"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's

No, the leftist parrots of the Global Warming fraud are close, but the pro Israel US Christian is still the reigning moron of the universe today.

When ants start a religion to worship anteaters, there will be a tie....
I'd blame all three for our current situation. 41, 43, and O.


41 didn't want W to run at all.

41 told W to stay out of Iraq

41 kept spending under control with a Dem Congress.

W and 41 were 180 degrees apart, but it takes a brain to notice that....
Obama is probably so happy right now.

This problem is the works of both W. Bush, and Obama.

W. Bush taking out Iraq, helped Iran, and Russia into the region.

While Obama sided against Assad, propping up rebels aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
(Which brought in Russia, and caused basic anarchy)

I'd blame all three for our current situation. 41, 43, and O.

Russia, and Iran are over-reacting in Syria, even so W. Bush over-reacted even worse in Iraq.

That's a grand mistake, Saddam Hussein would've combated Iran + Russia in the region.

What a bunch of stupid f*cks the Neocons are.
No, the neocons are not stupid. They only care about ISRAEL, and they manipulate the universe's dumbest life forms in the US to support just that, the selling out of America and American lives for the cause of Greater Israel...

which is supposed to bring Jesus floating down from the clouds.... only 1790 years late...
"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I hope they are serious about it this time.

Due to Israel provocation and agreement violation Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week (during 3 years of Russian presence in Syria there were about 60 Russians killed in Syria). Yes, they are serious this time. Seems like with "a friend" like Israel you don't need enemies.

Russian defense ministry presents data as evidence of Israeli involvement in Il-20 crash

Putin says move to boost Syria's air defense aimed at protecting Russian servicemen

At least Russians aren't so retarded as Americans, and has the sense to react towards Israel.

The U.S.A had similar done with the U.S.S Liberty Bombing by Israel, but instead of reacting to Israel, the U.S.A just increased funding for Israel.

React? Are you kidding? The russians are confused and they're about to thoroughly confused.

Russia still makes more sense reacting towards Israel, than the U.S.A has since the U.S.S Liberty Bombing.

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's?

I mean, looking at Israel's / Jew's records against America, Christians, and Conservatives, etc. it's amazing how the idiots in this country still fawn over the Zionist Jews.

Whats happening is that the US has imposed massive sanctions on russia, the ruble and their economy is in tatters, russia can do no right in syria....failing on all fronts, israel has discovered the largest gas fields in the world and pompeo suggested that israel ink deals with europe for that natural gas. Europe is about to tell putin to go pound the siberian snow. We're about to see russia strike an american ally, israel, in retaliation. Russia will be smashed.
So the Russians justify supplying Israel's enemies with a vast arsenal of weapons based on the fact that some camel-humping Assad terrorist f*ed up and accidently shot a Russian aircraft down....


Israel / U.S.A actually turned Assad into an enemy, by driving against Assad, by propping up rebels aligned with ISIS / Al Qaeda in Syria under Obama.

However, Assad invited in Russia, and Iran to deal with Obama's mess, now there's a even worse mess created by Russia, and Iran.
I'd blame all three for our current situation. 41, 43, and O.


41 didn't want W to run at all.

41 told W to stay out of Iraq

41 kept spending under control with a Dem Congress.

W and 41 were 180 degrees apart, but it takes a brain to notice that....

41 was all for the new world order. They weren't 180 apart. They were in line with O and hillary on that front.
"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I hope they are serious about it this time.

Due to Israel provocation and agreement violation Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week (during 3 years of Russian presence in Syria there were about 60 Russians killed in Syria). Yes, they are serious this time. Seems like with "a friend" like Israel you don't need enemies.

Russian defense ministry presents data as evidence of Israeli involvement in Il-20 crash

Putin says move to boost Syria's air defense aimed at protecting Russian servicemen

At least Russians aren't so retarded as Americans, and has the sense to react towards Israel.

The U.S.A had similar done with the U.S.S Liberty Bombing by Israel, but instead of reacting to Israel, the U.S.A just increased funding for Israel.

React? Are you kidding? The russians are confused and they're about to thoroughly confused.

Russia still makes more sense reacting towards Israel, than the U.S.A has since the U.S.S Liberty Bombing.

