Russia Investigation will have a bad ending

You're going to be absolutely crushed when this comes to a close... I surely hope you're not a gun owner... It's looks like you who shoot up baseball games when their last fragile glimmer of hopeful fantasy gets shattered.


Obama was an uneducated moron who had Elaine Kagan take the Bar exam for him


TRUMP: “I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
I stopped reading your stupid shit the moment I read you say Clinton was Impeached because of Lewinski.

You are one of the brain-dead snowflakes who have convinced yourself that is the reason why Bill Clinton was impeached. It's not.

Bill Clinton was impeached because he attempted to deny an American citizen her right to a fair trial by attempting to deceive the court which resulted in him being found guilty of contempt of court. He was then stripped of his license to practice law in his home state.

But if you want to talk about Russian collusion you should probably start with Bill Clinton, as he was giving speeches for Putin's KGB Pals for six figures a speech, while Hillary was using the state department as a branch of the Clinton Foundation to collect donations from foreign countries to include the Russians.
. I stopped reading at the part where you said Clinton was impeached. He wasnt impeached. He wasn't convicted by the Senate. He also got his license back. You are a liar and an idiot.
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
I stopped reading your stupid shit the moment I read you say Clinton was Impeached because of Lewinski.

You are one of the brain-dead snowflakes who have convinced yourself that is the reason why Bill Clinton was impeached. It's not.

Bill Clinton was impeached because he attempted to deny an American citizen her right to a fair trial by attempting to deceive the court which resulted in him being found guilty of contempt of court. He was then stripped of his license to practice law in his home state.

But if you want to talk about Russian collusion you should probably start with Bill Clinton, as he was giving speeches for Putin's KGB Pals for six figures a speech, while Hillary was using the state department as a branch of the Clinton Foundation to collect donations from foreign countries to include the Russians.
. I stopped reading at the part where you said Clinton was impeached. He wasnt impeached. He wasn't convicted by the Senate. He also got his license back. You are a liar and an idiot.
"Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office."

Impeachment - Wikipedia
You're going to be absolutely crushed when this comes to a close... I surely hope you're not a gun owner... It's looks like you who shoot up baseball games when their last fragile glimmer of hopeful fantasy gets shattered.


View attachment 142571
A completely, and utterly vacant platitude from someone who's party has virtually no power, and has just suffered a historically crushing defeat. You are going to have to accept reality at some point...
Or you can just pull the covers back over your head, if you feel that makes the monsters disappear. Meanwhile; we the victorious will continue to rule over you, and shape the reality which you cannot cope with...
just suffered a historically crushing defeat.

Hey, moron, why is a right wing victory ALWAYS a "historically crushing defeat"????
Don't you have any confidence and cope with your low self-esteem (like Trump)????
just suffered a historically crushing defeat.

Hey, moron, why is a right wing victory ALWAYS a "historically crushing defeat"????
Don't you have any confidence and cope with your low self-esteem (like Trump)????
Because your beatings are becoming more severe at each turn
Along with your denial, and dissonance. Your welcome...
just suffered a historically crushing defeat.

Hey, moron, why is a right wing victory ALWAYS a "historically crushing defeat"????
Don't you have any confidence and cope with your low self-esteem (like Trump)????
Your last sentence is much like your parties positions and message...

Utter, nonsensical gibberish.
Because your beatings are becoming more severe at each turn
Along with your denial, and dissonance. Your welcome...

So, basically, your ilk wins BIGLY ???....LOL

(btw, learn the difference between "your" and "you're"'ll come off as a bit less of an idiot.)
...Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen


It's coming.

Meanwhile, in the next several months, as the Mueller Investigation heats-up, time is going to pass very slowly for Trump supporters, as his game-clock winds-down...

Tick... tick... tick.
It's coming.

it is from where exactly
...Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen


It's coming.

Meanwhile, in the next several months, as the Mueller Investigation heats-up, time is going to pass very slowly for Trump supporters, as his game-clock winds-down...

Tick... tick... tick.

lol... Yea it's coming....

Let me know when that is please..... I have things to do


A seasoned prosecutor such as Mueller would not take the extraordinary step to a grand jury without cause. There is plenty to keep them busy. The only question is how they will all respond to the coming flood of subpoenas.
how would you know?
The butthurt brigade of Crooked Hillary folks are locked into a program loop of logical fallacy. The sad thing is logical fallacy is all they got, in addition to Preparation H, used as directed. :p
The Donald won 304 to 227 over Crooked Hillary. Folks who are still butthurt, get over it and move on! And stop digesting fake news from the MSM which invariably requires applying more Prep H! :p
Just a gentle reminder that dissing anyone because off their skin tone is RACIST and should be subject to summary execution. Didn't I hear Hillary say something very much like that not so long ago? Or was it Obama?

BTW, "orange" is a skin tone.
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
The Clinton investigations started with evidence of a crime. This Russian investigation is based off of baseless accusations from political opponents. Testimony by officials have already shown the accusations to be false. The only reason we have a special council is admittedly because James Comey leaked an imaginary memo of a discussion he can't prove took place to the press.....and does not even indicate a crime took place. Democrats called for an investigation before this happened and started calling for impeachment before Trump even took the oath of office.

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