Russia faces Defaulting on loans. Economy in full collapse.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
To give you an idea. Right now one Ruble is worth about nothing. It is worth less than a single penny. Put it this way. If you went to the bathroom, it would be cheaper to wipe your ass with Russian Money than it would be to use that money to buy toilet paper.

To that end, Putin has decided that it is now legal to pay foreign debts in this worthless money. While he might think he is sticking it to the foreign governments who put sanctions in place. He is as usual, wrong.

What it really means is that the odds of foreign investments into Russia just went to zero for the next several decades. The last number I had was 61% inflation. In a couple weeks people in Russia will be looking at that as the good old days.

And if that wasn’t enough, Russia is moving to Nationalize the airline industry. That means they are going to seize leased aircraft. That means nobody is going to work with those airlines ever again.

Every day the future of Russia looks more bleak, and we are still in the early stages of this.
it would be cheaper to wipe your ass with Russian Money than it would be to use that money to buy toilet paper.
the odds of foreign investments into Russia just went to zero for the next several decades. The last number I had was 61% inflation. In a couple weeks people in Russia will be looking at that as the good old days.
Every day the future of Russia looks more bleak, and we are still in the early stages of this.

I'm starting to get it now:

The Left failed to get Trump nor stop Trumpism, so now they are really looking forward to Russia taking an absolute pounding to help them fill that hole of accomplishment.
I'm starting to get it now:

The Left failed to get Trump nor stop Trumpism, so now they are really looking forward to Russia taking an absolute pounding to help them fill that hole of accomplishment.

You equate Trump with Russia


No surprise there, bitter old man.
Perhaps. Or this is just the first step in breaking the West's economic stranglehold on the planet. The current global economic system is based on good faith. It is not anchored to anything tangible. Break that faith and the whole thing crashes down.
To give you an idea. Right now one Ruble is worth about nothing. It is worth less than a single penny. Put it this way. If you went to the bathroom, it would be cheaper to wipe your ass with Russian Money than it would be to use that money to buy toilet paper.

To that end, Putin has decided that it is now legal to pay foreign debts in this worthless money. While he might think he is sticking it to the foreign governments who put sanctions in place. He is as usual, wrong.

What it really means is that the odds of foreign investments into Russia just went to zero for the next several decades. The last number I had was 61% inflation. In a couple weeks people in Russia will be looking at that as the good old days.

And if that wasn’t enough, Russia is moving to Nationalize the airline industry. That means they are going to seize leased aircraft. That means nobody is going to work with those airlines ever again.

Every day the future of Russia looks more bleak, and we are still in the early stages of this.

Sounds like we aren’t far behind on inflation. This will have a domino effect, Russia exports many goods the world needs. Gas, oil, fertilizer. But hey, who needs such things, right?

Wasn’t Canada just seizing private trucks that the government didn’t approve of?
To give you an idea. Right now one Ruble is worth about nothing. It is worth less than a single penny. Put it this way. If you went to the bathroom, it would be cheaper to wipe your ass with Russian Money than it would be to use that money to buy toilet paper.

To that end, Putin has decided that it is now legal to pay foreign debts in this worthless money. While he might think he is sticking it to the foreign governments who put sanctions in place. He is as usual, wrong.

What it really means is that the odds of foreign investments into Russia just went to zero for the next several decades. The last number I had was 61% inflation. In a couple weeks people in Russia will be looking at that as the good old days.

And if that wasn’t enough, Russia is moving to Nationalize the airline industry. That means they are going to seize leased aircraft. That means nobody is going to work with those airlines ever again.

Every day the future of Russia looks more bleak, and we are still in the early stages of this.

Bring down Russia, fool and the world goes up in mushroom clouds. All thermonuclear armed governments must be kept stable as a babe swaddled in silk diapers. World war three is not a tourist destination. Good thing your "source" is total bullshit.
Sounds like we aren’t far behind on inflation. This will have a domino effect, Russia exports many goods the world needs. Gas, oil, fertilizer. But hey, who needs such things, right?

Wasn’t Canada just seizing private trucks that the government didn’t approve of?
Short story on inflation. Several months ago we imposed a$1000 surcharge on anything that was over 8ft. then tack on regular shipping cost, and now your fuel surcharges. Sorta bumbed me out cause my route is tile central and they all sell this product. Long and light. Get 4-5 of those on and it makes for an easy day. We had just taken it away from another carrier and I figured it was going right back. Not so Kemosabe. I'd hate to be a contractor as fast as prices are changing.
Sounds like we aren’t far behind on inflation. This will have a domino effect, Russia exports many goods the world needs. Gas, oil, fertilizer. But hey, who needs such things, right?

