Rush Reports Zimmerman Arrested again

One sign you aren't a liberal is that you don't hate anyone without just cause. Liberals like you hate people for political reasons.

It was always a race thing. Remove race from the Trayvon Martin case and you get a no story.

Some time passed before it made the news because white guy killing black kid isn't news. He had gotten off Scott-free until his parents started making some noise. If they had not wanted justice for their son, we would never have heard about it.

Fat lot of good it did though. He still got off.

No he was found NOT GUILTY by a Jury of his peers after the State made a case that was so pathetically weak the Jurors admitted that due to pretrial hype they wanted to convict, but there simply was NO EVIDENCE to support the charges.

As to the initial finding, turns out the DA was right not to press charges as Zimmerman acted in self defense as he claimed and as the evidence showed.
Yep. When the case ignited several major political debates like gun ownership, racial profiling, and our court system, then yes....the aftermath of the case is indeed worth political discussion.

Okay, I shall wait on the political discussion then.
I'd love to have 5 minutes in a locked room with this guy, what a clown.
Just a one had a hood on or had an iced tea or skittles.

Zimmerman is emerging as a person who has a bad temper, and a tendency to be involved in violent incidents.

Which again, makes me think Trayvon Martin did NOT have to die that night, and society has let a cold blooded killer free.

he has not been found guilty of any such thing.

stop lying.
i love how libs keep lying about the zimmerman incident

I love how cons keep trying to make excuses for the guy no matter what kind of trouble he gets into.

excuses? pointing out the facts is not excuses. and each and every time you libs convict him without knowing all the facts or presenting false facts, he has been found NOT GUILTY.

sorry dude, but the truth is not an excuse, well, maybe to you.
i love how libs keep lying about the zimmerman incident

I love how cons keep trying to make excuses for the guy no matter what kind of trouble he gets into.

excuses? pointing out the facts is not excuses. and each and every time you libs convict him without knowing all the facts or presenting false facts, he has been found NOT GUILTY.

sorry dude, but the truth is not an excuse, well, maybe to you.

Don't sound so upset, they live for your emotions.
No one there but the fellow with the gun and the kid with a can of tea and some skittles. The fellow that was told by the police to back off. The fellow that you guys have made into your icon. And now that icon continues to show his true self. There is a very good chance that if he goes free once again, there will be another death of someone at his hands. And all the 'I told you so' in the world won't bring that person back.
No one there but the fellow with the gun and the kid with a can of tea and some skittles. The fellow that was told by the police to back off. The fellow that you guys have made into your icon. And now that icon continues to show his true self. There is a very good chance that if he goes free once again, there will be another death of someone at his hands. And all the 'I told you so' in the world won't bring that person back.

An Icon requires an "I" and a "con", He wouldn't mean so much to some if the vampiric locust scourge(the media) hadn't cultivated this little controversy and drawn lines delineating "sides" for the engagementof the entertainment of the night to proceed.

This is all a Big Cock fecht!
Mestizos have a higher propensity for violence than Whites...

But even he has a right to a fair trial. Let's see what happens as the evidence comes out. I don't trust the media considering their hack job last time.
Mestizos have a higher propensity for violence than Whites...

But even he has a right to a fair trial. Let's see what happens as the evidence comes out. I don't trust the media considering their hack job last time.

But they don't taste much different, and yeah I'm very impressed with the absolute power that the media holds over public opinion. Just the sheer ability to herd millions of people one way or another with just a few headlines and an itty bitty omission or two here and there.

It really is the Fourth Branch of Government isn't it?
Mestizos have a higher propensity for violence than Whites...

But even he has a right to a fair trial. Let's see what happens as the evidence comes out. I don't trust the media considering their hack job last time.

But they don't taste much different, and yeah I'm very impressed with the absolute power that the media holds over public opinion. Just the sheer ability to herd millions of people one way or another with just a few headlines and an itty bitty omission or two here and there.

It really is the Fourth Branch of Government isn't it?

What people need to realize is this doesn't change the circumstances of the first case involving Trayvon Martin. They will use this incident to bring the issue back up and demonize law abiding gun owners(primarily white gun owners).
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