Russia Investigation will have a bad ending

Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
The Clinton investigations started with evidence of a crime. This Russian investigation is based off of baseless accusations from political opponents. Testimony by officials have already shown the accusations to be false. The only reason we have a special council is admittedly because James Comey leaked an imaginary memo of a discussion he can't prove took place to the press.....and does not even indicate a crime took place. Democrats called for an investigation before this happened and started calling for impeachment before Trump even took the oath of office.
I can't ever get enough of that hitlery gif.
That's why IT NEVER HAPPENED! To 'victimize' the career-long, sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping pedophile, snowflakes have concocted this fictional story then repeated it over and over until they actually believe it themselves.

Bubba was the 1st sitting President to ever have to testify in a case (sexual harassment) on his own behalf in US history.

Yes, because for most of history, we didn't let people sue the president, he has more important things to worry about.

During that trial he attempted to deny an American citizen her Constitutional Right to a fair trial and lied under oath, A CRIME. So the President of the United States who swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution attended to violate the Constitution in an attempt to hide his sexually deviant criminal past and actions.

Here's the underlying problem with that. The Judge in the case ruled that whether or not Clinton had sex with Lewinsky was completely irrelevant to her sexual harassment claims. Furthermore, she later ruled that under the statue she was suing under, Jones really didn't have a case. Clinton was not her superior, nor did she suffer any career detriment for turning down an advance that probably didn't happen.

Clinton is a guy who likes blow jobs. Sorry MOST MEN LIKE BLOW JOBS!!!! That's hardly deviant.

The Lewinski incident was just gas thrown on the fire - embarrassing and underlined the truth behind the law suit filed against him, but not illegal. His deceitful and criminal acts within the trial is what got him Impeached.

No, what got him in trouble was hypocrites like Gingrich (Fucking an lobbyist) Hyde (cheating with a married woman) and Hastert (fucking little boys on the wrestling team) had the gall to impeach him for the kind of behavior they engaged in or worse.

The guy may have been a descent President, but he is a sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted and raped women and was / is a pedophile....he also, within the past year, was giving speeches for Putin KGB Pals for a huge payday per speech. The pathetic thing is that you snowflakes are defending him like he is George Washington re-incarnate when he is a scumbag....

Okay, besides the fact that the pedophile claims are way out of bounds, because no one has offered credible evidence of that, the claims of 'rape' are lies as well.

Juanita Brodderick claimed for 20 years Clinton didn't rape her, until she changed her story. Except she couldn't remember the date, the room number or other important details. Clinton has a consistant story. Brodderick's story changes each time she tells it.

Kathleen Wiley was proven a liar when the White House produced dozens of letters where she was still trying to get a job at the White House and said all sorts of nice things about Clinton after he supposedly groped her. Another liar.

As for Paula Jones. she claimed that Clinton's wiener had a "distinguishing characteristic". Except according to his medical records and women who have seen it, he doesn't. Another liar.

So if you are going to base your whole argument on these three liars, you are kind of weak.

The same way you snowflakes have been defending the sexual predator's ENABLER, Hillary Clinton. She is another career corrupt self-serving politician who would F* a snake if it meant she could become President, which she will NEVER be now. She should have been in an orange jump suit on election day, looking at the results from behind bars - she should have never been allowed to stay in the race...and instead of blasting your F*ed up Democratic Party and the former administration for running this criminal, for cheating to help her 'win' the nomination, for protecting her from indictment you have been making her out to be a victim.

Well, you see, here's the thing. You guys have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Mrs. Clinton over the last 25 years. and frankly, after all that money spent, all the horrible things you've accused her of, you've come up with exactly nothing.

But we just start an investigation of the Orange Shitgibbon, and you guys are already screaming about how unfair it is.

Good Lord Almighty, WTF is wrong with you Democrats?!

dude, I'm a registered REpublican. I just want to take my party back from the Religious Nuts and Corporate Assholes.
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well

Yea fine, but whom is the source and what laws were broken ? As I remember it, Bill Clintons crime was lying under oath. He got HIM SELF impeached. No one did it to him.
And I want Maxine Waters to start that independent all black party she's talking about so Dems will have almost nobody left to lie, use, and pander to with fake promises and displaced blames.

Okay. Hey, the Klan called, your sheets are ready.

NO, Fast and Furious was ALL Obama.

It was created under a program called Project Gunrunner., and the operation under Bush was Wide Receiver.

Wide Receiver ended in 2007

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office.