Wasn’t Canada just seizing private trucks that the government didn’t approve of?
Why get them from Russia? What is the surprise? First the dumb asses running Russia ran the Soviet Union out of business with their ambitions. The downsized to just Russia. Now Vlad's ambition is running Russia out of business. Is anybody surprised?
Bring down Russia, fool and the world goes up in mushroom clouds. All thermonuclear armed governments must be kept stable as a babe swaddled in silk diapers. World war three is not a tourist destination. Good thing your "source" is total bullshit.
Oh, the too big to fail theory, eh? And you think we should buy from Russia to help finance Vlad's aggression? I don't think so. Vlad, and Russia by Vlad's actions are doing it. I don't think the world wants to shop at Vlad's store, while he is acting like this.
Oh, the too big to fail theory, eh? And you think we should buy from Russia to help finance Vlad's aggression? I don't think so. Vlad, and Russia by Vlad's actions are doing it. I don't think the world wants to shop at Vlad's store, while he is acting like this.
Everyone needs the resources Russia has. Most importantly, China needs those resources. All this is doing is pushing the west out.
Everyone needs the resources Russia has. Most importantly, China needs those resources. All this is doing is pushing the west out.
We can get by without Russia. Can Russia get by without the west. How's that ruble doing? Dropped for 70 cents against the dollar to to $0.012 against the dollar? You say their inflation rate is as 64% and rising? What in the world is going on with Russian stocks on the international market? Are they down 46%?
Everyone needs the resources Russia has. Most importantly, China needs those resources. All this is doing is pushing the west out.
Russia has what is basically a commodity based economy, if we had competent leadership the gears would already be turning to source those commodities from here at home of from other countries that would be happy for the business.

Sadly we are stuck with dems who are playing the climate change gambit to it's full effect and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

I don't know what will happen, maybe a coup is in order.
To give you an idea. Right now one Ruble is worth about nothing. It is worth less than a single penny. Put it this way. If you went to the bathroom, it would be cheaper to wipe your ass with Russian Money than it would be to use that money to buy toilet paper.

To that end, Putin has decided that it is now legal to pay foreign debts in this worthless money. While he might think he is sticking it to the foreign governments who put sanctions in place. He is as usual, wrong.

What it really means is that the odds of foreign investments into Russia just went to zero for the next several decades. The last number I had was 61% inflation. In a couple weeks people in Russia will be looking at that as the good old days.

And if that wasn’t enough, Russia is moving to Nationalize the airline industry. That means they are going to seize leased aircraft. That means nobody is going to work with those airlines ever again.

Every day the future of Russia looks more bleak, and we are still in the early stages of this.

The problem is Putin and his inner circle are convinced they can get the West to come back to the table if they can just end the resistance in Ukraine. They see us as nothing but capitalists who will bargain with anyone once the dust has settled and our leaders have appeased our need for punishing him/them.

They can keep a wartime economy going for months, relying on controls, internal reserves, and security forces.
Russia has what is basically a commodity based economy, if we had competent leadership the gears would already be turning to source those commodities from here at home of from other countries that would be happy for the business.

Sadly we are stuck with dems who are playing the climate change gambit to it's full effect and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

I don't know what will happen, maybe a coup is in order.
Or were you suggesting the Russian people do a coup against Putin. For a moment, I thought you were advocating the overthrow of our government. Not sure this message board would be understanding a your plotting and overthrow of the US government on their board.
We can get by without Russia. Can Russia get by without the west. How's that ruble doing? Dropped for 70 cents against the dollar to to $0.012 against the dollar? You say their inflation rate is as 64% and rising? What in the world is going on with Russian stocks on the international market? Are they down 46%?
Your car runs on gas, not fiat currency. Same with the heat and electricity in your home. That's the same the world over. Every year the demand for energy and oil goes up. The West seems to have forgotten this. The US might be able to supply our own energy, but we all know Europe can't. They might learn a hard lesson, play stupid games and freeze your ass off.
Excuse me for a second but you should compare the Russian Currency to the Japanese and South Korean Currency and note how close they are and realize that we might be crushing the Ruble but it is almost near the same worth as the Yen and Won…

Let me know when it is as worthless as the Iranian Currency and let talk…
I'm starting to get it now:

The Left failed to get Trump nor stop Trumpism, so now they are really looking forward to Russia taking an absolute pounding to help them fill that hole of accomplishment.
What they seem blissfully unaware of is that for all their rhetoric about the tyranny of the Bad Orange Man, he operated completely within the law. Putin will do whatever it takes to survive. As in, "that's a nice country you have there, it'd be a shame to see it NUKED"

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