Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural


A guy in ariZONA
Aug 15, 2009
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

Lets see what he says if his Palm Beach gets an oil slick.
It's the Ostrich Defense. Ignore it is best. If you cannot ignore the problem, minimize it. That way there is no problem and you bear no culpability.

It's a convenient out for those who regard environmental safeguards as "over reaching government intrusion".

Idiots subscribe to this defense. They bear watching.
Before long, one of his faithful will run in here and tell you that you have no sense of humor and that Rush was just joking!
You people worry too much.

In a couple of hundred years it will be as good as new.
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

Mind you I am not agreeing with Limbaugh that this particular spill should not be cleaned up because if it threatens coastlines and wildlife preserves, I think it must be - however natural oil spills and leaks are occurring all the time all over the world, including a massive one off the California coast right now. ISA | Natural oil leaks equal to 8–80 Exxon Valdez spills

The spill in the Gulf of Mexico is nowhere near as large as the Santa Barbara natural occurring seep. Oil in its natural form is a part of nature, part of environment in the seas at any given time and the environment routinely handles the "clean up" of such seeps. Oil is not some kind of alien substance that never appeared in the environment or the seas until man found a use for it. Which is why there are life forms that thrive and feed off it.

Limbaugh is 100% correct that if left alone, the seas would take care of this oil spill all by itself over time. THAT isn't the real question though -it is what kind of damage will it cause before the seas naturally remove it. If it costs more to clean it up ourselves first than the damage it might inflict -then it isn't worth cleaning up and we can allow the seas to handle it. If the cost of the damage will be more than the cost of cleaning it faster than the sea would do -then we have to clean it up. So far this spill has not hit landfall anywhere and examination of sea wildlife shows minimal if any damage. But the risk that it will get caught in currents and make landfall where the damage could be enormous still exists and we must be prepared for that. But that the seas WOULD clean it itself -absolutely it would.
but out beloved plastic islands will last and last and last--thank you science !
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

He was not talking about this spill Zona, but there have been natural oil spills in the ocean where they never drilled. In one such incident it was off the coast of California and they were able to cap it with a top hat, much like the one they tried to use on this man caused spill. There are some naturally occuring spills much like naturally occuring Volcanos.
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

Of course Zone isn't honest enough to provide the full text of what Rush said. But I will.

RUSH: Our official climatologist, Dr. Roy Spencer has just sent me something. I've been wondering about this. He must have been reading my mind. We've got 5,000 barrels a day being spilled from the rig, and Dr. Spencer looked into it. You know, we've talked of this before. There's natural seepage into oceans all over the world from the ocean floor of oil -- and the ocean's pretty tough, it just eats it up. Dr. Spencer looked into this. You know the seepage from the floor of the Gulf is exactly 5,000 barrels a day, throughout the whole Gulf of Mexico now. It doesn't seep out all in one giant blob like this thing has, but the bottom line here is: Even places that have been devastated by oil slicks like... What was that place up in Alaska where the guy was drunk, ran a boat aground? (interruption) Prince William Sound. They were wiping off the rocks with Dawn dishwater detergent and paper towels and so forth. The place is pristine now.

You do survive these things. I'm not advocating don't care about it hitting the shore or coast and whatever you can do to keep it out of there is fine and dandy, but the ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and was left out there. It's natural. It's as natural as the ocean water is. (interruption) Well, the turtles may take a hit for a while, but so what? So do we! Hell, remember that story we had at the beginning of the show: The barred owl that flew into the windshield of the Wentzville, Missouri, fire truck, and they got to the fire and the thing was still hanging on out there. It had a broken wing and they took it to some animal veterinary sanctuary or hospital or something. Just give it a pain pill! Why not? That's what they had for us, and we don't even launch ourselves into the windshields of fire trucks.

Regime SWAT Teams Sent to Gulf
Not sure if this transcript is from the same broadcast the OP references, but it's still good, common-sense Rush, at his level-headed best.

Now there are stories that there are plumes of oil beneath the surface of the sea, some of them ten miles long. This led to a discussion of this phenomenon yesterday on Fox News Sunday. It was during the roundtable. Brit Hume, Juan Williams of NPR, Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard, had this discussion.

HUME: That's a good question today, if you're standing down there on the Gulf, and that is, "Where is the oil?"

WILLIAMS: Where is the oil?

HUME: Except for little chunks of it, you're not even seeing it on the shores yet. You know where the greatest source of oil that seeps into the ocean is? It's from natural seepage from subterranean deposits. That's where most of it comes from, not from drilling accidents. What's badly needed here is some perspective on our energy policy and also on the hard realities of what really goes on when it comes to oil spillage.

WILLIAMS: I think Rush Limbaugh went down this road. "Oh, the ocean can handle it." I just think, you know, we have to take some responsibility for the environment and be responsible to people who live in that area, vacation in that area, fish in that area. It's just wrong to think, "You know what? Dump it on the ocean and let the ocean handle it." Why can't we...

HUME: Who said that?

HAYES: Nobody's making that argument.

HUME: Who is saying that?

