Russia gets heaviest snowstorm in 100 years!!!

Then tell me siagon, what would falsify the hypothesis for you.

Falling temps over the long term would do it. That would be why it's called "global warming".

A failure to see IR flux closing down in the CO2 absorption bands would do it.

That's just the start. AGW science is falsifiable in many ways, and the cranks have been unable to falsify any of it. That's a big reason why AGW science has such credibility. It makes falsifiable predictions, and those predictions are then shown to be true. In contrast, denialist babble is totally unfalsifiable, which is one reason it's so obvious that denialism is pure pseudoscience.
Then tell me siagon, what would falsify the hypothesis for you.

Falling temps over the long term would do it. That would be why it's called "global warming".

A failure to see IR flux closing down in the CO2 absorption bands would do it.

That's just the start. AGW science is falsifiable in many ways, and the cranks have been unable to falsify any of it. That's a big reason why AGW science has such credibility. It makes falsifiable predictions, and those predictions are then shown to be true. In contrast, denialist babble is totally unfalsifiable, which is one reason it's so obvious that denialism is pure pseudoscience.

Who cares???

Answer? Nobody. you know what these are?? ( hint: they dont transport cats)


2.5 million dollars/unit.

There are thousands of them across the US and without them, we dont fucking eat. Nobody eats:2up:

Freight trains move more than 1.5 trillion ton-miles in 2010......asshole, while you sit home brushing your cats hair while watching Al Gore movie.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Only the k00ks think it feasible for a business to scrap tens of millions of dollars of investment because a few hysterical OC science people think the world is ending next week due to CO2.

Rail transportation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What do you think the railroad is going to trade them in for to move the shit? A bobsled hooked up and pulled by 12 of your cats?

In other words.......fossil fuels aint going anywhere in the next several decades. Because we gotta eat. Perhaps the environmental nutters dont need to eat but the rest of the world does:fu:. And people in the northeast need coal......lots and lots and lots of it needs to be delivered by rail to where the electricity is made near Buffalo/El Mira New York. .....or people freeze to fucking death.:funnyface:

Time to climb from the bubble in Disney, get a cup of maple nut crunch and join the real world!!!:thewave:
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Ok, I think I have this now. If it doesn't snow it's because of global warming. No, climate change, got it. If it snows to much it's because of climate change, global warming. Hmm, and in a few weeks if I don't stop driving were all gonna die!

Sorry you guys.
Ok, I think I have this now. If it doesn't snow it's because of global warming. No, climate change, got it. If it snows to much it's because of climate change, global warming. Hmm, and in a few weeks if I don't stop driving were all gonna die!

Sorry you guys.

It isn't atually difficult to understand - increasing humidity means more snow.

SSDD doesn't want to understand and won't read explanations - by all means go that way if you think that is what makes for the most intelligent way to enlightenment.
Ok, I think I have this now. If it doesn't snow it's because of global warming. No, climate change, got it. If it snows to much it's because of climate change, global warming. Hmm, and in a few weeks if I don't stop driving were all gonna die!

Sorry you guys.

It isn't atually difficult to understand - increasing humidity means more snow.

SSDD doesn't want to understand and won't read explanations - by all means go that way if you think that is what makes for the most intelligent way to enlightenment.

Yo....Mr. "I got all the Information"

The explanations dont matter.......

But dont take my word for it.........

In Washington, Energy and Climate Issues Get Shoved in the Closet -

You're like the guy who gets a brand new car....... invites the neighbor over and says, "Check out my new super-car man!!!":clap2:

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Skooks -

I won't take your word for it, because on this thread you have proven that you word means nothing.

You can't admit that you are wrong - even when you know you are wrong.

Nor can you acknlowedge basic facts when they are presented to you.
Gonna tell us how the Goebbels warming hokum is falsifiable, or are just going to sit there with your mouth hanging open, waiting for a bird to start building a nest in it?

I mentioned some of them. But being they're so fundamentally gutless, no denialist would respond.

A lack of functioning gonads is kind of the root cause of denialism. After all, only simpering eunuchs and dried-up hags will develop that bleating herdbeast mindset which is so necessary for their evolution into the proud UsefulIdiots of the bitter-right-wing-crank political cult.

