Russia has lost 11,000 Troops, 285 Tanks and nearly 100 Aircraft

Russia has a vast army but these kinds of losses in just 10 days of fighting are unsustainable, even for them. I heard one general say Russia will have Ukraine in 90 days, but what will be left of their army by then? Even worse will be trying to hold the country after that, as Russia moves on to attack Moldova and possibly Khaghastan.

Ukraine says.....can they prove it?
You must have your numbers confused ----Russia says atleast 549 civilians have been killed. They admit thousands of their troops have been killed.

The Russian defence ministry, in its first report on casualties earlier last week, had said that 498 Russian troops were killed while 1,597 more sustained wounds.

There has been no immediate Russian reaction to Sunday’s claims by Ukraine’s military command.
Ukraine says 11,000 Russians killed
Russia says they lost 500

Both sides of any war try to make things look as good for their side as possible.

That's just part of the business of war, its also why military censors read outgoing mail from the men in the field, make sure that they control the narrative, let out what they want to be let out.
Between those killed and those fleeing the country, after he destroys it, there may be no one to work. Notice he said they could only flee to mother Russia?

All the places pulling out, money canceled, etc.....Putin won't be able to pay to rebuild, I bet.
Putin knew these sanctions we're coming. How could he not? Because of that, he probably prepared for them.
Who is "they"?

You sound like my old man.
Just about all the countries you named plus more.
Every consider bribery cash here in the US?
It's politically correct name is lobbying.
Nice collection of lies and areas where the US has no history of military involvement.
Regardless of whether we did or not, glasnost is attempting to paint all conflicts as being our American meddling in areas it shouldn't have meddled in. I disagree with glasnost..He might be a bandwagon jumper trying to paint America as evil or wrong in our participation out in the world. Not so, because other nation's have had their conflict's where world citizen's disagreed with their meddling, but one thing is clear that as long as we have various actor's running powerful nation's, then we all will be operating in the best interest of the nation's we believe in... Ukraine is very shaky as to what reasons we have for why this happened, and what has happened.
Regardless of whether we did or not, glasnost is attempting to paint all conflicts as being our American meddling in areas it shouldn't have meddled in.
Only the ones since the 1950s.
I disagree with glasnost..
Yes, you do. But can you motivate your views?
He might be a bandwagon jumper trying to paint America as evil or wrong in our participation out in the world.
Not a bandwagon jumper. America IS an evil or wrong-doer in your participation out in the world.
Not so, because other nation's have had their conflict's where world citizen's disagreed with their meddling,
but one thing is clear that as long as we have various actor's running powerful nation's, then we all will be operating in the best interest of the nation's we believe in...
"In the best interest of the nations you believe in"? No, in the best interest of American war-mongers and treachery makers. Since the 1950s the US has done nothing but create wars and destroyed nations .... including Democratic ones .... and insert puppet Fascist leaders.
Ukraine is very shaky as to what reasons we have for why this happened, and what has happened.
There is nothing shaky about it. The United Snakes wants to:

1). Rule the world.
... and this particular step in achieving that goal is to ...
2). Weaken Russia's power and influence.
.... by ...
3). Denying Russia's use of their naval port in the Krim
4). Making Ukraine a NATO member
... which ...
5). Facilitates American use of that port
The Russians are forced to use the WWII trophy.

Ukraine says.....can they prove it?
Well it is their country they should know what's going on. Who do you want to believe the Russians ? putin is lying to his own people, if he told them the truth, they would hang him and immediately stop the war.
Well it is their country they should know what's going on. Who do you want to believe the Russians ? putin is lying to his own people, if he told them the truth, they would hang him and immediately stop the war.

You do realize that they are ALL lying?
You need to actually figure out where this started.
I know where it started. In 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved the Ukraine declared its independence from it. They said at that time they were a neutral nation. They formed a military alliance with Russia but they also left the door open to make have relations with the West. In 1994 they decided they wanted to join NATO which was their right as a sovereign nation.. I have previously explained the Soviet era of practices of indoctrination and domination over the member states in the Soviet Union. Is it any wonder the Ukrainians chose the West after years of being second class citizens in their own country when it was a member of the Soviet Union.
I know where it started. In 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved the Ukraine declared its independence from it. They said at that time they were a neutral nation. They formed a military alliance with Russia but they also left the door open to make have relations with the West. In 1994 they decided they wanted to join NATO which was their right as a sovereign nation.. I have previously explained the Soviet era of practices of indoctrination and domination over the member states in the Soviet Union. Is it any wonder the Ukrainians chose the West after years of being second class citizens in their own country when it was a member of the Soviet Union.
If they are a neutral nation, then why would they consider joining NATO ??? Ok so what is the purpose of NATO ? Why was it formed ? Was it due to the possibility of a war with Russia in the future that caused it to be formed ??

NATO was formally established in April 1949, four years after World World 2 – when the West were worried about a potential attack by the Soviet Union.

Now if NATO was created to deter Soviet power and agression, then wouldn't the slow increase in nation's joining or wanting to join NATO, therefore signal to Russia that they are still looked at as the old former Soviet Union ??
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