Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies on U.S. Soil

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
OMG, Russia organized anti-immigrant rallies in the US. We haven't heard the last of this.

Exclusive: Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies on U.S. Soil

Russian operatives hiding behind false identities used Facebook’s event-management tool to remotely organize and promote political protests in the U.S., including an August 2016 anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rally in Idaho, The Daily Beast has learned.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to The Daily Beast that the social-media giant “shut down several promoted events as part of the takedown we described last week.” The company declined to elaborate, except to confirm that the events were promoted with paid ads. (This is the first time the social-media giant has publicly acknowledged the existence of such events.)
Fake news. There are no anti-immigrant rallies. Illegal aliens and savage, low IQ "refugees" seeking to replace Western man are not immigrants.
Zuckerberg is going to be running as a Democrat candidate for the Presidency in 2020 so why would I trust anything Facebook comes up with now to discredit Trump's election?
A pattern of denial or "so what" has developed for a defense when evidence comes forth on Russian meddling. It had been "there is no evidence". That one has become obsolete now that evidence is now turning up on a regular basis.
Reminds of this I heard once that Hitler before he died said he was wrong that Germans will save the white race but the russians are the true superior aryans and willl save the white race, he admitted to be wrong and said the future lies in the east in russia.
OMG, Russia organized anti-immigrant rallies in the US. We haven't heard the last of this.

Exclusive: Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies on U.S. Soil

Russian operatives hiding behind false identities used Facebook’s event-management tool to remotely organize and promote political protests in the U.S., including an August 2016 anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rally in Idaho, The Daily Beast has learned.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to The Daily Beast that the social-media giant “shut down several promoted events as part of the takedown we described last week.” The company declined to elaborate, except to confirm that the events were promoted with paid ads. (This is the first time the social-media giant has publicly acknowledged the existence of such events.)


This is so obviously utter bullshit. Your Russo-hatred is making you stupid.
A pattern of denial or "so what" has developed for a defense when evidence comes forth on Russian meddling. It had been "there is no evidence". That one has become obsolete now that evidence is now turning up on a regular basis.
You know what is truly remarkable and evidence of just how craven and supine we are as a people? Israel interferes more and in more ways, both directly and indirectly, on more issues and with more collaborators every day in the United States more than Russia does in a decade.

And we hear nothing about it.

Not only that, Israel has repeatedly demonstrated what an untrustworthy, destructive, unconscionable "ally" it is. It knowingly attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, circled the crippled ship machine-gunning it with armor-piecing bullets for 40 minutes (!) , and strafed the lifeboats. Russia's never done anything like that. In fact, Russia offered the USS Liberty assistance.

Russia also isn't the country that duped George W. Bush into the Iraq War catastrophe. Israel is. Russia isn't the reason we are in Syria. Israel is. Russia isn't sending us their rejected refugees. Israel is.

So shut the fuck up about Russia.
What is hysterical about this so called Russian meddling is it doesn't even come close to western nations blatantly overthrowing regimes they don't like. But we're freaking out over Facebook advertisements and accounts?

We pushed out Mubarak, we got Gaddafi killed, been trying to overthrow Assad, I can't remember any more what happened in Yemen its becoming a blur, we tell Britain it can't leave the EU or it'll be put to the back of the queue, help overthrow the Ukrainian President and his party, of course the biggie Iraq to remove Saddam and more.

The shit we pull is endless. But OMG! other countries and more than just Russia might have meddled in the election that Hillary lost.

Guaranteed and dollars to donuts on this, if that old bitch had won NONE of the investigations would be happening now.
Oh and how about Mexico continually interfering in US politics to bend illegal immigration to their benefit. This is hands on obvious shit that happens day to day with the Mexican government.
The fake news "Russian meddling" hoax is indeed quite ironic. Especially when it is Zionists in the federal and state levels who push the false narrative. And when it is arguable Zionists have been meddling in US domestic and foreign policy since the mid 1800's. And in fact US meddling in the middle east which resulted in the destruction of Europe with inbred, low IQ savages in particular is totally Zionistic. Long story short The Swamp = ZOG.
The fake news "Russian meddling" hoax is indeed quite ironic. Especially when it is Zionists in the federal and state levels who push the false narrative. And when it is arguable Zionists have been meddling in US domestic and foreign policy since the mid 1800's. And in fact US meddling in the middle east which resulted in the destruction of Europe with inbred, low IQ savages in particular is totally Zionistic. Long story short The Swamp = ZOG.
Obviously, you didn't support Reagan.
I'm sure I'll get called a Russian agent again, but this is recycled bullshit. Must be a slow week...

