Russia/Ukraine, BLM, white supremacy, racism, masks/vaccines, Jan 6th, etc.

What does "support Ukraine" mean? Does it mean I have to jump when you command, decrying the bombing of maternity hospitals? No kidding. That's an atrocity. Now, explain to me why we should be the ones to solve the problem. I mean, aren't the Leftists here always telling us how terrible America is, how much Europe hates us?

Goody. Europe can handle this.

And btw, my stance on this, I promise you, is not an outlier. Many people are sick of being the world's military, police and $$$. We suck? Good. Do the world without us.

Support Ukraine in answer to your question means nothing really. It's a slogan, a catchphrase, it's an autonomic response.

And we shouldn't be responsible for fixing it. But the worst part is we aren't fixing it. We slapped some sanctions that don't do anything but punish millions of innocent Russian civilians and stand on the sidelines yelling "fuck Russia" so we look good. It isn't about helping them, it's about thinking people think we're great and about looking like we're helping.

Jesus even companies like limited run games is making support Ukraine tshirts as an attempt to cash in on the trend and to be seen as good guys because their public relations department aid to.

As the video in the OP explained, this isn't about helping or actually caring, it's about falling in line with the public narrative and stepping in line with everyone else. It's kind of scary how many Americans blindly follow immediately any bandwagon mentality there is rather easily.
Well, my own govt tells me to get vaccinated or else, put on a mask or else, people can invade over the southern border and no big deal--and that's just for starters. These cretins puke on our freedoms all day every day and then across the globe we're supposed to tally ho for the freedoms of Eastern Europeans?
Exactly. And the fact that Americans being “nationalist” about our country is just “white-supremacy”. But then they want us to be nationalists for Ukraine….
No one says you have to support Ukraine but it seems we have a situation whereby the right has inadvertently shown America what it really thinks about democracy.
Ummm…I’ve seen folks get banned recently because they talked about Ukraine’s corruption.
Ummm…I’ve seen folks get banned recently because they talked about Ukraine’s corruption.
There are very few forbidden topics here. If anyone got banned it was for repeatedly breaking the few rules there are and then arguing with the mods.
Probably not. There are likely some. But I look at Ukraine as corrupt, Russia as corrupt, and NATO as corrupt. Who will sponsor me?
No one. This is the most clear-cut case of freedom vs tyranny in living memory. No patience for anyone looking to justify this mega war crime still in progress.
No one. This is the most clear-cut case of freedom vs tyranny in living memory. No patience for anyone looking to justify this mega war crime still in progress.
Have you heard of the New World Order? They want your freedom? A Ukrainian parliament member said that’s what they’re fighting for.
Have you heard of the New World Order? They want your freedom? A Ukrainian parliament member said that’s what they’re fighting for.
I've heard all the excuses why various right wing nationalists think they need to be ruling with an iron fist.

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