Russia Investigation will have a bad ending

The reason Ronnie Raygun survived Iran-Contra was because Poindexter, North and so many others were willing to throw themselves on their swords for him.
...except TRUMP was not / has not been the President running weapons ... that would be BARRY!

He sold military weapons to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
He financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS.
He ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels

In the latest version of your story, Barry is Ronnie on Steroids...

Nobody thought impeaching a good president over a blow job was justified.

Impeaching a bad president over treason with our enemies... um, yeah, people will go for that. Especially after the economy tanks.

Putting the cart ahead of the horse is 'hoping' for the result you retort. Ya'll did that last Nov and it didn't work out so well for ya

Yes, now that a Grand Jury has been impaneled, things do not look good for the Imperial Cheeto and his minions...

I'll bet he wishes now, that he had disclosed his tax returns, and divested his business holdings, and not lied about a half-dozen Salient Points related to the Russia Investiation.

I'll bet he wishes now, that he had demonstrated more self-control, and not publicly trashed the Justice Department and the Congress and blamed everybody but himself.

Blaming everybody but himself... in that respect, he resembles a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal (desperate to avoid looking in the mirror for the cause of their 2016 ass-whooping).

Then again, he never WAS a REAL Republican, nor was he ever a REAL Conservative.

Simply put, Herr Drumpf is a Populist Demagogue who thought he was above the laws of the United States.

He is now beginning to understand that he is NOT above The Law, after all.

His instability and lack of self-control are now glaringly obvious, and there's nothing his people can do now to turn that around and reestablish Trust at home and abroad.

Six months of nonstop damage control - thanks to the Chief Twit and his Big Mouth and his addiction to Twitter and his lack of forethought and his lack of emotional control.

Such a Creature cannot function and endure in the high office to which he was elected.

The Russia Investigation may (or may not) prove to be the vehicle by which this new and dangerous National Nightmare may be brought to a safe and happy ending at law.
You're going to be absolutely crushed when this comes to a close... I surely hope you're not a gun owner... It's looks like you who shoot up baseball games when their last fragile glimmer of hopeful fantasy gets shattered.
Nobody thought impeaching a good president over a blow job was justified.

Impeaching a bad president over treason with our enemies... um, yeah, people will go for that. Especially after the economy tanks.
But you can't impeach Obama, he's already far gone. :)
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
your opening paragraph / statement / mindset speaks volumes.


all you and the left care about. payback and finding a new way to make votes against your mindset meaningless.

oh, and did trump commit any crimes? meh, who cares this is payback.

we can make hillary / clinton ties to russia - but you and "that mindset" wouldn't care or find some reason why it's ok but anything else isn't.

and "probably not end well" - PROBABLY....

if mueller was finding anything to get trump with, he'd not have TRIED to expand the investigation. i could be misreading that but there would be no need to push the limits if he had what he needed and/or trump did in fact commit a crime.

no one said trump and co was clean. anyone? well you and others love to say someone did so you can keep the strawman alive another day.

but this has nothing to do with justice or finding out if someone committed a crime. it's just payback and being a dick for the sake of being a dick.
..except TRUMP was not / has not been the President running weapons ... that would be BARRY!

He sold military weapons to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
He financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS.
He ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels

In the latest version of your story, Barry is Ronnie on Steroids...

Only if you are like, a crazy person... but never mind.

You guys had 8 years to investigate the "Fast and Furious" bullshit, and found out that the program began under Bush-43 until Obama put an end to it.

So now Mexican cartels have to just buy their guns from friendly gun stores, just like all the other gun nuts.
Putting the cart ahead of the horse is 'hoping' for the result you retort. Ya'll did that last Nov and it didn't work out so well for ya

Guy, you probalby need to check out your fellow republicans. They want Trump gone worse than I do.

I want trump to linger until 2018 when he hands us the House, Senate and most of the governships.
Nobody thought impeaching a good president over a blow job was justified.

That's why IT NEVER HAPPENED! To 'victimize' the career-long, sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping pedophile, snowflakes have concocted this fictional story then repeated it over and over until they actually believe it themselves.

Bubba was the 1st sitting President to ever have to testify in a case (sexual harassment) on his own behalf in US history.

During that trial he attempted to deny an American citizen her Constitutional Right to a fair trial and lied under oath, A CRIME. So the President of the United States who swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution attended to violate the Constitution in an attempt to hide his sexually deviant criminal past and actions.

The Lewinski incident was just gas thrown on the fire - embarrassing and underlined the truth behind the law suit filed against him, but not illegal. His deceitful and criminal acts within the trial is what got him Impeached.