RUSH: Nobody's saying that. So this is how Juan Williams and the left deal with it: "Oh, okay, you're going down the road that Limbaugh went down." Brit Hume is exactly right here. The amount of seepage, seepage is what it is, not a gusher, but seepage. Throughout the world oil from subterranean deposits leaks out and it never reaches the surface because it's eaten up and destroyed by the ocean. So let's not panic here, folks. If there's plumes of oil ten miles wide under there it's probably not going to be nearly as bad as all the doomsayers say. It never is as bad as the doomsayers say, is it?

Responsibility for the Oil Spill is on You, Environmentalist Wackos
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With the earth being covered by about 70% ocean what are the odds that oil leaks naturally? I bet it happens every day and we don't even know when and where it is happening. With the ocean being thousands of feet deep what can we do about it? It has been leaking for billions of years and the fish are still swimming!!! What we need to do is be very careful when drilling and learning from the mistakes that will happen. If we use the liberal mind set of stopping after any accidents we would never have made it to the moon!!!! Just think how much we have due to the space program. with out it we would not have cell phones that all the liberal use!!!
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

Lets see what he says if his Palm Beach gets an oil slick.

At that point, it will be a national tragedy and Obama's fault!
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

If that fat fuckhead thinks its as natural as the ocean water he should go take a swim in it.
Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

Mind you I am not agreeing with Limbaugh that this particular spill should not be cleaned up because if it threatens coastlines and wildlife preserves, I think it must be - however natural oil spills and leaks are occurring all the time all over the world, including a massive one off the California coast right now. ISA | Natural oil leaks equal to 8–80 Exxon Valdez spills

The spill in the Gulf of Mexico is nowhere near as large as the Santa Barbara natural occurring seep. Oil in its natural form is a part of nature, part of environment in the seas at any given time and the environment routinely handles the "clean up" of such seeps. Oil is not some kind of alien substance that never appeared in the environment or the seas until man found a use for it. Which is why there are life forms that thrive and feed off it.

Limbaugh is 100% correct that if left alone, the seas would take care of this oil spill all by itself over time. THAT isn't the real question though -it is what kind of damage will it cause before the seas naturally remove it. If it costs more to clean it up ourselves first than the damage it might inflict -then it isn't worth cleaning up and we can allow the seas to handle it. If the cost of the damage will be more than the cost of cleaning it faster than the sea would do -then we have to clean it up. So far this spill has not hit landfall anywhere and examination of sea wildlife shows minimal if any damage. But the risk that it will get caught in currents and make landfall where the damage could be enormous still exists and we must be prepared for that. But that the seas WOULD clean it itself -absolutely it would.

They cant stop this leak...
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Rush Limbaugh says there's no reason to spend millions of dollars cleaning up that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The conservative radio host said the spill is a natural occcurence:

“The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.”

Opposing Views: Rush Limbaugh: Oil Spill is Natural

This man (and every one of his fans who actually thinks this man is credible) is an idiot!

Represent Rush, represent.

I'm surprised anyone even listens to Rush, he's so predictable. Very tiring, very predictable and wrong.
but out beloved plastic islands will last and last and last--thank you science !

That's a good example of why I'm doubtful they can even clean it up after they finally stop the underwater gusher.

That plastic island just keeps floating around adding to it's already massive volume.
The spill in the Gulf of Mexico is nowhere near as large as the Santa Barbara natural occurring seep.

The rate of leakage of the Gulf spill dwarfs the Santa Barbara seep, which leaks about 150 bbl per day. Venoco Inc. That 8-20 Valdez figure is for ALL of the oil leaked over the entire history of the seep that has settled in into the sediment on the ocean floor. Since the leak is much slower, the oil has more time to disperse over the ocean. And the marine life in the area has had time to adapt.
With the earth being covered by about 70% ocean what are the odds that oil leaks naturally? I bet it happens every day and we don't even know when and where it is happening. With the ocean being thousands of feet deep what can we do about it? It has been leaking for billions of years and the fish are still swimming!!! What we need to do is be very careful when drilling and learning from the mistakes that will happen. If we use the liberal mind set of stopping after any accidents we would never have made it to the moon!!!! Just think how much we have due to the space program. with out it we would not have cell phones that all the liberal use!!!

Dude, shut the fuck up. If BP had been running Apollo 13 there would be 3 dead astronauts.
With the earth being covered by about 70% ocean what are the odds that oil leaks naturally? I bet it happens every day and we don't even know when and where it is happening. With the ocean being thousands of feet deep what can we do about it? It has been leaking for billions of years and the fish are still swimming!!! What we need to do is be very careful when drilling and learning from the mistakes that will happen. If we use the liberal mind set of stopping after any accidents we would never have made it to the moon!!!! Just think how much we have due to the space program. with out it we would not have cell phones that all the liberal use!!!

Half your post makes it seem like the amount of oil being spewed was a natural incident. It wasnt...

Now on to the second half, we have to get away from this energy source. Period. We should find ways to stop being oil dependent and stop this drill baby drill crap.

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