But it was the same morons at the ATF running both programs. Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

Here's the important thing. EVERY YEAR, 250,000 guns cross the border. We can thank the NRA and lax gun laws for that.

The purpose of these investigations was to catch gun runners, not stop individual guns from crossing the border.
That's why IT NEVER HAPPENED! To 'victimize' the career-long, sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping pedophile, snowflakes have concocted this fictional story then repeated it over and over until they actually believe it themselves.

Bubba was the 1st sitting President to ever have to testify in a case (sexual harassment) on his own behalf in US history.

Yes, because for most of history, we didn't let people sue the president, he has more important things to worry about.

During that trial he attempted to deny an American citizen her Constitutional Right to a fair trial and lied under oath, A CRIME. So the President of the United States who swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution attended to violate the Constitution in an attempt to hide his sexually deviant criminal past and actions.

Here's the underlying problem with that. The Judge in the case ruled that whether or not Clinton had sex with Lewinsky was completely irrelevant to her sexual harassment claims. Furthermore, she later ruled that under the statue she was suing under, Jones really didn't have a case. Clinton was not her superior, nor did she suffer any career detriment for turning down an advance that probably didn't happen.

Clinton is a guy who likes blow jobs. Sorry MOST MEN LIKE BLOW JOBS!!!! That's hardly deviant.

The Lewinski incident was just gas thrown on the fire - embarrassing and underlined the truth behind the law suit filed against him, but not illegal. His deceitful and criminal acts within the trial is what got him Impeached.

No, what got him in trouble was hypocrites like Gingrich (Fucking an lobbyist) Hyde (cheating with a married woman) and Hastert (fucking little boys on the wrestling team) had the gall to impeach him for the kind of behavior they engaged in or worse.

The guy may have been a descent President, but he is a sexual deviant who sexually harassed, sexually assaulted and raped women and was / is a pedophile....he also, within the past year, was giving speeches for Putin KGB Pals for a huge payday per speech. The pathetic thing is that you snowflakes are defending him like he is George Washington re-incarnate when he is a scumbag....

Okay, besides the fact that the pedophile claims are way out of bounds, because no one has offered credible evidence of that, the claims of 'rape' are lies as well.

Juanita Brodderick claimed for 20 years Clinton didn't rape her, until she changed her story. Except she couldn't remember the date, the room number or other important details. Clinton has a consistant story. Brodderick's story changes each time she tells it.

Kathleen Wiley was proven a liar when the White House produced dozens of letters where she was still trying to get a job at the White House and said all sorts of nice things about Clinton after he supposedly groped her. Another liar.

As for Paula Jones. she claimed that Clinton's wiener had a "distinguishing characteristic". Except according to his medical records and women who have seen it, he doesn't. Another liar.

So if you are going to base your whole argument on these three liars, you are kind of weak.

The same way you snowflakes have been defending the sexual predator's ENABLER, Hillary Clinton. She is another career corrupt self-serving politician who would F* a snake if it meant she could become President, which she will NEVER be now. She should have been in an orange jump suit on election day, looking at the results from behind bars - she should have never been allowed to stay in the race...and instead of blasting your F*ed up Democratic Party and the former administration for running this criminal, for cheating to help her 'win' the nomination, for protecting her from indictment you have been making her out to be a victim.

Well, you see, here's the thing. You guys have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Mrs. Clinton over the last 25 years. and frankly, after all that money spent, all the horrible things you've accused her of, you've come up with exactly nothing.

But we just start an investigation of the Orange Shitgibbon, and you guys are already screaming about how unfair it is.

Good Lord Almighty, WTF is wrong with you Democrats?!

dude, I'm a registered REpublican. I just want to take my party back from the Religious Nuts and Corporate Assholes.

Lots of untruthful stuff right there. Speak from your gut like a man joe/camp/camnpbell, not from your vagina like a woman.
And I want Maxine Waters to start that independent all black party she's talking about so Dems will have almost nobody left to lie, use, and pander to with fake promises and displaced blames.

Okay. Hey, the Klan called, your sheets are ready.

NO, Fast and Furious was ALL Obama.

It was created under a program called Project Gunrunner., and the operation under Bush was Wide Receiver.

Wide Receiver ended in 2007

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office.

But it was the same morons at the ATF running both programs. Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

Here's the important thing. EVERY YEAR, 250,000 guns cross the border. We can thank the NRA and lax gun laws for that.

