Russia gives France a puppy

Oh and pup is gorgeous. I thought so many pet owners were great starting the "je suis Diesel" campaign
Africa /still/ has slaves don't they, I think it was mostly in either the north or south, can't recall atm.
Interesting, I would think that comparing modern "ideological slaves" to the actual slaves of US history would be highly offensive.
Sex slaves are all over the USA and other countries. Slavery is slavery. One doesn't have to be black to be doomed by it.
Someday we'll have the tech to make robot sniffers and won't have to risk the pups. :)
Someday we will have machines to harvest cotton, and won't need ******* as slaves...
You mean like Obama's ancestors?
obama's ancestors were never slaves. He's African.
Obama is not only an illegitimate leader, he's an illegitimate black guy. Never been down with the struggle.
Every leader loves their country and countrymen, except ours. It's really sad and depressing.

I don't fully agree that Obama hates America, not that I particularly like Obama for the disaster he's been for the country (I'm a capitalist and the US is financially /fucked/ right now), but I guess I see him as a progressive socialist; like he loves the country's name and perhaps even it's potential future, but not it's history kind of thing. Hard to explain right...

Obama is doing nothing to keep us safe. That's not love of country. In fact, he's doing everything to cut America down to size. His regime started with his Apology Tour and has gone downhill ever since from releasing 5 al Qaeda generals for a deserter, Obamacare bankrupting the country to refusing to fight ISIS.
Links of legal actual slavery in the USA requested.
When did you ask about legal slavery? Just curious because it sounds like you are moving the goal posts. Look up the 13th amendment. Slavery is still legal in this country.

Well to be frank, given your past posting history, I had a feeling you were trying to equate minimum wage to slavery (ala Anti-Slavery - Forced labour in the United States agricultural industry ) or some other bullshit, and I do believe you've verified my original premise with this statement:

Not only sex slavery but forced labor slavery as well.

/Involuntary/ sex slavery isn't acceptable in the US, if a woman wants to move to Vegas and sell her body, that is her /choice/ and doesn't fall under slavery in any way shape or form. Such things are oft merely labeled as "sex slavery" simply because of religious beliefs. Though I'm open to links supporting your claim that it's actual slavery rather than ideological slavery as I noted.

On the other, it's not /forced/ labor nor /involuntary/ servitude if you /choose/ to take a minimum wage job, (nor if you /decide/ to be a farm worker.)

This argument is even sillier if one considers the amount one can get without even working through various social programs. (aka welfare) Now if one is making under $10k/y as the article above cites for farm workers, and is an American citizen I can almost guarantee they are on welfare, and what happens if you add the $ value of that to their annual income? Now for the record, I'm not actually complaining about this, but the reality is more along the lines of - the reason they work for that low of pay is /because/ it keeps them under the poverty line and thus they are able to subsidize their income, and tax free too boot. Similar to the folks who were asking to have their hours cut so they still qualified for assistance programs after min wage went up in their area.

Again, I don't personally have a problem with folks doing this and I'll even explain why: because it's capitalist in nature, it's using all financial resources as intended/available - it is exactly the same thing that many businesses and 1%ers do. I can respect an individual who has enough financial sense to come up this kind of loop hole-ish exploit. It means there is hope for them, it means they are not 100% reliant upon the government, it means that they are doing "something" to better their financial situation for their family, and even better they are doing it on their own (like businesses and wealthy folks have tax folks who are paid to find every single thing for them) but these folks are finding them on their own, it's a brilliant use of resources imo. I have a belief that most folks have a spot at which they make just enough to not care about "moving up" the payscale, like it's not worth the "effort" for them to make x more or w/e. If one hangs out at a level that sounds low to someone else, that's the "someone else's" opinion, not the individual in question. For example; my husband and I do just fine on like $36k a year, we are in a financial situation where we don't /have/ to do so, but it's about where we sit at on average over the past 10 years or so. We're fine with it, even if others think that's not enough, but for us we're very happy with it. (If we weren't then we'd get additional job incomes, and we have, between my husband and I, had five concurrent jobs at the same time when we wanted to buy a boat and the cabins, etc.)

EDIT: Oh and as far as like work visa folks go on that, we don't /force/ them to come into America and take that job. It's not involuntary nor forced at all.
Every leader loves their country and countrymen, except ours. It's really sad and depressing.