And the Winner Is…? Reuters in Contention for Year’s Best #RussiaDidIt Story
‘Conspiracy theory fantasies’: Russia dismisses report it masterminded Trump victory

See also: Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"In April 2017, Reuters cited several U.S. officials as saying that the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) [sic], which had until January 2017 been headed by a retired SVR general Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov, had developed a strategy to sway the U.S. election to Donald Trump; in October 2016, when a conclusion was made that Hillary Clinton was likely to win, the strategy was modified and aimed at undermining U.S. voters′ faith in the electoral system.[39] The development of strategy was allegedly ordered by Putin and directed by former officers of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). The Institute had been a part of the SVR until 2009, whereafter it has worked for the Russian Presidential Administration .[40]

According to anonymous U.S. officials, the propaganda efforts began in March 2016. The first set of recommendations, issued in June 2016, reportedly proposed that Russia must support a candidate for U.S. president more favorable to Russia than Obama had been via a social media campaign and through Russia-backed news outlets. The second report was written in October 2016 when a Clinton win appeared likely. It allegedly advocated messages about voter fraud in order to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. electoral system and a Clinton presidency.[39] RISS director Mikhail Fradkov and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the allegations."
I'm sure I'll get called a Russian agent again, but this is recycled bullshit. Must be a slow week...

And the Winner Is…? Reuters in Contention for Year’s Best #RussiaDidIt Story
‘Conspiracy theory fantasies’: Russia dismisses report it masterminded Trump victory

See also: Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"In April 2017, Reuters cited several U.S. officials as saying that the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) [sic], which had until January 2017 been headed by a retired SVR general Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov, had developed a strategy to sway the U.S. election to Donald Trump; in October 2016, when a conclusion was made that Hillary Clinton was likely to win, the strategy was modified and aimed at undermining U.S. voters′ faith in the electoral system.[39] The development of strategy was allegedly ordered by Putin and directed by former officers of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). The Institute had been a part of the SVR until 2009, whereafter it has worked for the Russian Presidential Administration .[40]

According to anonymous U.S. officials, the propaganda efforts began in March 2016. The first set of recommendations, issued in June 2016, reportedly proposed that Russia must support a candidate for U.S. president more favorable to Russia than Obama had been via a social media campaign and through Russia-backed news outlets. The second report was written in October 2016 when a Clinton win appeared likely. It allegedly advocated messages about voter fraud in order to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. electoral system and a Clinton presidency.[39] RISS director Mikhail Fradkov and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the allegations."
Infowars :rolleyes:
Fake news from a fake 'entrepreneur' who thinks censorship is grand. We hope Zuck The Smuck does run for Prez, so we can all laugh at what a completely clueless dork he is.
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I'm sure I'll get called a Russian agent again, but this is recycled bullshit. Must be a slow week...

And the Winner Is…? Reuters in Contention for Year’s Best #RussiaDidIt Story
‘Conspiracy theory fantasies’: Russia dismisses report it masterminded Trump victory

See also: Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

"In April 2017, Reuters cited several U.S. officials as saying that the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISI) [sic], which had until January 2017 been headed by a retired SVR general Leonid Petrovich Reshetnikov, had developed a strategy to sway the U.S. election to Donald Trump; in October 2016, when a conclusion was made that Hillary Clinton was likely to win, the strategy was modified and aimed at undermining U.S. voters′ faith in the electoral system.[39] The development of strategy was allegedly ordered by Putin and directed by former officers of Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). The Institute had been a part of the SVR until 2009, whereafter it has worked for the Russian Presidential Administration .[40]

According to anonymous U.S. officials, the propaganda efforts began in March 2016. The first set of recommendations, issued in June 2016, reportedly proposed that Russia must support a candidate for U.S. president more favorable to Russia than Obama had been via a social media campaign and through Russia-backed news outlets. The second report was written in October 2016 when a Clinton win appeared likely. It allegedly advocated messages about voter fraud in order to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. electoral system and a Clinton presidency.[39] RISS director Mikhail Fradkov and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the allegations."
Infowars :rolleyes:

I was more pointing out that this story "broke" in April 2017. However, yes one of the ones listed is Infowars, they popped up in the search. Need more proof this is recycled news because you're too lazy to look for yourself? I'm bored so here ya go:

Fradkov said at the Reuters publication about the Russian intervention in elections | NewsWorld

Russian Institute for Strategic Studies - Wikipedia - "The Moscow Times called RISS the place where old spooks are sent to retire.[5] The authors were unimpressed with the organization's influence, and they explain how they think a former director, Leonid Reshetnikov, drove the institute into the ground.[5] The New York Times said that inside Russia, RISS is known as a "semiretirement refuge for former intelligence officers" and as a place where "ex-intelligence officials can work with dignity".[6]"

Reuters - Russia denies Reuters report think tank drew up plan to sway U.S. election

NYPost -

Bloomberg - Another Reason to Avoid Rushing on Russia’s Election Role
OMG, Russia organized anti-immigrant rallies in the US. We haven't heard the last of this.

Exclusive: Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies on U.S. Soil

Russian operatives hiding behind false identities used Facebook’s event-management tool to remotely organize and promote political protests in the U.S., including an August 2016 anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim rally in Idaho, The Daily Beast has learned.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to The Daily Beast that the social-media giant “shut down several promoted events as part of the takedown we described last week.” The company declined to elaborate, except to confirm that the events were promoted with paid ads. (This is the first time the social-media giant has publicly acknowledged the existence of such events.)

Creating facebook events is now "hacking elections"?

You people are beyond desperate.

Oh and how about Mexico continually interfering in US politics to bend illegal immigration to their benefit. This is hands on obvious shit that happens day to day with the Mexican government.

Bingo. Mexico actually interferes in our elections by having millions of their citizens illegally vote in our elections. All with the full support of Dems.

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