The purpose of these investigations was to catch gun runners, not stop individual guns from crossing the border.
That has to be the most racist thing anyone's ever said, just when you think the left can't sink any lower they equate WANTING FREEDOM FOR BLACK VOTERS as being racist, instead of equating Maxine Waters idea being reverse racism.
UMMM by the way, you do know I'm Jewish right? So your joke is kinda ignorant, don't you think?
That has to be the most racist thing anyone's ever said, just when you think the left can't sink any lower they equate WANTING FREEDOM FOR BLACK VOTERS as being racist, instead of equating Maxine Waters idea being reverse racism.
UMMM by the way, you do know I'm Jewish right? So your joke is kinda ignorant, don't you think?

Yes, I know you are Jewish... that's what makes it funny.
Sorry Trump supporters, I know you think your guy is getting a raw deal on this Russia investigation, but you folks didn't have a problem with a special counsel going after the Clinton's on Whitewater, and coming back with news on Monica Lewinski, which got Bill Clinton impeached. The fact is, Special counsel's can dig into anything they want, and it's looking grim for Trump and Co. Among Mueller's findings so far are these little tidbits:

* The FBI "turned up intercepted communications appearing to show efforts by Russian operatives to coordinate with Trump associates on damaging Hillary Clinton's election prospects.

* Over the past three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to Russian mobsters or oligarchs have owned, lived in, and even run criminal activities out of Trump Tower and other Trump properties.

* Several powerful Russians with ties to the Kremlin ran a worldwide high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower — in a unit directly below one owned by Trump

* Others provided Trump with lucrative branding deals that required no investment on his part.

And this just scratches the surface folks. This doesn't include what's in Trump's closely guarded tax returns, business records, and investments in murky offshore shell companies, some of which appear to be set up to evade income tax collection. So before you paint your golden boy as a victim of Liberal "fake news" you'd better fact the fact that Trump and Co. is not as squeaky clean as they claim. :bye1:

All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

The Russia investigation will probably not end well
your opening paragraph / statement / mindset speaks volumes.


all you and the left care about. payback and finding a new way to make votes against your mindset meaningless.

oh, and did trump commit any crimes? meh, who cares this is payback.

we can make hillary / clinton ties to russia - but you and "that mindset" wouldn't care or find some reason why it's ok but anything else isn't.

and "probably not end well" - PROBABLY....

if mueller was finding anything to get trump with, he'd not have TRIED to expand the investigation. i could be misreading that but there would be no need to push the limits if he had what he needed and/or trump did in fact commit a crime.

no one said trump and co was clean. anyone? well you and others love to say someone did so you can keep the strawman alive another day.

but this has nothing to do with justice or finding out if someone committed a crime. it's just payback and being a dick for the sake of being a dick.
The longer Mueller takes and the further he he looks back the more proof there's nothing there.
IF for instance any of Trump's closest inner circle had done ANYTHING involving 'collusion' with Russians the WAPO/NYTs would have already been given the 'leaked' information.
IF someone like the doofus Carter Page, who has been 'interviewed' for ten hours by the Mueller team had done ANYTHING wrong the whole world would know it by now.
Imagine someone with a metal detector is standing in the middle of a large field.
He starts walking in larger and larger circles still finding nothing. By the time he's near the edge of the field and is still empty handed who's going to place a bet that he'll find anything?
Good metaphor for the Mueller investigation.
Last edited:
And honestly, why do you care? Frankly, that should have been between him, her and his wife.

I could care less what the career-long sexual deviant sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist and pedophile does ... however ... The office of the President and the President of the United States represents the entire country - its integrity, its morals, its ethics, what this nation stands for, etc.... Bill Clinton, in that entire event, was completely embarrassing for the entire country.

Do I think he deserved to be Impeached for that? No...and he wasn't. Again, he was Impeached because he lied under oath, he attempted to strip an American citizen to her Constitutional Right to a fair trial - the Constitution he swore an oath to defend, protect, and uphold, and he was found Guilty of Contempt of court and stripped of his license to practice law.
...Mr Trump will not face inquiry under oath as there is no reason presented at this time for it to happen


It's coming.

Meanwhile, in the next several months, as the Mueller Investigation heats-up, time is going to pass very slowly for Trump supporters, as his game-clock winds-down...

Tick... tick... tick.

lol... Yea it's coming....

Let me know when that is please..... I have things to do


A seasoned prosecutor such as Mueller would not take the extraordinary step to a grand jury without cause. There is plenty to keep them busy. The only question is how they will all respond to the coming flood of subpoenas.
how would you know?