Denialism isn't actually the cult; denialism is just one of many deranged conspiracy theories that the cult is required to profess belief in. This would be why nearly every denialist swears loyalty to the whole collection of whackaloon righty conspiracy theories. You rarely find a denialist who isn't a full-blown right-wing nutball, as these threads so clearly show.

In direct contrast, the AGW side is composed of every conceivable political group. After all, political affiliation is not relevant to good science.
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You didn't mention any that I've seen.

Nonetheless, anthropogenic Goebbes warming fails the traditional acid tests of sound on (at least) 3 counts.

1) Unfalsifiable....That is to say that no matter what happens, the wrmist cult can always find a way to blame it all on Goebbels warming...There is no other possible explanation.
2) No physical static control.
3) Not reproducible in context and on demand.

Though there's a fourth, I can't remember it off hand.
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Gonna tell us how the Goebbels warming hokum is falsifiable, or are just going to sit there with your mouth hanging open, waiting for a bird to start building a nest in it?

I mentioned some of them. But being they're so fundamentally gutless, no denialist would respond.

A lack of functioning gonads is kind of the root cause of denialism. After all, only simpering eunuchs and dried-up hags will develop that bleating herdbeast mindset which is so necessary for their evolution into the proud UsefulIdiots of the bitter-right-wing-crank political cult.

Denialism isn't actually the cult; denialism is just one of many deranged conspiracy theories that the cult is required to profess belief in. This would be why nearly every denialist swears loyalty to the whole collection of whackaloon righty conspiracy theories. You rarely find a denialist who isn't a full-blown right-wing nutball, as these threads so clearly show.

In direct contrast, the AGW side is composed of every conceivable political group. After all, political affiliation is not relevant to good science.

Then climate change legislation should SAAAAAAAIIIIIIILLLLLLLL through the HOUSE and SENATE later this year!!!!:bye1::2up::bye1::2up::bye1::2up:

Then we can do a ball inventory!!!


Feminist bulldogs on Environmental forums = gay.
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IF it gets a LOT colder and snowier, that's a paradoxical effect of MAN MADE Global Warming.

If it gets hotter and or drier, that is the direct effect of MAN MADE Global Warming.

Thus, it is revealed, that ALL weather and climate is a direct responsibility of George W. Bush, his fat cat Republican Donors, the GOP, capitalism and the existence of the lethal virus on the face of this planet we call "human beings."

Global Warming & George W. Bush are the Great Unifying Objects of Blame.
For the left...
More k00k losing..................:fu:

Heaviest Snowfall in a Century Hits Moscow | News | The Moscow Times

The OC warmists will say this is expected with global warming. OK........and the only people who buy that narrative are the other like nutters on the internet. The rest of the world is saying ( especially in Russia )........."WTF??!!! Global warming is gay!!!"


Perception is 95% reality s0ns!!!!!:2up:

Just how stupid do you people get? Global warming does not have to do with the weather in a certain area of the globe on any given day. It has to do with weather getting more extreme all over, which it has been over the past few years.

This has also been found to be a huge money maker due to all the variables involved, that no one can seem to get their little heads wrapped around or to place a solid finger upon. How convenient this has been for the money makers in all of this type of stuff.. Man have I been in the wrong business in life..
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This has also been found to be a huge money maker due to all the variables involved, that no one can seem to get their little heads wrapped around or to place a solid finger upon. How convenient this has been for the money makers in all of this type of stuff.. Man have I been in the wrong business in life..

You mean like the oil industry, the coal industry...that kind of thing?

Come on, Beagle, at least try and think stuff through a little bit before posting this garbage.

The fact that the oil industry came kicking and screaming to the realisiation that climate change is caused by CO2 SHOULD have been enough to take any sensible person with them.
More k00k losing..................:fu:

Heaviest Snowfall in a Century Hits Moscow | News | The Moscow Times

The OC warmists will say this is expected with global warming. OK........and the only people who buy that narrative are the other like nutters on the internet. The rest of the world is saying ( especially in Russia )........."WTF??!!! Global warming is gay!!!"


Perception is 95% reality s0ns!!!!!:2up:

Just how stupid do you people get? Global warming does not have to do with the weather in a certain area of the globe on any given day. It has to do with weather getting more extreme all over, which it has been over the past few years.