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's?

I mean, looking at Israel's / Jew's records against America, Christians, and Conservatives, etc. it's amazing how the idiots in this country still fawn over the Zionist Jews.

Whats happening is that the US has imposed massive sanctions on russia, the ruble and their economy is in tatters, russia can do no right in syria....failing on all fronts, israel has discovered the largest gas fields in the world and pompeo suggested that israel ink deals with europe for that natural gas. Europe is about to tell putin to go pound the siberian snow. We're about to see russia strike an american ally, israel, in retaliation. Russia will be smashed.

The U.S.A / EU put sanctions upon Russia, for invading a Russian majority Crimea, which hadn't been Russian territory for 30 years, basically no war over Crimea, deaths, or genocide.

Israel on the other hand invaded a Palestinian majority West Bank, and Gaza, which wasn't Jewish for over 1,000 years, and still do so with Settlements, and they shoot into crowds killing dozens, and wounding up to 1,000's, and have killed far more Arabs in their wars, than Arabs have killed Israeli Jews.
Israelis have targeted in war crimes UN schools, power-plants, and hospitals etc, not to mention the Buffer Zone where armed guards who shoot at Palestinians approaching the Buffer Zone, which this Buffer Zone also eats up Palestinian farm land.

Yet, the U.S.A / EU refuses to put sanctions upon Israel.
Due to Israel provocation and agreement violation Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week (during 3 years of Russian presence in Syria there were about 60 Russians killed in Syria). Yes, they are serious this time. Seems like with "a friend" like Israel you don't need enemies.

Russian defense ministry presents data as evidence of Israeli involvement in Il-20 crash

Putin says move to boost Syria's air defense aimed at protecting Russian servicemen

At least Russians aren't so retarded as Americans, and has the sense to react towards Israel.

The U.S.A had similar done with the U.S.S Liberty Bombing by Israel, but instead of reacting to Israel, the U.S.A just increased funding for Israel.

React? Are you kidding? The russians are confused and they're about to thoroughly confused.

Russia still makes more sense reacting towards Israel, than the U.S.A has since the U.S.S Liberty Bombing.

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's?

I mean, looking at Israel's / Jew's records against America, Christians, and Conservatives, etc. it's amazing how the idiots in this country still fawn over the Zionist Jews.

Whats happening is that the US has imposed massive sanctions on russia, the ruble and their economy is in tatters, russia can do no right in syria....failing on all fronts, israel has discovered the largest gas fields in the world and pompeo suggested that israel ink deals with europe for that natural gas. Europe is about to tell putin to go pound the siberian snow. We're about to see russia strike an american ally, israel, in retaliation. Russia will be smashed.

The U.S.A / EU put sanctions upon Russia, for invading a Russian majority Crimea, which hadn't been Russian territory for 30 years, basically no war over Crimea, deaths, or genocide.

Israel on the other hand invaded a Palestinian majority West Bank, and Gaza, which wasn't Jewish for over 1,000 years, and still do so with Settlements, and they shoot into crowds killing dozens, and wounding up to 1,000's, and have killed far more in their wars than Arabs have Israels, not to mention the Buffer Zone where armed guards who shoot at Palestinians approaching the Buffer Zone, which this Buffer Zone also eats up Palestinian farm land.

Yet, the U.S.A / EU refuses to put sanctions upon Israel.

Thats propaganda youre reading. Thats not whats happening but israel isn't all innocent either.
At least Russians aren't so retarded as Americans, and has the sense to react towards Israel.

The U.S.A had similar done with the U.S.S Liberty Bombing by Israel, but instead of reacting to Israel, the U.S.A just increased funding for Israel.

React? Are you kidding? The russians are confused and they're about to thoroughly confused.

Russia still makes more sense reacting towards Israel, than the U.S.A has since the U.S.S Liberty Bombing.

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's?

I mean, looking at Israel's / Jew's records against America, Christians, and Conservatives, etc. it's amazing how the idiots in this country still fawn over the Zionist Jews.

Whats happening is that the US has imposed massive sanctions on russia, the ruble and their economy is in tatters, russia can do no right in syria....failing on all fronts, israel has discovered the largest gas fields in the world and pompeo suggested that israel ink deals with europe for that natural gas. Europe is about to tell putin to go pound the siberian snow. We're about to see russia strike an american ally, israel, in retaliation. Russia will be smashed.

