Russia has Freed Bakhmut.

The holocaust of indigenous peoples in the US.

There was no "holocaust", The numbers were already increasing by the time the US became a country and it has been rising ever since.

If you actually knew anything instead of repeating lies by others, the "population crash" was between 1495 and 1620. And it was caused by disease.

However, even that is misleading, as it is believed the highest population was actually before 1450, when the Mississippian Culture collapsed. The fragmentation and collapse of that culture came after about 2 decades of warfare and disease, and started a sharp downward trend in population numbers that was continued by disease after the Europeans arrived. But the "White Man" did not create it, it was already a fact and why so many of the groups they ran into that had been part of the Mississippian Culture were so hostile. As opposed to other groups they met which were friendly, and had never belonged to that culture.

But the deaths of the Indians was no more a "holocaust" done to them than the Black Death was a holocaust on Europeans caused by the Chinese.
There was no "holocaust", The numbers were already increasing by the time the US became a country and it has been rising ever since.

If you actually knew anything instead of repeating lies by others, the "population crash" was between 1495 and 1620. And it was caused by disease.

However, even that is misleading, as it is believed the highest population was actually before 1450, when the Mississippian Culture collapsed. The fragmentation and collapse of that culture came after about 2 decades of warfare and disease, and started a sharp downward trend in population numbers that was continued by disease after the Europeans arrived. But the "White Man" did not create it, it was already a fact and why so many of the groups they ran into that had been part of the Mississippian Culture were so hostile. As opposed to other groups they met which were friendly, and had never belonged to that culture.

But the deaths of the Indians was no more a "holocaust" done to them than the Black Death was a holocaust on Europeans caused by the Chinese.
Don't talk as if you know anything about it. Almost 95% of the indigenous people disappeared between 1500 and 1900, overwhelmingly through contact with white Euro-Americans. Disease eradication of first peoples was the result of racial contact, and the Euro-Americans inherited the result.
I seen where Crimea lost another oil station today.

Machines are great so long as they have gas.
Such the reality of modern warfare turned out to be that the "shitty" S-300s you bastards inherited from the oppressive Soviet Union were good enough to thwart in a way our AF. I hear you're running out of them or almost ran out, the Patriots didn't live up to expectations or have been destroyed, the F-16s will be as good as dead confronting our S-400s or better, the Leopards are just the tanks as the rest of them several thousands that you assholes lost already, the bulk of the army are at a reunion with Bandera. What will you be making offence with? Almost forgot, what about the Khmelnitsky explosion? Did you hear it bang? I think Hohols liked it.

You say the Patriots didn't live up to expectations, but yet they stopped every single missile in Russia's last huge barrage on Kiev. They've even stopped multiple khinzal missiles, which Russia claims is unstoppable. This is from a system which is being phased out because of it's age.
Don't talk as if you know anything about it. Almost 95% of the indigenous people disappeared between 1500 and 1900, overwhelmingly through contact with white Euro-Americans.

And yes, I know a hell of a lot about it.

Yes, almost entirely through disease. The vast majority were dead by 1600, when there was still no contact with most of the tribes by Europeans. Like any disease it moved faster than people themselves did.

Of course, other Indian tribes themselves killed far more of each other than the Europeans did. Especially the more warlike groups, like the Lakota. Which swept a path of destruction not unlike the Mongols and Huns from the Lower Mississippi all the way up to the Great Lakes. Where they were finally repulsed and started their march west. And of course we also can't discount the human sacrifice angle, as a lot of the tribes (especially those that had been part of the Mississippian Culture) had human sacrifice rituals as part of their religion.

Hell, the Pawnee were still holding the "Morning Star" ritual into the 19th century. Where a key part was kidnapping a female from another village of around 15, then ritualistically molesting and abusing her before sacrificing her.

And disease is disease, as I said blaming Europeans for that would be like blaming the Chinese for the Black Death that swept through Europe in the 14th Century and killed around 200 million Europeans.

Tell me, do you blame China for the Black Death? Because if you don't blame the Chinese for that, then you are being hypocritical for blaming Europeans for the death by disease among the Americans.
This is from a system which is being phased out because of it's age.

Oh, the PATRIOT is nowhere even close to being phased out. In fact, it is getting a major upgrade at this time.

Now granted, the PAC-2 which is most of what Ukraine is getting is being phased out, but that is also what the PAC-3 MSE is built on. So they are removing them from service, sending them back to the factory and several months later getting a new PAC-3 MSE built on the bones of a PAC-2. And for every 5 PAC-2 launchers, they are also getting a newer PAC-3 which is not being phased out.

Oh, and it did live up to expectations. And it does a hell of a job in missile defense, when one realizes the first test model was built almost 50 years ago as a platform only for shooting down aircraft. Missile defense was never even considered as a part of its mission for another 2 decades.
You say the Patriots didn't live up to expectations, but yet they stopped every single missile in Russia's last huge barrage on Kiev. They've even stopped multiple khinzal missiles, which Russia claims is unstoppable. This is from a system which is being phased out because of it's age.
Oh, seven in one blow? Got it. Pelosi says Biden is the feistiest of them all. Should I trust her on that too?
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There Ought to Be an Academy Award for Bit Parts
The friend of yours that goes by the Edgar the Fuck or whatever handle doesn't like it when he's talked to, as he puts it,"ad hominem", but tell me, American, can there be any other way to do it if most of you are arrogant dimwits that cite CNN as a reliable source of information? And what's with the Mach 3 heresy? Looks like you are DUI writing these posts, not the Russians.
The F-16 does do Mach 3 as told to me by a pilot of them and one of us has swilled more than 2 5ths of vodka

in the past week, and it's not me. :D
All Americans should also be aware that US/Nato is planning an attack on Russia in mid-June, bolstered by F-16's flown by US/Nato pilots.

Could this cause the long awaited nuclear response by Russia.

Should Americans continue to support Biden, their military, and the war against Russia?

Or is it worth the risk to bluff Russia until Putin relents and accepts defeat?
If Biden has it his way ... we should be in a war with someone fairly soon. It doesn't really matter who he gets us into a war with, as long as it's a war.
Oh, seven in one blow? Got it. Pelosi says Biden is the feistiest of them all. Should I trust her on that too?
Nobody in America likes Pelosi or Biden. Nobody with good sense, at least.

Biden was installed by Democrats cheating the last election like Putin or Castro would do.

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