This has also been found to be a huge money maker due to all the variables involved, that no one can seem to get their little heads wrapped around or to place a solid finger upon. How convenient this has been for the money makers in all of this type of stuff.. Man have I been in the wrong business in life..

Its exactly like the bozo's who sell all kinds of bogus stuff on the late night cable channels targeting the depressed suckers of the world. Indeed.....the marketeers are brilliant people and years ago identified a target audience: the environmental fringe contingent who get hysterical over anything.

Beagle......while driving through the snow drifts this am here in New York, the local CBS radio station had a report on something called a "Disco Clam". Around the lips of this clam, apparently, it has flashing lights multiple times/second. Scientists arent sure if it is to drive away predators or attract prey. Made me think of the AGW nutters......its like a fringe group who embraces the science claiming "The Disco Clam attracts prey with its disco lights!!!". You're just going to have people out there that are going to want to believe that no matter the information to the contrary. JUST LIKE THE WARMING k00ks.:2up:
Skooks -

Does it not seem ironic to you that you go on and on about kooks - on a thread where the kooks were proven right and you were proven wrong?
Skooks -

Does it not seem ironic to you that you go on and on about kooks - on a thread where the kooks were proven right and you were proven wrong?
I think it's all a money making sham/scam (redistribution for certain groups and their causes in the end), because man will never be able to determine the extent of what impact he is causing upon this world as far as this weather being connected to it all goes, I mean we had people predicting on this stuff back in the day, that has since been proven wrong in the past (big time) in regards to it all, but it is just covered over by the fringe afterwards or rather that part of it is never talked about by them at all (it can't be), as the b/c just keeps rolling on and on and on with this stuff. Now I believe in pollution of course, and in the many forms that it takes, but that is about the extent of it, and yes we must always do things to stop or minimize air pollution and many other pollutions we can put our hands on in which we have control over, and if it benefits us and our health then fine (proven in the past), but this climate thing has been a sham/scam for money I think. We have some super corruption going on these days, and there are some people working hard for the next trophy to place on the mantle in their den.
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Skooks -

Does it not seem ironic to you that you go on and on about kooks - on a thread where the kooks were proven right and you were proven wrong?
I think it's all a money making sham/scam (redistribution for certain groups and their causes in the end), because man will never be able to determine the extent of what impact he is causing upon this world as far as this weather being connected to it all goes, I mean we had people predicting on this stuff back in the day, that has since been proven wrong in the past (big time) in regards to it all, but it is just covered over by the fringe afterwards or rather that part of it is never talked about by them at all (it can't be), as the b/c just keeps rolling on and on and on with this stuff. Now I believe in pollution of course, and in the many forms that it takes, but that is about the extent of it, and yes we must always do things to stop or minimize air pollution and many other pollutions we can put our hands on in which we have control over, and if it benefits us and our health then fine (proven in the past), but this climate thing has been a sham/scam for money I think. We have some super corruption going on these days, and there are some people working hard for the next trophy to place on the mantle in their den.


We'll let the warmist hero's take their bows on here.....but the shit we post up like a shotgun shell to the face at 20 paces.......


It means WE win no matter that all the media embrace this consensus shit.....that Al Gore exists.....that the UN shovels its BS all over the globe......that the fringe scientists continue to roll out cherry picked shit to help thier careers. None of that shit matters in the real world........

Which I will continue to point out in this forum every fucking day:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: because I live for blowing up propaganda shit!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Alot of the warmist k00ks dont have a clue about the level of exploitation perpetuated by the green profiteers. How many tens of billions in government subsidies vs just 4 billion for the oil industry??? Its a fucking scam, but thankfully, a losing one. The fucks behind green efforts dont give a shit if my eletric bill DOUBLES.....most who have zero real responsibilities in life and dont own a fucking thing.

Fuck them............:rock::coffee::rock::coffee::rock::coffee:
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Skook, do you realize you're babbling again?

Everyone else does. That would be the reason for the laughter. You present your nutballrightyfringe cult's idiot dogma in such a hilarious fashion. Other denialists at least have the sense to slither away when they get spanked. But you? You're too clueless to understand you've been whupped, hence the way you just turn up the stupid.

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