a bit misguided and most certainly from another planet :)eusa_angel:).....but 8537 deserves respect as he always shows respect in return.

all fine, but what goes on behind closed doors...should stay there in my opinion.

<resists the easy joke here....resisting...resisting...:lol::lol: >

I cant help myself....

Need a one?
I love how Rush becomes a credible source when you like what you hear and then he is a hack when you don't.

No, trust me - I never find Rush to be a credible source my friend!:lol:

Rush offers opinion...not always fact....and he does not claim his opinion to be fact.

However, he is correct in my eyes as it pertains to Romney. Romney is a moderate compared personal values as a conservative.

I actually think Rush is right here as well. Romney is probably the most moderate Republican in the current field (with the exception of Huntsman, perhaps?). I also expect that Rush will back Romney if he wins the nomination - and I don't find that to be a problem. It's exactly what I'd expect. Just like far left commentators will back Obama even though he is more moderate than them. It's not that the far right loves Romney, it's that they're likely to find him to be the better of two alternatives.

However, this does not mean he is not a viable candidate for the conservative voter. For example, I am not necessarily interested in the most conservative candidtae as I know that ythe more right or more left a cnadidate, the less likely they will be able to work with congress.

I like Romney...Still prefer Newt from a knowledge standpoint....but how the hell is Newt going to get the minority leaders (Reid and Pelosi come 2012) to work with him?

I don't care for Newt's policy prescriptions (obviously!) but I get the sense in every debate that he's the smartest guy in the room. When Cain gets a chance to talk at length on an issue (as he did on a CNN interview last night), he can also display a depth of knowledge on some issues that the debates don't allow for - though I suspect his foreign policy knowledge is more suspect.
Is being a conservative some sort of badge of honor? What is a conservative? Bush Jr was a conservative and now by some magic is no longer a conservative. Reagan was a conservative but grew government, raised taxes many times, and supported women's rights. Was he a conservative after his massive government deficits and S&L scandal? Eisenhower called himself a progressive, no conservative there. Nixon was hardly conservative. Maybe we are on to something here, just like children hoping the tooth fairy arrives, the republican voter longs for some thing that never was nor ever will be? A hero, a Perry on white stallion to lead the wingnuts to the promised land?
No, trust me - I never find Rush to be a credible source my friend!:lol:

Rush offers opinion...not always fact....and he does not claim his opinion to be fact.

However, he is correct in my eyes as it pertains to Romney. Romney is a moderate compared personal values as a conservative.

I actually think Rush is right here as well. Romney is probably the most moderate Republican in the current field (with the exception of Huntsman, perhaps?). I also expect that Rush will back Romney if he wins the nomination - and I don't find that to be a problem. It's exactly what I'd expect. Just like far left commentators will back Obama even though he is more moderate than them. It's not that the far right loves Romney, it's that they're likely to find him to be the better of two alternatives.

However, this does not mean he is not a viable candidate for the conservative voter. For example, I am not necessarily interested in the most conservative candidtae as I know that ythe more right or more left a cnadidate, the less likely they will be able to work with congress.

I like Romney...Still prefer Newt from a knowledge standpoint....but how the hell is Newt going to get the minority leaders (Reid and Pelosi come 2012) to work with him?

I don't care for Newt's policy prescriptions (obviously!) but I get the sense in every debate that he's the smartest guy in the room. When Cain gets a chance to talk at length on an issue (as he did on a CNN interview last night), he can also display a depth of knowledge on some issues that the debates don't allow for - though I suspect his foreign policy knowledge is more suspect.

Im not done with Cain yet....I need to hear more...I like him. Intelligent and proven as a leader. But as you said...foreign policy? Not sure.

But then again, Obama did not have foreign policy experience and that didnt hurt him in the least at the polls.

So when you compare Obama of 2007 to Cain....(uh come the racist accusations comparing 2 black men).....

Obama of 2007

1) political experience- YES
2) governing experience- NO
3) leadership experience-NO
4) Foreign policy experience-NO
5) Private Secotr experience-NO

Cain of 2011

1) political experience- NO
2) governing experience- NO
3) leadership experience-YES
4) Foreign policy experience-NO
5) Private Sector experience-YES

Funny comparison.....neither shines.....but Cain still brings a bit more to the table in my eyes....

And ironically?

The one thing Obama brough to the table...political deemed as a negative by many
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I find Rush's position on this amusing.
....Like everything-ELSE that exits his.....


"Can I quote you, on this, Rush?"
What the hell are you talking about?

Check the source's critical correctness, don't just condemn the source. Only losers do that.

Apparently you have mistaken me for a Chris Matthews hater. Hell I often watch bsnbc. But what does any of that have to do with this post?

This: don't automatically condemn a piece of info based on where it appeared. That's is what the haters from the right and the left want: knee-jerk non-thinking reactions.
The Grand Poobah has spoken!

Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney 'Is Not A Conservative' (AUDIO)

Rush Limbaugh, on his Thursday radio broadcast, spoke bluntly about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Romney is not a conservative," said Limbaugh (as pointed out by RealClearPolitics). He continued, "he's not, folks. But you can argue with me all day long on that, but he isn't." Limbaugh went on to explain that "what [Romney] has going for him is that he's not Obama," and that the former Massachusetts governor is a "seasoned" debater.

