Russia/Ukraine, BLM, white supremacy, racism, masks/vaccines, Jan 6th, etc.

In 2020? That's the point. I don't doubt it was a hospital. Yet the Ukrainian lying dirtbags sold it specifically as a MATERNITY hospital for full emotional effect. Then cart out staged pictures of expectant mothers. It's pathetic propaganda.

I typed in 2020 as you stated and then Google gave me results that excluded the 2020. I was given the option by Google to have 2020 as a must include, but I did not choose it.

Here is a story about it from the ArabNews out of SA. Are they also part of the great plan conspiracy to make your beloved Russia look worse?

Ukraine woman who escaped Mariupol maternity hospital gives birth
I typed in 2020 as you stated and then Google gave me results that excluded the 2020. I was given the option by Google to have 2020 as a must include, but I did not choose it.

Here is a story about it from the ArabNews out of SA. Are they also part of the great plan conspiracy to make your beloved Russia look worse?

Ukraine woman who escaped Mariupol maternity hospital gives birth
You really miss the point, or just like being a rube. Everything coming out of Ukraine is tainted by lies to push emotional buttons. Some of it is just pure lies with no basis in fact. Why the need to try and manipulate the response? That should raise red flags for anyone capable of critical thinking.

I support neither side. It's not our fight. Both sides are corrupt.
Everything coming out of Ukraine is tainted by lies to push emotional buttons. Some of it is just pure lies with no basis in fact.

This has been the case with our daily news for decades. That is the entire point of talk radio. Rush Limbaugh became rich and famous doing this.

Why the need to try and manipulate the response? That should raise red flags for anyone capable of critical thinking.

Where are all your post talking about this with CNN, OANN, FoxNews, MSNBC and all the rest? Do you ever complain about this happening daily in our country?

I support neither side. It's not our fight. Both sides are corrupt.

As the greatest rock band in history once wrote....If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
This has been the case with our daily news for decades. That is the entire point of talk radio. Rush Limbaugh became rich and famous doing this.

Where are all your post talking about this with CNN, OANN, FoxNews, MSNBC and all the rest? Do you ever complain about this happening daily in our country?

As the greatest rock band in history once wrote....If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
There is usually a counterpoint. The attempts at manipulation are offset. In this case it is completely unfettered, there is no counterpoint, black and white. It's a childish approach.

I get all my news online, no video, I like to read it, mostly skip the commentary and get to the scant few facts and numbers. I also use numerous sources from different countries to check and cross check, on news I find interesting. Run of the mill stuff only requires looking closely at was is and isn't presented to figure out the gist.
If you love Hitler so much, why don't you marry him? :)

But seriously, those Democrats - and you RINOS - are nuts.
When these Democrats had avatars of Trump with a swastika armband, does that mean they support Trump and the Nazis????

That seems to be their reasoning now, but not then
There is usually a counterpoint. The attempts at manipulation are offset. In this case it is completely unfettered, there is no counterpoint, black and white. It's a childish approach.

There is a counter point. Listen to Tucker or read the RT.

I get all my news online, no video, I like to read it, mostly skip the commentary and get to the scant few facts and numbers. I also use numerous sources from different countries to check and cross check, on news I find interesting. Run of the mill stuff only requires looking closely at was is and isn't presented to figure out the gist.

This is also how I get my news and information. Watching the new on TV is the worst possible way to get any information.
Spoken like a good little drone. You immediately position yourself to a black and white stance. You are told you are on the side of the angels, that's your reward for obedience.
It also helps to be on the side of comparative angels instead of blob supporters who are busy aligning with the murderous Putin, continue to spread disinformation about the vaccines, and refuse to accept the results of the 2020 election

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