Russia has lost 11,000 Troops, 285 Tanks and nearly 100 Aircraft

Mother Fucking American Assholes Deserve To Fucking Die.

Women Are Being Raped, Children Are Being Killed in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Cuba, Grenada, Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Argentina, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Fuck Shit Stain NATO Support Mother Fucking Washington.
Nice collection of lies and areas where the US has no history of military involvement.
The 40 mile long support column is stalled. This war is humanitarian disaster for Ukraine, but it shows the Russian army is not ready to battle the better equipped and trained NATO forces. Putin has inadvertently exposed a weakness that the US and it's allies will remember.
Today Putin threatened Poland once again. Even talked about invading Poland. I'm sorry about the world's going to change before the end of March. There's only so much the West will tolerate. Putin is committing war crimes in the Ukraine by targeting citizens. The US and NATO will have no choice but to totally annihilate the Russian army in the Ukraine. If Russia threatens nuclear weapons again, the US will not stand down. Russia may make the first strike, but we will finish the job and probably the whole planet will die as a result. But that's the cost of freedom, Live Free or Die ! This will be the end of tyrants holding the civilized world captive to their demands. Maybe the end of everything. At least we held on to our principles. Quite an epithet for the human race.
I think the point being missed by many of you is that even if the numbers are not totally accurate, the perception is that the Russian military is not as mighty and scary they were thought to be.

This is the worst thing that could happen to Putin and his ambitions

I think it's beyond a perception, more a reality. I think it's becoming more and more obvious, going up the chain of command, people have been told what they want to hear, basically without much accountability. Now, in a war. their readiness and interoperability aren't what they think they're made out to be. I'd bet, due to the economic conditions in Russia, maintenance costs and so on are on display now. Sometime soon, Putin will want answers.
Today Putin threatened Poland once again. Even talked about invading Poland. I'm sorry about the world's going to change before the end of March. There's only so much the West will tolerate. Putin is committing war crimes in the Ukraine by targeting citizens. The US and NATO will have no choice but to totally annihilate the Russian army in the Ukraine. If Russia threatens nuclear weapons again, the US will not stand down. Russia may make the first strike, but we will finish the job and probably the whole planet will die as a result. But that's the cost of freedom, Live Free or Die ! This will be the end of tyrants holding the civilized world captive to their demands. Maybe the end of everything. At least we held on to our principles. Quite an epithet for the human race.

I see a false flag attack by one of the Nato members to draw the US and article 5 into war. I don't think the Nato members bordering the Ukraine will sit idly by and watch the carnage. If this happens, based on the present state of what the Russian army has been showing, I see a royal ass kicking on Russia.
I can see a scenario where Putin is being overwhelmed by Nato and resorting to a limited attack on them in the Eu, but, that could get rather squirrely very quickly.

Nothin' like a good Boomer when ya' need one.

End of tyrants? Doubt it. It's just like taking out the dope dealer on the corner, he's gone, another one shows up.
...... Putin is committing war crimes in the Ukraine .....
And who should he answer to? The ones who to this very day have let the US get away with a pile of war crimes in Irak, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Syria, Grenada, etc. etc. etc.? Putin has seen all of that so why should he care about your accusations or your selective definition of it? I'm sure that he has much better excuses than the Americans for whatever you think he's done.
I think the fire that burns in Ukraine was started by none other than the same United Snakes that has destroyed so many Democracies around the world and instigated war wherever it pokes its nose:

Deploying and supporting an Army in another country costs money. Money that Putin will have a hard time paying with a crippled economy.

What happens when Putin stops paying his soldiers?
Do you think Putin realized the cost? OR why not?
Do you think Putin realized the cost? OR why not?
I think Putin had an unrealistic expectation about how easily Ukraine would be defeated and how they would cooperate with a Russian occupation.

I think Putin is isolated from those who may disagree with him.
They have seen what happens to those who oppose his position.
Ukraine is what you get when you are surrounded by Yes Men
I think the fire that burns in Ukraine was started by none other than the same United Snakes that has destroyed so many Democracies around the world and instigated war wherever it pokes its nose:

Was no fire until Ukraine decided they had enough of communism.
Russia isn't afraid to exterminate resistance, before it becomes resistant, by whatever means necessary.
May Russia recall that a winless war has a two-way street, and it doesn't go away when God watches over the victims its hateful oppressors can't entirely eliminate with the hand of God protecting the remnants left over when the violence is withdrawn by the folkd back home in mother Russia who may have seen that woman being carted out of the blown up hospital day before yesterday with a hole blown out of her side and what was left over of her unborn but fighting child. After the shock wore off of seeing that, I wept. :eusa_pray:
# What happens when Putin stops paying his soldiers?

Similar to Napoleon, fighting a war on two fronts, going bankrupt and couldn’t pay his troops in Europe. Resulting in The Louisiana Purchase
Was no fire until Ukraine decided they had enough of communism.
You mean had they remained Communist there would be no fire in Ukraine? In any case, the US has been lighting fires in Communists countries, Capitalist countries, Democratic countries, Socialist countries, Politically aligned countries, Neutral countries, Moslem countries, Christian countries, Secular countries ... you name it.
Second Russian General Killed In Action Near Kharkiv, Second General Killed In Two Weeks.

Mother Fucking Russians Assholes Deserve To Fucking Die.

Women Are Being Raped, Children Are Being Killed and Fuck Shit Stain Cons Support Mother Fucking Putin.
Who caused it all ??
How do we know? The mainstream media continually pumps out the propaganda. They do so for never ending wars, for the pharmaceuticals and took millions to pump out lies that caused millions of adverse reactions and deaths, disinfo on glowarm and the the list goes on and no, I don't trust one of their words. I need actual proof.

Russia has a vast army but these kinds of losses in just 10 days of fighting are unsustainable, even for them. I heard one general say Russia will have Ukraine in 90 days, but what will be left of their army by then? Even worse will be trying to hold the country after that, as Russia moves on to attack Moldova and possibly Khaghastan.
"Ukraine says" is the key phrase here.

I guess it could be true, but news reports by war correspondents tend to be propaganda. The reports from both sides should be taken with a grain of salt.
You mean had they remained Communist there would be no fire in Ukraine? In any case, the US has been lighting fires in Communists countries, Capitalist countries, Democratic countries, Socialist countries, Politically aligned countries, Neutral countries, Moslem countries, Christian countries, Secular countries ... you name it.

Yes, you nailed it. Taste of freedom goes a long long way.

'Putin interfered in the 2016 election'

China interfered in our elections.....ask Swalwell and a few others.

They all do to further their interests and ideology.

Look at China ans academia here, probably elsewhere too.
Russia isn't afraid to exterminate resistance, before it becomes resistant, by whatever means necessary.

Between those killed and those fleeing the country, after he destroys it, there may be no one to work. Notice he said they could only flee to mother Russia?

All the places pulling out, money canceled, etc.....Putin won't be able to pay to rebuild, I bet.

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