I don't fully agree that Obama hates America, not that I particularly like Obama for the disaster he's been for the country (I'm a capitalist and the US is financially /fucked/ right now), but I guess I see him as a progressive socialist; like he loves the country's name and perhaps even it's potential future, but not it's history kind of thing. Hard to explain right...

Obama is doing nothing to keep us safe. That's not love of country. In fact, he's doing everything to cut America down to size. His regime started with his Apology Tour and has gone downhill ever since from releasing 5 al Qaeda generals for a deserter, Obamacare bankrupting the country to refusing to fight ISIS.

Now that I can agree with, but I don't think it's really /hate/ for America. It's kind of like idk when PaintMyHouse says he's an American then in the same breath says he wants the 2nd amendment abolished lol
Someday we'll have the tech to make robot sniffers and won't have to risk the pups. :)
Someday we will have machines to harvest cotton, and won't need ******* as slaves...
You mean like Obama's ancestors?
obama's ancestors were never slaves. He's African.
His moms ancestors were enslaved. She has African ancestry.
. LOL. Obama was never down with the struggle. Neither was you if your under 50.
Links of legal actual slavery in the USA requested.
When did you ask about legal slavery? Just curious because it sounds like you are moving the goal posts. Look up the 13th amendment. Slavery is still legal in this country.

Well to be frank, given your past posting history, I had a feeling you were trying to equate minimum wage to slavery (ala Anti-Slavery - Forced labour in the United States agricultural industry ) or some other bullshit, and I do believe you've verified my original premise with this statement:

Not only sex slavery but forced labor slavery as well.

/Involuntary/ sex slavery isn't acceptable in the US, if a woman wants to move to Vegas and sell her body, that is her /choice/ and doesn't fall under slavery in any way shape or form. Such things are oft merely labeled as "sex slavery" simply because of religious beliefs. Though I'm open to links supporting your claim that it's actual slavery rather than ideological slavery as I noted.

On the other, it's not /forced/ labor nor /involuntary/ servitude if you /choose/ to take a minimum wage job, (nor if you /decide/ to be a farm worker.)

This argument is even sillier if one considers the amount one can get without even working through various social programs. (aka welfare) Now if one is making under $10k/y as the article above cites for farm workers, and is an American citizen I can almost guarantee they are on welfare, and what happens if you add the $ value of that to their annual income? Now for the record, I'm not actually complaining about this, but the reality is more along the lines of - the reason they work for that low of pay is /because/ it keeps them under the poverty line and thus they are able to subsidize their income, and tax free too boot. Similar to the folks who were asking to have their hours cut so they still qualified for assistance programs after min wage went up in their area.

Again, I don't personally have a problem with folks doing this and I'll even explain why: because it's capitalist in nature, it's using all financial resources as intended/available - it is exactly the same thing that many businesses and 1%ers do. I can respect an individual who has enough financial sense to come up this kind of loop hole-ish exploit. It means there is hope for them, it means they are not 100% reliant upon the government, it means that they are doing "something" to better their financial situation for their family, and even better they are doing it on their own (like businesses and wealthy folks have tax folks who are paid to find every single thing for them) but these folks are finding them on their own, it's a brilliant use of resources imo. I have a belief that most folks have a spot at which they make just enough to not care about "moving up" the payscale, like it's not worth the "effort" for them to make x more or w/e. If one hangs out at a level that sounds low to someone else, that's the "someone else's" opinion, not the individual in question. For example; my husband and I do just fine on like $36k a year, we are in a financial situation where we don't /have/ to do so, but it's about where we sit at on average over the past 10 years or so. We're fine with it, even if others think that's not enough, but for us we're very happy with it. (If we weren't then we'd get additional job incomes, and we have, between my husband and I, had five concurrent jobs at the same time when we wanted to buy a boat and the cabins, etc.)

EDIT: Oh and as far as like work visa folks go on that, we don't /force/ them to come into America and take that job. It's not involuntary nor forced at all.
You wrote that long post, which had the effect of making me skip most of it, and never answered my question. I'm not talking about minimum wage jobs. I said forced labor. To be specific unpaid forced labor and as Grace mentioned sex slave labor. Slavery is illegal in Africa so your introduction of legality once you realized you were wrong was nothing but a goal post move. Also as I said slavery is still legal in the US and this is stated in the 13th amendment.

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