Russia and Saudi Arabia fixing oil prices to help trump

Everyone loves Trump- he's a great guy to have around.

But as far as a US negotiator, any country wants America to have a dim bulb, and no one personifies "Dim Bulb" as much as Sleepy Joe himself.
Or a "negotiator" who turns to prosecuting warfare against you.
It's illegal for them to donate to either candidate and if you have evidence they did you should turn it over to the proper authorities.

"Yeah, and it’s not a hard detour to find, either. Thanks to decades of laws, court rulings, IRS interpretations, and one hugely controversial Supreme Court decision (Citizens United), a type of organization exists in the United States that can accept unlimited donations from corporations (foreign or otherwise), campaign for a candidate, and not tell a soul about where the money came from. These fate-decreed special organizations exempt from disclosure under federal tax laws are called Social Welfare Organizations. In the 2012 election, the third largest advertiser, just behind Obama and Romney’s campaigns, was a conservative-backed Social Welfare Organization called Crossroads GPS."

-- Justin Cloyd

Why do you trust government? ...
The Saudis love trump and his criminal family. Remember they gave Kushner, the prince. 2 Billion Dollars. You do recall the Kremlin celebrating after trump won in 2016.

Authoritarian love to see other authoritarians elected, so they can destroy a democracy. But voters are more interested in kitchen table issues. Gas prices are "kitchen table issues." Russia and the Saudis know our deepest country secrets are their's if the fat POS is reelected.

There is nothing these two dictatorships would like more than a trump regime in 2025. This is NOT an unreasonable theory.

The Saudis think Trump is a crazy, boorish person.

I think it could absolutely be true. They want trump to win in November so they can continue to play on his ego. He will give up our deepest secrets if he is told how pretty or smart he is.
An MSDNC panel suggested……:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Rubber room material.
Right because gas prices have never gone up during the Spring and Summer in non election years.
Why? What did they say? Let’s discuss it.

Wow. It just dawned on me what fox tries to do. Control the conversation or narrative. Well, so does msnbc. Let’s discuss what you think is fake news from msnbc
Until you realize fox and msmbc are run by the same people for their common goals, nobody should take you seriously.

I think it could absolutely be true. They want trump to win in November so they can continue to play on his ego. He will give up our deepest secrets if he is told how pretty or smart he is.
Let's see, you say Russia and Saudi is "fixing" oil prices, but Biden cannot? So much for the "global commodity" argument.
If that’s true then how is Saudi and Russian oil affecting us?

Make up your minds.
If you don’t know that, I don’t want to talk about it.

To suggest the president going green is the president Saudi Arabia wants is laughable.

Russia too. Trump will cut off Ukraine.

Didnt trump threaten scorched earth if he wins? Putin loves that!

I think it could absolutely be true. They want trump to win in November so they can continue to play on his ego. He will give up our deepest secrets if he is told how pretty or smart he is.
Joe is a foreign president. He crippled us domestically for the globalism.
This is nonsense. MSNBC is becoming the new Fox News.
Like npr, it leans left for sure.

Do republicans want the fairness doctrine to come back? I would love it. For every Hannity, fox has to have a Rachel Maddow show too. Same with npr.

Or do you like me getting my news from a bias left source while you get your out right lies from the corporate media?

We see msnbc, cnn, and other left leaning shows slowly hiring righties. Let’s see newsmax do the same.

And what ever happened to bias media? Just tell the facts.

But trump can’t cry when the press asks him uncomfortable questions. This ain’t Russia or Saudi Arabia aribique&#$.?
If you don’t know that, I don’t want to talk about it.

To suggest the president going green is the president Saudi Arabia wants is laughable.

Russia too. Trump will cut off Ukraine.

Didnt trump threaten scorched earth if he wins? Putin loves that!

The article is dumb. Saudi Arabia is going green. They have an astonishing amount of solar applications.

They need oil to be $100 a barrel.

We buy almost no oil from Arabia or OPEC.

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