The U.S.A / EU put sanctions upon Russia, for invading a Russian majority Crimea, which hadn't been Russian territory for 30 years, basically no war over Crimea, deaths, or genocide.

Israel on the other hand invaded a Palestinian majority West Bank, and Gaza, which wasn't Jewish for over 1,000 years, and still do so with Settlements, and they shoot into crowds killing dozens, and wounding up to 1,000's, and have killed far more in their wars than Arabs have Israels, not to mention the Buffer Zone where armed guards who shoot at Palestinians approaching the Buffer Zone, which this Buffer Zone also eats up Palestinian farm land.

Yet, the U.S.A / EU refuses to put sanctions upon Israel.

Thats propaganda youre reading. Thats not whats happening but israel isn't all innocent either.

Explain what propaganda that is?
There were no Muslims involved with 911, none. What happened on 911?

WTC North Tower - bomb, exploded from within
WTC South Tower - hit with 767 CARGO version, likely CIA controlled drone
Pentagon - cruise missile
Shanksville - a hole dug out with some metal junk, set on fire - actual on site quote of coroner, who clocked out in 20 minutes because there were no bodies to examine

React? Are you kidding? The russians are confused and they're about to thoroughly confused.

Russia still makes more sense reacting towards Israel, than the U.S.A has since the U.S.S Liberty Bombing.

Is anything more stupid than a pro-Jewish / pro-Israel Conservative's?

I mean, looking at Israel's / Jew's records against America, Christians, and Conservatives, etc. it's amazing how the idiots in this country still fawn over the Zionist Jews.

Whats happening is that the US has imposed massive sanctions on russia, the ruble and their economy is in tatters, russia can do no right in syria....failing on all fronts, israel has discovered the largest gas fields in the world and pompeo suggested that israel ink deals with europe for that natural gas. Europe is about to tell putin to go pound the siberian snow. We're about to see russia strike an american ally, israel, in retaliation. Russia will be smashed.

The U.S.A / EU put sanctions upon Russia, for invading a Russian majority Crimea, which hadn't been Russian territory for 30 years, basically no war over Crimea, deaths, or genocide.

Israel on the other hand invaded a Palestinian majority West Bank, and Gaza, which wasn't Jewish for over 1,000 years, and still do so with Settlements, and they shoot into crowds killing dozens, and wounding up to 1,000's, and have killed far more in their wars than Arabs have Israels, not to mention the Buffer Zone where armed guards who shoot at Palestinians approaching the Buffer Zone, which this Buffer Zone also eats up Palestinian farm land.

Yet, the U.S.A / EU refuses to put sanctions upon Israel.

Thats propaganda youre reading. Thats not whats happening but israel isn't all innocent either.

Explain what propaganda that is?

The shooting into crowds. That was instigated by the Palestinians. Palestine has had numerous chances for a solution and they turn it down everytime. Thats their fault.
"Russia" to supply Syria with S-300 missiles in rebuke of Israel

I hope they are serious about it this time.

Due to Israel provocation and agreement violation Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week (during 3 years of Russian presence in Syria there were about 60 Russians killed in Syria). Yes, they are serious this time. Seems like with "a friend" like Israel you don't need enemies.

Russian defense ministry presents data as evidence of Israeli involvement in Il-20 crash

Putin says move to boost Syria's air defense aimed at protecting Russian servicemen

Russia has lost a plane with 15 people last week

That's what happens when you give idiots advanced technology.
Thank goodness these morons didn't shoot down a civilian airliner, like those "rebel" twats in Ukraine.
the invasion was a means to start that order.

You have to be retarded.

Saddam invaded Kuwait.

41 went to the UN, got 120 countries to unify to kick Saddam out of Kuwait, that's it.

Then in the 1992 election, Clinton ran on the "we didn't finish the (Zionist) job in Iraq" ie we didn't sell out our troops as Israel wanted.

41 didn't invade Iraq. You are just so fucked in the head with lies and falsehoods and bullshit, you should just shut up until you get a fucking clue...

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