Russia to send Edward Snowden to the United States as a "gift" to Trump

Oh boy, more rumors of rumors. ie FAKE NEWS

What Putin doesn't know is Snowden is a CIA agent undercover, and Snowden has been collecting data on Russia's military and Putin's sexual perversions since he arrived in Russia; Snowden has had unlimited amounts of money to buy both photos and videos of Putin's hetero and homo sexual acts, and the rapes Putin committed on a muzzled and tied up German Shepherd named Adolph. Snowden speculated that this dog was a scapegoat for Hitler's violation of the non aggression pact by invading Russian in 1941.

Fake News ^^^

What Putin doesn't know is Snowden is a CIA agent undercover, and Snowden has been collecting data on Russia's military and Putin's sexual perversions since he arrived in Russia; Snowden has had unlimited amounts of money to buy both photos and videos of Putin's hetero and homo sexual acts, and the rapes Putin committed on a muzzled and tied up German Shepherd named Adolph. Snowden speculated that this dog was a scapegoat for Hitler's violation of the non aggression pact by invading Russian in 1941.

Fake News ^^^

Russians are the most anti-gay folks of the civilised world. no way that Putin commits "homosexual acts". if only!

Only trouble is, Russia says they won't. From your link..................

U.S. intelligence has collected information that Russia is considering turning over Edward Snowden as a "gift" to President Donald Trump — who has called the NSA leaker a "spy" and a "traitor" who deserves to be executed.

That's according to a senior U.S. official who has analyzed a series of highly sensitive intelligence reports detailing Russian deliberations and who says a Snowden handover is one of various ploys to "curry favor" with Trump.

Snowden's ACLU lawyer, Ben Wizner, told NBC News they are unaware of any plans that would send him back to the United States.

The White House had no comment, but the Justice Department told NBC News it would welcome the return of Snowden, who currently faces federal charges that carry a minimum of 30 years in prison. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said talk about returning Snowden is "nonsense."

All you have is some analyst who says that after looking at the classified information that they had, IF Putin wanted to curry favor with Trump, handing over Snowden would be a good way to do it.

Only problem is, Russia says they won't do it.
Snowden is a nice enough gift, but you'd think you'd get a little more in exchange for $500 billion.
Trump should pardon Snowden. He did the American people a great service, but it did nothing to stop the unconstitutional actions of our out-of-control criminal government.

What Putin doesn't know is Snowden is a CIA agent undercover, and Snowden has been collecting data on Russia's military and Putin's sexual perversions since he arrived in Russia; Snowden has had unlimited amounts of money to buy both photos and videos of Putin's hetero and homo sexual acts, and the rapes Putin committed on a muzzled and tied up German Shepherd named Adolph. Snowden speculated that this dog was a scapegoat for Hitler's violation of the non aggression pact by invading Russian in 1941.

Fake News ^^^
Your so full of shit. This story was debunked weeks ago. It's been proven that the dog was a Belgian Malinois, not a German Shepherd. Don't y'all ever get tired of spreading this misinformation?

What Putin doesn't know is Snowden is a CIA agent undercover, and Snowden has been collecting data on Russia's military and Putin's sexual perversions since he arrived in Russia; Snowden has had unlimited amounts of money to buy both photos and videos of Putin's hetero and homo sexual acts, and the rapes Putin committed on a muzzled and tied up German Shepherd named Adolph. Snowden speculated that this dog was a scapegoat for Hitler's violation of the non aggression pact by invading Russian in 1941.

Fake News ^^^

Russians are the most anti-gay folks of the civilised world. no way that Putin commits "homosexual acts". if only!

LOL, you took the post seriously? LOL, Oh, and by the way, anti gay to the extreme is a product of someone gay curious, or someone who has engaged in acts of a homosexual nature, enjoyed the act and hates themselves for it. Of course that hate is subliminal and the objective hate is focused on those who have accepted who they are.

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