Russia gets heaviest snowstorm in 100 years!!!

The funny thing is - in my part of the world everyone can understand this stuff.

It snows at -3C.

It never snows at -20C.

I remember going to one of the coldest places on the planet, where it rarely got above -13C, and there wasn't a flake of snow in sight. It can't snow there, and it never does.

Why Takeastepback can't understand that, I have no idea.
Here it is for some of the slower members of the class to understand!!

Can it be too cold to snow? People from warm climates might be forgiven for thinking that's a crazy question. After all, it only snows when it's cold, so the colder it is, the snowier it must be. Right? Wrong. Arctic climates often get surprisingly little snow. Barrow, Alaska, for example, gets less snow than Chicago in an average year, despite having winters that average 39°F (22°C) colder. So does that mean it can be too cold to snow? Well, people from cold climates might be forgiven for thinking it can, since they have lived through a lot of cold winters and may have noticed that the coldest weather of any given year has never been associated with snow. That isn't really because it's too cold to snow, but because it's too dry. (The coldest weather is almost always associated with very high pressure and very dry air.)

The Straight Dope: Does it ever get too cold to snow?

So for places like Russia and Finland - as it gets warmer and more humid, yes, it will snow more. Today we had 96% humidity - and a ton of snow.
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Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Do warmer temps lead to abnormally frigid conditions that freeze nations solid?

It's not just the plot line of a dopey movie. It is also a scientific theory that increased warming melts lots of arctic ice. That's fresh water. that fresh water in large volumes flows into the saline oceans causing some desalinization. The desalinization affects the flow of the large ocean currents (like the Gulf stream) which circulates the warmer waters north (in the northern hemisphere) and the cooler waters back south.

When that gets disrupted, the impact on climate is believed to cause more cooling up north which (theoretically) is believed to possibly be powerful enough paradoxically cause much colder climate in the northern lands. It is even thought that some of the cyclical ice ages may have been caused in such a fashion.

So, if you buy the theory, then the answer to your question would appear to be "yes."

Scientific theory?
Arctic Oscillation is not exactly paradoxical...

Extreme winter weather linked to climate change | Reuters

This year, a series of heavy storms over the U.S. Midwest to the Northeast have dropped up to 400 percent of average snows in some locations, said Jeff Masters, director of meteorology at Weather Underground.

The amount of water in that snowpack is among the highest on record, Masters said.

``If you were to take all that water and melt it, it would come out to more than 6 inches over large swaths of the area,'' Masters said. ``If all that water gets unleashed in a hurry, in a sudden warming, and some heavy rains in the area, we could be looking at record flooding along the Upper Mississippi River and the Red River in North Dakota.''

That tallies with projections by the U.S. National Weather Service, which last month said a large stretch of the north central United States is at risk of moderate to major flooding this spring.


In the last century, global average temperatures have risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Last year tied for the warmest in the modern record. One place this warmth showed up was in the Arctic, which is a major weather-maker for the Northern Hemisphere, according to Mark Serreze, director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center.

One driver of this winter's ``crazy weather,'' Serreze said, is an atmospheric pattern known as the Arctic Oscillation, which has moved into what climate scientists call a negative phase.

This phase means there is high pressure over the Arctic and low pressure at mid-latitudes, which makes the Arctic zone relatively warm, but spills cold Arctic air southward to places like the U.S. Midwest and Northeast.
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Do warmer temps lead to abnormally frigid conditions that freeze nations solid?

It's interesting - you claim to be looking for scientific evidence of climate change, and yet when that evidence is prevented it, not only do you fail to understand the science involved, but you show no interest at all in understanding it.
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Exactly that....I have to say - how can anyone NOT know that??!! :razz:

LOL.....doesnt matter s0n. The warmist OC's might as well be banging their collecive heads smack dab into a wall becaue NOBODY gives a flying fuck bout the science when it comes right down to it. If the science as ZERO impact on public poicy, then i doesnt mean dick. And it doesnt men dick............which is spectacular for the non warmist OC's since their electric bill doesnt have to take a 100% hit. Only people with the common sense of a small soap dish support opening up their wallet based upon a couple of computer models which completely discount causation outside of the "man-made" hail-Mary pass.

Watch later this year as climate change legislation crashes and burns in spectacular fashion..........and I will be here to report it with lots and lots of gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics.:fu::up::fu::up::fu::up::fu::up: ..........and we'll all still come in here and see the same stupid-ass "greenhouse effect/arctic-ice/doomsday" links posted up for the gay!!!!!!
Skooks -

The science behind the increased snow has been explained.

