Russia/Ukraine, BLM, white supremacy, racism, masks/vaccines, Jan 6th, etc.

Well, my own govt tells me to get vaccinated or else, put on a mask or else, people can invade over the southern border and no big deal--and that's just for starters. These cretins puke on our freedoms all day every day and then across the globe we're supposed to tally ho for the freedoms of Eastern Europeans?
Stop being logical.
LOL....I guess that is why folks used to get a bit exasperated with me as I always sort of marched to the beat of my own drum......Nothing quite torques "groupthink" people more than telling them that you don't care about something that the group cares about. ;)

The laughable idiots on the right who complain about "group think" while displaying stickers that falsely claim that "Guns Save Lives", and promoting vigilantism.
Democrat Logic:

World War III is the right thing to do.

Pretty much the opposite of WWIII is happening.

Instead of other counties joining in the war, they are finding non combat ways to punish Russia for their actions. And it is pretty much a global consensus. The only people who are not on board are the Chinese and the far right in our country. What a shock.
so, because you were "made" to wear a mask it is cool for Russia to kill people in Ukraine.

That is a new twist.

Russia and Ukraine are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. Its not an indiscriminate slaughter, like the insurrection in Chicago where many thousands of brave Chicagoans have perished for no reason at all.
Spoken like a good little drone. You immediately position yourself to a black and white stance. You are told you are on the side of the angels, that's your reward for obedience.
Also, cultists think everyone is a cultist.
The laughable idiots on the right who complain about "group think" while displaying stickers that falsely claim that "Guns Save Lives", and promoting vigilantism.
Oh we have our own disagreements in what juice is worth the squeeze.....Too many folks like myself. ;)
Russia and Ukraine are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure. Its not an indiscriminate slaughter, like the insurrection in Chicago where many thousands of brave Chicagoans have perished for no reason at all.

way too early for your drunk postings.
Well, my own govt tells me to get vaccinated or else, put on a mask or else, people can invade over the southern border and no big deal--and that's just for starters. These cretins puke on our freedoms all day every day and then across the globe we're supposed to tally ho for the freedoms of Eastern Europeans?
No one says you have to support Ukraine but it seems we have a situation whereby the right has inadvertently shown America what it really thinks about democracy.
Pretty much the opposite of WWIII is happening.

Instead of other counties joining in the war, they are finding non combat ways to punish Russia for their actions. And it is pretty much a global consensus. The only people who are not on board are the Chinese and the far right in our country. What a shock.
Stay tuned, comrade.
LOL....I guess that is why folks used to get a bit exasperated with me as I always sort of marched to the beat of my own drum......Nothing quite torques "groupthink" people more than telling them that you don't care about something that the group cares about. ;)
Being a contrarian for the sake of contrarianism and thinking you are being edgy is just goofy intellectual laziness...

You would be the type during the height of the 50's and 60's Civil Rights movements giggling and claiming that both sides are the same; just to be edgy, bro....
^ My sister.

She likes to pretend her mom isn't a whore too, but then she returns to reality.
The puppy owes me... I'm a Russian Jew and I'll ask your mom and dad... And you're a lousy puppy... I'll take your pants off and hit you with a belt
Odd thing, a Communist displaying a swastika as their avatar.

I guess you want to show your love for both the fascist and the communist.
You're a communist?

And I thought that was a golf green...

I guess you need your head examined.

Well, my own govt tells me to get vaccinated or else, put on a mask or else, people can invade over the southern border and no big deal--and that's just for starters. These cretins puke on our freedoms all day every day and then across the globe we're supposed to tally ho for the freedoms of Eastern Europeans?

Or else what, Sue. What are the consequences for your failure to follow sensible public health guidelines? You can get sick and die. That's YOUR consequence. But you can also get others sick, and cause them to die, but you don't think people other than YOU matter at all.

The people at your Southern Border are refugees from famine and violence. They're no different than the Ukrainians fleeing the guns and bombs in their countries. The Europeans are welcoming THEM, just like they welcomed the Syrians fleeing violence in their country.

But Americans - the richest nation in the world, treats refugees as criminals, and calls them an "infestation", all the while pretending to be Christians.

You think "freedom" is the right to shit all over people you don't like. You don't know the meaning of the word "freedom". Freedom for you is the right to treat anyone YOU consider inferior, or immoral with scorn, and derision. Freedom is all about YOU and fuck the other guy.

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