The guy may have been a descent President, but he is a sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted and raped women and was / is a pedophile....he also, within the past year, was giving speeches for Putin KGB Pals for a huge payday per speech. The pathetic thing is that you snowflakes are defending him like he is George Washington re-incarnate when he is a scumbag....

The same way you snowflakes have been defending the sexual predator's ENABLER, Hillary Clinton. She is another career corrupt self-serving politician who would F* a snake if it meant she could become President, which she will NEVER be now. She should have been in an orange jump suit on election day, looking at the results from behind bars - she should have never been allowed to stay in the race...and instead of blasting your F*ed up Democratic Party and the former administration for running this criminal, for cheating to help her 'win' the nomination, for protecting her from indictment you have been making her out to be a victim.

Good Lord Almighty, WTF is wrong with you Democrats?!
...Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen


It's coming.

Meanwhile, in the next several months, as the Mueller Investigation heats-up, time is going to pass very slowly for Trump supporters, as his game-clock winds-down...

Tick... tick... tick.

lol... Yea it's coming....

Let me know when that is please..... I have things to do


A seasoned prosecutor such as Mueller would not take the extraordinary step to a grand jury without cause. There is plenty to keep them busy. The only question is how they will all respond to the coming flood of subpoenas.
Guy, you probalby need to check out your fellow republicans. They want Trump gone worse than I do.

I want trump to linger until 2018 when he hands us the House, Senate and most of the governships.

And I want Maxine Waters to start that independent all black party she's talking about so Dems will have almost nobody left to lie, use, and pander to with fake promises and displaced blames.
But you can't impeach Obama, he's already far gone.

ACTUALLY that is completely FALSE. Look it up - educate yourself. Obama could most certainly be Impeached...if the GOP had the testicular fortitude to do it.

If they do it now, even though it is still deserved for everything he did Un-Constitutionally and illegally as President, it would be seen as 'revenge' for what the Left is doing to Trump...which by itself will ensure they NEVER do it now. They should have - and had every right to do it - when Barry was President...but that was not going to happen either.
- Democrats would have screamed 'Racist/Racism' at the to of their lungs
- Barry was the 1st Black President and there was no way in hell the 1st Black President was getting Impeached
- The GOP leaders (McConnell especially) are gutless cowards, worried about their own jobs more than they are about Constitutional violations and laws broken. If they hold a Democrat President accountable for crimes and Constitutional violations people might not like them any more and they could lose their jobs...F*ing losers!
[QUOTE="Hutch Starskey, post: 17881161, member: 54129The only question is how they will all respond to the coming flood of subpoenas.[/QUOTE]
They should follow the example set by Democrats...

Negotiate for Immunity and once in front of the microphone plead the 5th. :p
Some day the beef will show up.....some day...


A Nothing Burger with Russia Dressing
..except TRUMP was not / has not been the President running weapons ... that would be BARRY!

He sold military weapons to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
He financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS.
He ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels

In the latest version of your story, Barry is Ronnie on Steroids...

Only if you are like, a crazy person... but never mind.

You guys had 8 years to investigate the "Fast and Furious" bullshit, and found out that the program began under Bush-43 until Obama put an end to it.

So now Mexican cartels have to just buy their guns from friendly gun stores, just like all the other gun nuts.
You guys had 8 years to investigate the "Fast and Furious" bullshit, and found out that the program began under Bush-43 until Obama put an end to it.
NO, Fast and Furious was ALL Obama.

It was created under a program called Project Gunrunner., and the operation under Bush was Wide Receiver.

Wide Receiver ended in 2007

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office.
Putting the cart ahead of the horse is 'hoping' for the result you retort. Ya'll did that last Nov and it didn't work out so well for ya

Guy, you probalby need to check out your fellow republicans. They want Trump gone worse than I do.

I want trump to linger until 2018 when he hands us the House, Senate and most of the governships.
want trump to linger until 2018 when he hands us the House, Senate and most of the governships.

yer dreaming
[QUOTE="Hutch Starskey, post: 17881161, member: 54129The only question is how they will all respond to the coming flood of subpoenas.
They should follow the example set by Democrats...

Negotiate for Immunity and once in front of the microphone plead the 5th. :p[/QUOTE]

No one can do both, dumbass.

They will be throwing each other under the bus in an effort to stay out of federal prison.
If Trump pardons any of them, then they can still be called to testify, can no longer plead the fifth, and are still subject to perjury charges.

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