Russia Collusion Case Closed.,What Is Robert Mueller Gonna Do Now?,Send The Other Clowns Back Home?

He is going to find something on someone. That something will not be worth having an investigation, but Democrats will say it is the crime of the century.
we are at that point now where the world sees Democrats as obitchual liars, no matter what Mueller tries to come up with later one,,,we will all just keep laughing

We are at the point now that we realize that Rexx will just parrot whatever President Snowflake tells him to parrot.

Yes- parrot.

Just like you are doing.

Unless you believe that all of America's intelligence agencies- and most of the Republicans in the Senate are lying- you know that Russia actively tried to influence our election. Only the most brain dead Trumpsters keep trying to deny what the Russians tried to do.

And that is the primary focus of Mueller- the Russian election hacking. The possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is only a part of it- and the best thing that can happen for our country is for the FBI to conclude its investigation and announce that there is no evidence of collusion.

I sincerely hope that the FBI doesn't find any evidence of collusion. But if the FBI does find evidence of collusion- then I want it to come out.

BTW, isn't that the point of hack?

No- the point of the hacks was to disrupt our election. Most likely to harm what Russians expected to be a Clinton's presidency.
And by 'witch hunt' you mean you parrot whatever your Dear Leader tweets.
Sorry, but I was using the term before President Trump used it..

So Trump is parroting you?


You have your head buried firmly up President Snowflake's ass and will parrot whatever he says.

Meanwhile- the FBI investigation continues.

Hopefully- and I mean this- I hope that the FBI investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Only those who don't care about America want to prevent the FBI from finishing its investigation.
The FBI investigations have already concluded there was never any collusion. So has the CIA's, the DIA's, the NSA's, and the house Intel Committee's investigations.

You preach this 'BS' about caring about America, fully embracing the witch hunt going on, while ignoring / defending the PROVEN CRIMES committed by the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, etc, ignoring how Hillary was engaged in Influence Peddling, how Bill Clinton was giving speeches for the KGB, while Hillary's campaign manager was receiving thousands of Russian stocks without reporting them - while 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were Russian businessmen with ties to the Kremlin and Putin, and while his brother was working for the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY THAT HACKED THE DNC'S E-MAILS....while Hillary - a criminal under multiple investigations for crimes she DID commit - should have been forced out of the election.

Spare me the hypocritical, sanctimonious BULLSHIT!
No- the point of the hacks was to disrupt our election. Most likely to harm what Russians expected to be a Clinton's presidency.
Barak Obama HIMSELF declared other nations attempt to hack and interfere with US elections ALL THE TIME. This was nothing new. The only thing that was new was that Hillary Clinton - the corrupt, criminal chosen one - was defeated by Donald Trump, and snowflakes could not stomach Donald Trump defeating her, their rigged primaries/election fraud/debate cheating didn't work, and Obama's Legacy being wiped out. That is ALL that was new.

All of this never-ending sore-loser, butt-hurt subversion, sedition, terrorism, treason, and fake news BS was because Liberals came unhinged when Trump beat Hillary!
And by 'witch hunt' you mean you parrot whatever your Dear Leader tweets.
Sorry, but I was using the term before President Trump used it. It's the only term that can be used to truly capture the essence of what it is.

I had to chuckle that was funny.
Look back at my posts - the dates - compared to when Trump began using the term. Sorry, but it is a fact.

Democrats are doing the same thing they tried to do when they took over the House and Senate and Bush was still President - countless man-hours, countless committees, etc ... only to end up indicting Scooter Libby. They didn't get Bush in their witch hunt then & won't get Trump now.
Mueller needs to come out and make a public announcement about exactly WTF he is investigating now.
There was no Russian Collusion and No Obstruction of Justice.

So the only thing he could be investigating is Lynch, Rice, Comey, McCabe's & Powers unethical and criminal activities they engaged in to impact the outcome of the election.
And by 'witch hunt' you mean you parrot whatever your Dear Leader tweets.
Sorry, but I was using the term before President Trump used it. It's the only term that can be used to truly capture the essence of what it is.

I had to chuckle that was funny.

Democrats are doing the same thing they tried to do when they took over the House and Senate and Bush was still President - countless man-hours, countless committees, etc ... only to end up indicting Scooter Libby. They didn't get Bush in their witch hunt then & won't get Trump now.

LOL- you mean the Republicans and Whitewater- countless man-hours, countless committees.....only to end up nailing Bill Clinton for lying about a blow job. They didn't get Clinton in their witch hunt then.

You mean the Republicans and Benghazi- countless man-hours, countless committees....endless investigations- each concluding again that the Obama administration had done nothing wrong- and each leading to another parrot like you calling for more investigations. They didn't get Obama in their witch hunt.

Now the Republicans control Congress. The Republicans lead the committees investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

And you want to blame Democrats.


Witch hunt you have your head so buried up Trump's ass, you will always parrot what he says.
And by 'witch hunt' you mean you parrot whatever your Dear Leader tweets.
Sorry, but I was using the term before President Trump used it. It's the only term that can be used to truly capture the essence of what it is.

I had to chuckle that was funny.
Look back at my posts - the dates - compared to when Trump began using the term. Sorry, but it is a fact.