Please acknowledge this point so that the debate can move on without the same error being endlessly repreated.

If you are an honest poster, you might also consider apologising for having misled the board with nonsensical claims.
Here it is for some of the slower members of the class to understand!!

Can it be too cold to snow? People from warm climates might be forgiven for thinking that's a crazy question. After all, it only snows when it's cold, so the colder it is, the snowier it must be. Right? Wrong. Arctic climates often get surprisingly little snow. Barrow, Alaska, for example, gets less snow than Chicago in an average year, despite having winters that average 39°F (22°C) colder. So does that mean it can be too cold to snow? Well, people from cold climates might be forgiven for thinking it can, since they have lived through a lot of cold winters and may have noticed that the coldest weather of any given year has never been associated with snow. That isn't really because it's too cold to snow, but because it's too dry. (The coldest weather is almost always associated with very high pressure and very dry air.)

The Straight Dope: Does it ever get too cold to snow?

So for places like Russia and Finland - as it gets warmer and more humid, yes, it will snow more. Today we had 96% humidity - and a ton of snow.

Well.........the intellectuals among us are clearly smarter than everybody else ( we get the weather lectures all the time dont we??:up:).

But the smart guys are losing huge.....................but connect the dots issues = inability to recognize it!!!!


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Skooks -

Do you mind telling us why you can not admit that you are wrong - even when everyone can see that you are wrong?

Does endlessly spamming your own thread strike you as being terribly adult?
Skooks -

Do you mind telling us why you can not admit that you are wrong - even when everyone can see that you are wrong?

Does endlessly spamming your own thread strike you as being terribly adult?

son........first of all, nobody gives a rats ass about anybody commenting from Finland, or anywhere else in Europe frankly, all being socialist ass-lickers who live in a bubble of utopian BS.

The only thing that has ever interested me in the forum here is highlighting the level of fantasy coming from the environmental activists that troll in here.....and I do a stellar job I might add. How do I know? Because I am universally hated by the k00ks who have continuous mental meltdowns responding to my posts.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
IF global warming is happening, then YES of course, all weather regardless of what it is, is going to be part of that climate event.

For that matter IF global warming is NOT happening, then YES of course, all weather regardless of what it is, is going to be part of that climate NONevent.

Am I the only person here who understands the meaning of the saying?

A single swallow does not a summer make​
The only thing that has ever interested me in the forum here is highlighting the level of fantasy coming from the environmental activists that troll in here.....and I do a stellar job I might add. How do I know? Because I am universally hated by the k00ks who have continuous mental meltdowns responding to my posts.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Well on this thread you have done a stellar job of making a fool out of yourself, I give you that.

You have also proven beyond any about that you can not post honestly, nor admit that you are wrong even when you know you are.

Do not mistake being an object of ridicule for being hated.

btw. If you want to do a stellar job - you need to be right once in a while. You might also need to grow a pair of balls that allow you to admit when you are not - like on this thread.
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Skooks -

The science behind the increased snow has been explained.

Please acknowledge this point so that the debate can move on without the same error being endlessly repreated.

If you are an honest poster, you might also consider apologising for having misled the board with nonsensical claims.
No, the rationalization behind the snow has been proffered...Problem being, that no matter what happens, brain dead cargo cultists like you will blame any and every even marginally unusual weather event on Goebbels warming.
IF global warming is happening, then YES of course, all weather regardless of what it is, is going to be part of that climate event.

For that matter IF global warming is NOT happening, then YES of course, all weather regardless of what it is, is going to be part of that climate NONevent.

Am I the only person here who understands the meaning of the saying?

A single swallow does not a summer make​

Indeed, I give the climate k00ks alot of credit. They have ALL bases covered no matter what the weather does.. They "morph" to whatever the landscape is.....its fucking brilliant and foolproof.

Warmer weather = global warming

Colder weather = global warming

More Huricanes = global warming

Less Hurricanes = global warming

Lots of snow = global warming

Less snow = global warming

Bitter cold = global warming

Less cold = global warming

More earthquakes = gloal warming

Tsunami's = global warming

Drought = global warming

Flooding = global warming

As if all of this shit just started in the late 20th century...........

List of natural disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Skooks -

But do you now accept that in this case the increased snows are consistent with climate change?

If it isn't - can you explain why not?

Let's see you actually try and engage in the science, rather than just post silly pictures.

Oddball -

Please the limit the off-topic abuse and spamming. Either comment on the topic, or find someone who can do it for you.
Oddball -

Let's try and stick to the science.

Do you now accept that in this case the increased snows are consistent with climate change, because they indicate increased humidity?

If it isn't - can you explain why not?

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