That's what a GJ does. Subpoena and review evidence.
And honestly, why do you care? Frankly, that should have been between him, her and his wife.

I could care less what the career-long sexual deviant sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist and pedophile does ... however ... The office of the President and the President of the United States represents the entire country - its integrity, its morals, its ethics, what this nation stands for, etc.... Bill Clinton, in that entire event, was completely embarrassing for the entire country.

Do I think he deserved to be Impeached for that? No...and he wasn't. Again, he was Impeached because he lied under oath, he attempted to strip an American citizen to her Constitutional Right to a fair trial - the Constitution he swore an oath to defend, protect, and uphold, and he was found Guilty of Contempt of court and stripped of his license to practice law.

I could care less what the career-long sexual deviant sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, rapist and pedophile does ... however ... The office of the President and the President of the United States represents the entire country - its integrity, its morals, its ethics, what this nation stands for, etc.... Bill Clinton, in that entire event, was completely embarrassing for the entire country.

easilyfooled65 :laugh2:
And I want Maxine Waters to start that independent all black party she's talking about so Dems will have almost nobody left to lie, use, and pander to with fake promises and displaced blames.

Okay. Hey, the Klan called, your sheets are ready.

NO, Fast and Furious was ALL Obama.

It was created under a program called Project Gunrunner., and the operation under Bush was Wide Receiver.

Wide Receiver ended in 2007

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office.

But it was the same morons at the ATF running both programs. Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

Here's the important thing. EVERY YEAR, 250,000 guns cross the border. We can thank the NRA and lax gun laws for that.

The purpose of these investigations was to catch gun runners, not stop individual guns from crossing the border.
Okay. Hey, the Klan called, your sheets are ready.

Got yours back eh? nice, now you can go strutting tonight!!!

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office--But it was the same morons at the ATF running both programs.

But it was created under obummer. you don't deny that. so you have no argument. It matters not who was working it, it was obummers they were working for. Correct?
And I want Maxine Waters to start that independent all black party she's talking about so Dems will have almost nobody left to lie, use, and pander to with fake promises and displaced blames.

Okay. Hey, the Klan called, your sheets are ready.

NO, Fast and Furious was ALL Obama.

It was created under a program called Project Gunrunner., and the operation under Bush was Wide Receiver.

Wide Receiver ended in 2007

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office.

But it was the same morons at the ATF running both programs. Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

Here's the important thing. EVERY YEAR, 250,000 guns cross the border. We can thank the NRA and lax gun laws for that.

The purpose of these investigations was to catch gun runners, not stop individual guns from crossing the border.

Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.
no difference?

Wide Receiver was shut down because they found out it didn't work, no one killed.

Fast and Furious started, despite the knowledge the program didn't work, as least one person killed.

Stating Fast and Furious started under Bush is the lazy mans way of reading history.
Whitewater was such a nothing burger that there were 15 convictions on 40 different crimes and yet the Clintons walked. It is good to be the establishment's dog.

Hillary hides the Rose Law firm billing records, and walks, again it is good to be an establishment puppet.

Billy boy lies under oath depriving a woman of her constitutional rights and to the left that is a nothing burger.

Clinton has her emails put out for all to see and the head of the DNC steps down, in disgrace if she wasn't a democrat, and Hillary goes on to lose the election, which she would have lost any way and that to the rabid left is high crime. I am saying it was a blessing.
And I want Maxine Waters to start that independent all black party she's talking about so Dems will have almost nobody left to lie, use, and pander to with fake promises and displaced blames.

Okay. Hey, the Klan called, your sheets are ready.

NO, Fast and Furious was ALL Obama.

It was created under a program called Project Gunrunner., and the operation under Bush was Wide Receiver.

Wide Receiver ended in 2007

Fast and Furious was created in 2010, long after Bush left office.

But it was the same morons at the ATF running both programs. Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.

Here's the important thing. EVERY YEAR, 250,000 guns cross the border. We can thank the NRA and lax gun laws for that.

The purpose of these investigations was to catch gun runners, not stop individual guns from crossing the border.

Again, you are trying to make a distinction without a difference.
no difference?

Wide Receiver was shut down because they found out it didn't work, no one killed.

Fast and Furious started, despite the knowledge the program didn't work, as least one person killed.

Stating Fast and Furious started under Bush is the lazy mans way of reading history.

BTW, there were different directors covering the two:


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