Democrats are doing the same thing they tried to do when they took over the House and Senate and Bush was still President - countless man-hours, countless committees, etc ... only to end up indicting Scooter Libby. They didn't get Bush in their witch hunt then & won't get Trump now.

Speaking of 'witch hunt'- remember these words of yours?- less than a year ago

He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

Since January- your Dear Leader has inserted himself into the very same Syrian civil war- on his own- with absolutely no more authority than what President Obama had when he ordered drone strikes on terrorists in Syria.

And the results of Trump's war?
Well like President Obama there are dead terrorists- and dead Civilians.
17 civilians killed in US-led coalition strikes on Raqa, suburbs: monitor
17 civilians killed in US-led coalition strikes on Raqa, suburbs: monitor

Paraphrasing you- since this is not a UN sanctioned war- does this make Trump a "War Criminal"?

Of course not- because Obama is a Democrat- and Trump is a Republican- you will never hold Trump to the same standard you pretended to hold Obama.

But I will point out again- speaking of 'witch hunts'- you called President Obama a mass murderer for citizen deaths in Syria- and you don't give a damn about citizen deaths in Syria if Trump is President.
And by 'witch hunt' you mean you parrot whatever your Dear Leader tweets.
Sorry, but I was using the term before President Trump used it..

So Trump is parroting you?


You have your head buried firmly up President Snowflake's ass and will parrot whatever he says.

Meanwhile- the FBI investigation continues.

Hopefully- and I mean this- I hope that the FBI investigation concludes that there was no collusion.

Only those who don't care about America want to prevent the FBI from finishing its investigation.
The FBI investigations have already concluded there was never any collusion. So has the CIA's, the DIA's, the NSA's, and the house Intel Committee's investigations.

You preach this 'BS' about caring about America, fully embracing the witch hunt going on, while ignoring / defending the PROVEN CRIMES committed by the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, etc, ignoring how Hillary was engaged in Influence Peddling, how Bill Clinton was giving speeches for the KGB, while Hillary's campaign manager was receiving thousands of Russian stocks without reporting them - while 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were Russian businessmen with ties to the Kremlin and Putin, and while his brother was working for the KGB Bank AND THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY THAT HACKED THE DNC'S E-MAILS....while Hillary - a criminal under multiple investigations for crimes she DID commit - should have been forced out of the election.

Spare me the hypocritical, sanctimonious BULLSHIT!
"The FBI investigations have already concluded there was never any collusion. So has the CIA's, the DIA's, the NSA's, and the house Intel Committee's investigations.".
:poop: :piss2: :oops-28: Wasn't Attorney Mueller about the re-open the Russian Collusion case? Retry the case later on this year?,, Well, thanks to CNN, looks he he may look like a fool now. All this prep, picking leftist attorneys to work on the case,, So what happens now? He is really going to look like the next Obama Embarrassment if he finds himself in this position where he may have to close the case?
What do you guys think is going to happen with Mueller and his "Send In The Clowns" team now?
It is not over.
:poop: :piss2: :oops-28: Wasn't Attorney Mueller about the re-open the Russian Collusion case? Retry the case later on this year?,, Well, thanks to CNN, looks he he may look like a fool now. All this prep, picking leftist attorneys to work on the case,, So what happens now? He is really going to look like the next Obama Embarrassment if he finds himself in this position where he may have to close the case?
What do you guys think is going to happen with Mueller and his "Send In The Clowns" team now?
It is not over.
Far, far from over. The best is yet to come.
:poop: :piss2: :oops-28: Wasn't Attorney Mueller about the re-open the Russian Collusion case? Retry the case later on this year?,, Well, thanks to CNN, looks he he may look like a fool now. All this prep, picking leftist attorneys to work on the case,, So what happens now? He is really going to look like the next Obama Embarrassment if he finds himself in this position where he may have to close the case?
What do you guys think is going to happen with Mueller and his "Send In The Clowns" team now?

How can the Russian collusion case be closed when we have posters like MindWars propagating the demise of western culture?
even when the Senate and Congress close the case, Joy Blowhard and Whoopie Fartburger will stay on the story that 20 Million Russians voted in 2016
even when the Senate and Congress close the case, Joy Blowhard and Whoopie Fartburger will stay on the story that 20 Million Russians voted in 2016

Nah- people don't believe that any more than they believe President Snowflake's story that 5 million Mexicans voted in 2016.
so whats the next fake CNN story? Trump may have built that plane that went missing for months? maybe went into a black hole or was taken by aliens?

Trump was seen jay-walking near Trump Tower during the campaign. He clearly violated city ordinance and endangered the city. A formal independent investigation is being opened, according to anonymous sources within the FBI.
so whats the next fake CNN story? Trump may have built that plane that went missing for months? maybe went into a black hole or was taken by aliens?

Trump was seen jay-walking near Trump Tower during the campaign. He clearly violated city ordinance and endangered the city. A formal independent investigation is being opened, according to anonymous sources within the FBI.
maybe the next big thing will be that about 30 Million votes that were cast for Trump were actually double votes of those rich white racists who voted in Florida and their own states in November 2016.

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