Despite the conservative radio host's harsh words, Limbaugh told his audience that he likes Romney "very much" and that Romney is "a fine guy. He's a very nice gentleman. He is a gentleman. But he's not a conservative."


You turkey! You beat me to it. However, I was going to refer to Rush as more of a deity, since that's the way he seems to be perceived by the RW.

By the way, have you heard El Rushbo's prayer?

Our Rush who art in heaven (Florida), hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come (that's the Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies) , your will be done (Amen), in DC as it is over the airwaves. Give us this day our daily broadcast, and forgive us our debts (that's what bankruptcy court if for), as we also have forgiven our debtors (that's what THEY think). And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from liberalism."
Mud, as usual, has nothing to offer. Only fools to the Hard Right or the Left ignore venues with which they often disagree. Only a fool does that. Mud is a fool, we know. Gramps is getting there apparently.
Mud, you are mumbling as usual, with nothing worthwhile to hear. Normal.

Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?
It's a shot at setting up the scapegoat. "The Left chose the GOP candidate in 2008!" Remember that? In order to make a scapegoat and play the victim card, Rush has to lay the ground work now.

Well yeah. Recently the GOP has become the party of the rootin' tootin' batshit crazies and Mitt Romney.

I don't know how anyone sees Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, Paul, Cain, or Gingrich as ready to lead the free world.

Quite frankly, Romney's a damn poor choice as well. Huntsman is the only guy with any real chops.
Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?
It's a shot at setting up the scapegoat. "The Left chose the GOP candidate in 2008!" Remember that? In order to make a scapegoat and play the victim card, Rush has to lay the ground work now.

Well yeah. Recently the GOP has become the party of the rootin' tootin' batshit crazies and Mitt Romney.

I don't know how anyone sees Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, Paul, Cain, or Gingrich as ready to lead the free world.

Quite frankly, Romney's a damn poor choice as well. Huntsman is the only guy with any real chops.

No offense....but we couldnt see how anyone saw Obama as ready to lead the free world.
To this day, you can not tell me anything that he had in terms of experience that made him ready in your eyes.
For good or were sold on charisma, the words of a speech writer...and a vision.
Wow... Don't they usually wait until after they're elected and fail miserably to claim they 'weren't a real conservative?'

Has the RWNJ megaphone begun pre-emptive strikes?
It's a shot at setting up the scapegoat. "The Left chose the GOP candidate in 2008!" Remember that? In order to make a scapegoat and play the victim card, Rush has to lay the ground work now.

Well yeah. Recently the GOP has become the party of the rootin' tootin' batshit crazies and Mitt Romney.

I don't know how anyone sees Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, Paul, Cain, or Gingrich as ready to lead the free world.

Quite frankly, Romney's a damn poor choice as well. Huntsman is the only guy with any real chops.

Just yesterday at the gym, I was talking to a couple of people, and we all wondered why it is that in a country of 300 + million people, the best the GOP can seem to put forward is a bunch of candidates who say crazy things all the time, and those candidates are far more popular (even if only one at a time) than the only two rational ones.
What's especially odd about this, and an illustration of how our language is being abused, is the fact that, by any reasonable and usual definition of the word, Romney IS a conservative, and Limbaugh is NOT one.

Limbaugh is a radical. A radical, even a right-wing one, is by definition not a conservative.
What's especially odd about this, and an illustration of how our language is being abused, is the fact that, by any reasonable and usual definition of the word, Romney IS a conservative, and Limbaugh is NOT one.

Limbaugh is a radical. A radical, even a right-wing one, is by definition not a conservative.

that is a completely untrue unsubstantiated statement.

Rush is a conservative per the true meaning of conservatism. He is as far right as one can go, but by no means a radical.

Romney, on the other hand is more moderate...especially as it pertains to social issues.

Saying things that make you feel superior is no way to learn and understand the sentiments of those that think differently than you.

Unless, of course, you just prefer feeling superior and have no interest in understanding why others think differently.
It's a shot at setting up the scapegoat. "The Left chose the GOP candidate in 2008!" Remember that? In order to make a scapegoat and play the victim card, Rush has to lay the ground work now.

Well yeah. Recently the GOP has become the party of the rootin' tootin' batshit crazies and Mitt Romney.

I don't know how anyone sees Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, Paul, Cain, or Gingrich as ready to lead the free world.

Quite frankly, Romney's a damn poor choice as well. Huntsman is the only guy with any real chops.

No offense....but we couldnt see how anyone saw Obama as ready to lead the free world.
To this day, you can not tell me anything that he had in terms of experience that made him ready in your eyes.
For good or were sold on charisma, the words of a speech writer...and a vision.

He's very well liked outside this country..and is dealing very well in terms of overseas deals. And if you think America got Osama Bin Laden on it's lonesome..I got a bridge in brooklyn to sell ya. That was some great spook work and behind the scenes deal making going on there.

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