Russia Trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2024
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

U.S. Officials Allege Russian Operatives Illegally Provided $10 Million to Fund Videos by American Right-Wing Social Media Stars

A Tennessee-based media company with prominent MAGA personalities on its roster has been accused of receiving millions of dollars from two employees of Russian state-backed media company Russia Today (RT) in order to influence American viewers.

According to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, the Russian employees created a $10 million scheme “to create and distribute content to U.S. audiences with hidden Russian government messaging.”

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?

coming from a dumbass who listens to the corporate controlled media that Putin is a tyrant and kills innocent civillians,we should really all listen to you.:auiqs.jpg:Youno doubt believe the conspiracy theory of the corporate controlled media that there was Russia collusion to get Trump elected as well no doubt.comedy gold at its finest.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
MAGA is a force that dreams of destabilizing the U.S., abandoning U.S. allies, and letting Russia take over former USSR countries. They also believe Russia is culturally superior to the U.S. due to hatred of minorities not being frowned upon. It makes sense for them to fund MAGA.
Lol as if any decent person believes what Garland says
Is that your answer? Garland is a liar? The man that all his life has done things "by the book" to the point that all parties get mad at him for not doing things faster?
coming from a dumbass who listens to the corporate controlled media that Putin is a tyrant and kills innocent civillians,we should really all listen to you.:auiqs.jpg:Youno doubt believe the conspiracy theory of the corporate controlled media that there was Russia collusion to get Trump elected as well no doubt.comedy gold at its finest.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
You mean to say that these pictures are all fake?

Oh and by the way, great use of words Ram Fan, unfortunately words are cheap and free and you certainly made use of them. Unfortunately (and as all Trumpers do), you never back up those words with facts.

I could just as easily say:

Trump is a pedophile that sells children into sex slavery for his own benefit. I know that because he was working with Epstein.

I also use great words doing that! Do you believe me? but, but, but, you want me to believe you? That is a mental illness that you have there. It is so easy to say "Fake News" but no one that says it can prove it. It is insane asylum fantasies.
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Russia Trying to get Trump elected.​

The Wanker telling yet another provable 100% lie?

Say it ain't so! :laugh2:

Garland and Wray looked like desperate fools yesterday not serious officers of the law... what did Wray say to Russia and Iran?... "knock it off"?.... and they probably said back to him or what?...
weak leadership rubs off on everyone in DC....
The Wanker has never been a decent person.

Who's sock is this? The Banker? If so, makes a lot of sense, I'll put it back on ignore. I wish more people would ignore its insanity, but apparently most can't help themselves. :dunno:
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Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?

Why don't you answer your own questions? Tell us how they would gain in their objectives if Trump was president? You'd have lots of examples to use from his first presidency, right? 🤡
Who's sock is this? The Banker? If so, makes a lot of sense, I'll put it back on ignore. I wish more people would ignore it's insanity, but apparently most can't help themselves. :dunno:
Yes....He's not even trying to conceal it.

The ownership must be desperate as fuck for the clicks, to have a staff that would allow such obvious socks like him, and total impostors like Toto, to remain here.
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
Another Russia Hoax by the Feds and media.
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?

That's outrageous!!!

Commies are only allowed to support leftists.
That's outrageous!!!

Commies are only allowed to support leftists.

This proves you wrong

and here is an article that explains that their own Republican-led Senate concluded that Russia helped Trump win.

Senate panel finds Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election

Politics Aug 18, 2020 4:49 AM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump campaign’s interactions with Russian intelligence services during the 2016 presidential election posed a “grave” counterintelligence threat, a Senate panel concluded Tuesday as it detailed how associates of Donald Trump had regular contact with Russians and expected to benefit from the Kremlin’s help.

The nearly 1,000-page report, the fifth and final one from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee on the Russia investigation, details how Russia launched an aggressive effort to interfere in the election on Trump’s behalf. It says the Trump campaign chairman had regular contact with a Russian intelligence officer and says other Trump associates were eager to exploit the Kremlin’s aid, particularly by maximizing the impact of the disclosure of Democratic emails hacked by Russian intelligence officers.

As such, take your biased BS and ram it down your own ass.
Are you absolutely blind and stupid by choice

From your article link

Russian President Vladimir Putin raised eyebrows Thursday when he expressed his support for US Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid, flattering the Democratic nominee with some curiously timed remarks.

You actually expect Putin to tell the truth? Really?, I mean REALLY!

Whatever Putin says you have to believe the exact opposite to be the truth!
Are you absolutely blind and stupid by choice

From your article link

Russian President Vladimir Putin raised eyebrows Thursday when he expressed his support for US Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid, flattering the Democratic nominee with some curiously timed remarks.

You actually expect Putin to tell the truth? Really?, I mean REALLY!

Whatever Putin says you have to believe the exact opposite to be the truth!
seems you know everything putin is thinking,,

I find that interesting,,
seems you know everything putin is thinking,,

I find that interesting,,

A Year of Putin’s Wartime Lies

Every credible analyst of the invasion of Ukraine has been stunned by the scale of the Russian President’s folly—and his failure extends well beyond the battlefield.

Why The Kremlin Lies: Understanding Its Loose Relationship With the Truth

Russian leaders have used deception for strategic ends in ways that shed light on their geopolitical goals

This proves you wrong

and here is an article that explains that their own Republican-led Senate concluded that Russia helped Trump win.

As such, take your biased BS and ram it down your own ass.

Now look at the date when Trump said that and compare it to when the FBI seized Hillary's illegal unsecure server. DURR

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