Russia Investigation will have a bad ending


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
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Hey Blumenthal,
ummm you do realize Trump isn't being investigated, the grand Jury is mainly to cross the T's & dot the I's with Flynn, to ask him questions about Turkey. Then to end down and close this out.
Your post is snidely worded to deceive.
Fact: all the claimed FBI "turned up" intercepted communications are COINCIDENTALLY Staged by Dems in order to spy on the opponent.
Example: Obama set up the meeting with Sessions as part of his job.
The same Russian Ambassador who met with Obama 22 times and Dem Clinton staff, set up the Kushner meeting with the Russian Bank that Jared never took the bait.
And Even the Russian lawyer who also met Pelosi and other Dems(who haven't turned over their email communications) was set up by someone in the British tabloid circles who hung out at Clinton's press room during the day.
So there's a Dem attached to each suspicious setting surrounding surveillance of ones opponents to abuse the power to gain political edge in cheating.
The only crimes you are pointing out are yet to be discussed in charges, because the leakers only leak opponent news.
Post accuracy grade=1 because you said "associates" even though your intent is to implicate the President.
Propaganda rating=10

Next time use the word singular and former associate when referring to FLYNN.
Remember, Obama gave him his clearance, odd if he thought bad enough of him to spy on him. Just more suspicious Dem acts
you are conjuring up.
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Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well

ROFL! Those are all great big nothing burgers. Anything that occurred more than a year or two before the election isn't relevant, and none of your "smoking guns" contain any evidence of a prosecutable crime. Having a simple business exchange with a Russian isn't a crime, and it isn't evidence, on it's face, of collusion.

You snowflake shit stains are good at making the ordinary sound sinister, but people who aren't suffering brain damage understand that all these accusations are a big nothing burger.
Some day the beef will show up.....some day...

Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
I stopped reading your stupid shit the moment I read you say Clinton was Impeached because of Lewinski.

You are one of the brain-dead snowflakes who have convinced yourself that is the reason why Bill Clinton was impeached. It's not.

Bill Clinton was impeached because he attempted to deny an American citizen her right to a fair trial by attempting to deceive the court which resulted in him being found guilty of contempt of court. He was then stripped of his license to practice law in his home state.

But if you want to talk about Russian collusion you should probably start with Bill Clinton, as he was giving speeches for Putin's KGB Pals for six figures a speech, while Hillary was using the state department as a branch of the Clinton Foundation to collect donations from foreign countries to include the Russians.
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well

You mean Mueller has released a preliminary report?

I can't find the link

Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
I stopped reading your stupid shit the moment I read you say Clinton was Impeached because of Lewinski.

You are one of the brain-dead snowflakes who have convinced yourself that is the reason why Bill Clinton was impeached. It's not.

Bill Clinton was impeached because he attempted to deny an American citizen her right to a fair trial by attempting to deceive the court which resulted in him being found guilty of contempt of court. He was then stripped of his license to practice law in his home state.

But if you want to talk about Russian collusion you should probably start with Bill Clinton, as he was giving speeches for Putin's KGB Pals for six figures a speech, while Hillary was using the state department as a branch of the Clinton Foundation to collect donations from foreign countries to include the Russians.

And Slick Willie lied under oath

Yes, now that a Grand Jury has been impaneled, things do not look good for the Imperial Cheeto and his minions...

I'll bet he wishes now, that he had disclosed his tax returns, and divested his business holdings, and not lied about a half-dozen Salient Points related to the Russia Investiation.

I'll bet he wishes now, that he had demonstrated more self-control, and not publicly trashed the Justice Department and the Congress and blamed everybody but himself.

Blaming everybody but himself... in that respect, he resembles a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal (desperate to avoid looking in the mirror for the cause of their 2016 ass-whooping).

Then again, he never WAS a REAL Republican, nor was he ever a REAL Conservative.

Simply put, Herr Drumpf is a Populist Demagogue who thought he was above the laws of the United States.

He is now beginning to understand that he is NOT above The Law, after all.

His instability and lack of self-control are now glaringly obvious, and there's nothing his people can do now to turn that around and reestablish Trust at home and abroad.

Six months of nonstop damage control - thanks to the Chief Twit and his Big Mouth and his addiction to Twitter and his lack of forethought and his lack of emotional control.

Such a Creature cannot function and endure in the high office to which he was elected.

The Russia Investigation may (or may not) prove to be the vehicle by which this new and dangerous National Nightmare may be brought to a safe and happy ending at law.
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Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well

I don't know bill718, it's looks like your sources have you pretty foamed up over a lot of if's and butts, maybe a cold shower would help.

Hey, Welcome to the USMB, it looks like you're a hit... ;)
And Slick Willie lied under oath


And what do you think Trump is going to do when they get him under oath?

Why do you think he settled the Trump University thing so quickly when he took office?
And Slick Willie lied under oath


And what do you think Trump is going to do when they get him under oath?

Why do you think he settled the Trump University thing so quickly when he took office?

Why ask hypothetical questions? Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen

But we'll leave the light on just in case

...Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen


It's coming.

Meanwhile, in the next several months, as the Mueller Investigation heats-up, time is going to pass very slowly for Trump supporters, as his game-clock winds-down...

Tick... tick... tick.
...Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen


It's coming.

Meanwhile, in the next several months, as the Mueller Investigation heats-up, time is going to pass very slowly for Trump supporters, as his game-clock winds-down...

Tick... tick... tick.

lol... Yea it's coming....

Let me know when that is please..... I have things to do

Why ask hypothetical questions? Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen

Actually, it's pretty much inevitable.

The reason Ronnie Raygun survived Iran-Contra was because Poindexter, North and so many others were willing to throw themselves on their swords for him.

I'm not seeing Flynn or Manafort doing that for the Orange Shitgibbon.

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