Russia confirms ‘extremely high’ radiation levels in toxic cloud

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017

France’s Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) produced this graphic to show where the radiation could have come from


By New Scientist staff and Press Association

Russian authorities have confirmed reports of a spike in radioactivity in the air over the Ural Mountains.

The Russian Meteorological Service said it recorded the release of Ruthenium-106 in the southern Urals in late September and classified it as “extremely high contamination”.

France’s nuclear safety agency earlier this month said that it recorded radioactivity in the area between the Volga River and the Ural Mountains from a suspected accident involving nuclear fuel or the production of radioactive material.

It said the release of the isotope Ruthenium-106 posed no health or environmental risks to European countries.

At the time, Russia’s state-controlled Rosatom corporation said there had been no radiation leak from its facilities.

Read more: Exclusive – First visit to Russia’s secret nuclear disaster site
The Russian meteorological office’s report, however, noted high levels of radiation in the villages adjacent to Rosatom’s Mayak plant for spent nuclear fuel.

Mayak has denied being the source of contamination. The plant said it has not conducted any work on extracting Ruthenium-106 from spent nuclear fuel “for several years”.

Mayak, in the Chelyabinsk region, has been responsible for at least two of Russia’s biggest radioactive accidents. In 2004 it was confirmed that waste was being dumped in the local river. Nuclear regulators say that no longer happens, but anti-nuclear activists say it is impossible to tell given the level of state secrecy.

Environmental pressure group Greenpeace said it would petition the Russian Prosecutor General’s office to investigate “a possible concealment of a radiation accident” and check whether public health was sufficiently protected.

Read more: The shocking state of the world’s riskiest nuclear waste site

:dunno::eek-52: Downstream must be really HAPPY. And the Clouds have been moving
down into the habitable areas for decades. FFS! Glad the USA has the EPA!
Well, some that still functions, to keep records. AS the Great Douche rape of
the American Environment for profits, payable to DrumpF LLC!.

Thanks,:asshole: DOPers! Making America look like Russia! :up_yours:
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Congratulations! You've managed to turn a story about Russia nuking itself into an anti-Trump rant.
Russia is what Republicans want here. How do we know? They tell us.
Congratulations! You've managed to turn a story about Russia nuking itself into an anti-Trump rant.
Because today's GOP sides with Russia.

Against Hillary? Sure, any time.

Thank you Mr Putin for making sure that **** didn't get elected.

Ooops. I used the "C" word. :biggrin:

Now you're all invited over to my house for some beet soup and vodka.
It's most likely from NK when they blew up one of their underground nuke labs...remember that earthquake with no aftershocks? I don't think NK has launched a missile or tested nukes since that day...
It's most likely from NK when they blew up one of their underground nuke labs...remember that earthquake with no aftershocks? I don't think NK has launched a missile or tested nukes since that day...

Did you look at the map? Obviously not.

Read the article? Obviously not.

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