Russia to deploy troops in town of supposed chemical attack

funny new avatar, Odium

of course you suddenly don't agree with going to war...

you are against attacking those who would deliberately harm innocents.

you'd much rather go to war with the "deep state" boogeyman of the USA, isn't that right??

your ilk would much rather go to war against your fellow Americans over your supposed right to own certain weapons.
sadly, trump and his pal putin are playing 'wag the dog' games...

what ever happened to not telegraphing our impending military maneuvers?
funny new avatar, Odium

of course you suddenly don't agree with going to war...

you are against attacking those who would deliberately harm innocents.

you'd much rather go to war with the "deep state" boogeyman of the USA, isn't that right??

your ilk would much rather go to war against your fellow Americans over your supposed right to own certain weapons.
1. No proof there was ANY chemical attack to begin with
2. IF there was a chemical attack no proof of WHO did it
3. IF there was a chemical attack its NONE of our damn business!
4. Leftist scum aren't Americans. Americans love this country and want to make it better not turn it into a third world shit hole like Mexico which is EXACTLY what leftists want.
5. Even congressman,senators and judges admit the deep state exists.
Trump just tweeted that a strike on Syria is imminent

Trump has promised time and time again that he doesn't telegraph US military moves because doing so gives the enemy an unnecessary advantage.

Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” the president wrote on Twitter, referring to missile strikes.
Ya ever think that MAYBE he is "warning" Russia that an attack is imminent so he can then so oh well hell now they know we are coming so we can't do it now OR that it gives time for Russian and Syrian and Iranian troops to be removed from area. Course you don't. Good little warmonger.
So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

"The Putin regime has a long history of aggressive actions against other countries, including the outright invasion of two of its neighbors in recent years, as well as its brutal military action in Syria to defend the Assad regime. But it's hostile acts take many forms, aside from direct military assaults.

For example, the Kremlin is waging an international disinformation campaign through the RT propaganda network which traffics in anti-American conspiracy theories that rivaled the extravagant untruths of Soviet era Pravda (ph). Russia also has a long history of meddling in other countries, election systems and launching cyber attacks on a wide range of countries and industries.

The Baltic's and other Russian neighbors have long decried these attacks. But their warnings went unheeded in far too many nations' capitals, including our own. The fact that the Russia — that Russia hacked U.S. election-related databases comes as no shock to this committee. We have been closely monitoring Russia's aggression for years."

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

dumbo donny has a lot of nerve calling others stupid...
or claiming those whose job it is to defend our country are "attacking" our country...
Trump just tweeted that a strike on Syria is imminent

Trump has promised time and time again that he doesn't telegraph US military moves because doing so gives the enemy an unnecessary advantage.

Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’” the president wrote on Twitter, referring to missile strikes.


Look at valerie, all advocating for WW3 and killing more Syrians. Trump too, it looks like. SMH.

So you're agreeing with Trump, amirite, valerie?
sadly, trump and his pal putin are playing 'wag the dog' games...

what ever happened to not telegraphing our impending military maneuvers?

The waiting is the hardest part....we've now had the Ivans and their pet jackals on high alert for almost 50 hours.....that's a lot of pressure and no release....I bet by now they're shooting at birds flying over those bases....By the time Trump and Friends strike, the enemy will be exhausted and ineffective.

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