Russia will go all out now !!

After the breakup of the Soviet Union.
America promised Russia that former eastern block countries would not be allowed to join NATO
Which was a blatant lie.
Because many of those countries were allowed to become NATO members and start boxing in Russia, as though the Cold War was still going on.
When recently there were statements by U.S. and EU officials that Ukraine was soon going to be allowed to join NATO as a full member.
That left Putin with no choice but to engage in a Special Military Operation to rid Ukraine of the globalist criminal government in Kyiv.
Russians will go for rentless carpet bombing
and we provide Ukraine with the patriots, Moscow horde lost the war already

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Russia has failed miserably in normal war
Next up .the Russians will go for rentless carpet bombing and obliterate anything

Putin is trapped between a wall and a hard place

the Russian economy has lost over a trillion
Yep....not well planned....any doubts about the effect of Military budgets anyone? The Russian force foolishly tried to pull off a top tier multi pronged strike with a second rate maybe even third rate infantry. The Germans did it because they knew how and their Troops were amazingly well disciplined.
Not so with the Russian conscript army. They would have had much more success as a phalanx making slow steady advance.

Not that I care concern is not for Putin or Zalensky it's for the people who are being needlessly harmed so that SOROS and NATO can advance their financial interests. You are correct Putin will now have to Salvage this and that could be very, very ugly. The Russian bear has been made to look like a Zoo panda...He probably won't survive this politically....

After the breakup of the Soviet Union.
America promised Russia that former eastern block countries would not be allowed to join NATO
Which was a blatant lie.
Because many of those countries were allowed to become NATO members and start boxing in Russia, as though the Cold War was still going on.
When recently there were statements by U.S. and EU officials that Ukraine was soon going to be allowed to join NATO as a full member.
That left Putin with no choice but to engage in a Special Military Operation to rid Ukraine of the globalist criminal government in Kyiv.
Oh there's no doubt about what's going on here...and they are writing him off waaaay too soon. If he survives this politically we will see an enormous motion to Sino-Russian cooperation
and a total revamp of their military. Heads will be doubt there.

That's what I'm talking about. For the Russian people in Donbass, shelled by NATO-supported Ukrainian nationalists (and open Nazi) weekly or, sometimes, daily - the question of insecure was pretty real. For the Russian people in Baltic states, who were officially discriminated - the question of insecure was pretty real. For the Serbs who were bombed by NATO forces and murdered by Albanian terrorists in Kosovo - the question of insecure was pretty real. For Syrian people who were attacked by NATO-supported Islamic terrorists - the question of insecure was pretty real, too.

Your argument is so flawed that it couldn’t be sold at an outlet store.

First, is it true that both the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation recognized Ukraine as an independent nation? Answer. Yes.

Secondly. The claim that “Russian people” living in those disputed regions were being shelled. They had broken away, declared independence. Russia was getting involved in a Civil War.

By your argument, the United States should threaten Nuclear War to protect not only Taiwan, but Hong Kong, and anywhere else they can gin up some sort of excuse.

The problem is that Russia is the absolute Aggressor. And the claims to justify their actions are flawed, and false. And the Cold War has restarted, which will be an absolute disaster for the Russian People.
After the breakup of the Soviet Union.
America promised Russia that former eastern block countries would not be allowed to join NATO
Which was a blatant lie.
Because many of those countries were allowed to become NATO members and start boxing in Russia, as though the Cold War was still going on.
When recently there were statements by U.S. and EU officials that Ukraine was soon going to be allowed to join NATO as a full member.
That left Putin with no choice but to engage in a Special Military Operation to rid Ukraine of the globalist criminal government in Kyiv.

NATO was nothing more than a Coffee Clutch. The American Contribution was fewer than 30,000 troops, and there hasn’t been a Reforger since the Soviet Union broke up. That was the plan to reinforce Germany. Nations were not training together, and the only way that it could be imagined that this was a threat to Russia is if you first acknowledge that Russia had plans to remake an empire.

Then defense agreements can be dangerous.

Russia is the aggressor, the bad guy. Ukraine may not be innocent and pure as the driven snow, with their own problems with Corruption, but compared to Russia, and the assassinations of political dissidents, abuses of human rights, violations of the international agreements like it was nothing. Ukraine is the good guy.

The world is slamming the door on Russia, and before the decade is out, Russian people will be looking longingly at Cuba for a increase in their standard of living.
Despite all of these silly sanctions by the globalist Jews that control the U.S. and EU governments.
The Russians are a tough people and will do just fine. ... :cool-45:

And that is why the Police are searching phones in Russia looking for disloyal text messages?

The problem with your lies is that it requires people to have no other source of information. They can’t read or view any news source except approved state sources.
That's what I'm talking about. For the Russian people in Donbass, shelled by NATO-supported Ukrainian nationalists (and open Nazi) weekly or, sometimes, daily - the question of insecure was pretty real. For the Russian people in Baltic states, who were officially discriminated - the question of insecure was pretty real. For the Serbs who were bombed by NATO forces and murdered by Albanian terrorists in Kosovo - the question of insecure was pretty real. For Syrian people who were attacked by NATO-supported Islamic terrorists - the question of insecure was pretty real, too.
Donbas has been doing America's 1776 for the last 8 years.
I think of Putin as a Russian version of Trump, whom I greatly admire and miss him being our ruler.
Both men are cut from the same mold. Duty, honor, country. ... :cool-45:

No. They don’t.

First. They are not or shouldn’t be Rulers. They are at most Leaders. And must always be Representative of the population.

They do not represent Duty, Honor, or Country.

Duty for example means responsible to something else. Something larger. Preferably something better. A principle or ideal. Putin has failed in Duty. There is nothing larger in his world, than himself.

Honor. Honor means you live by a code. The simplest explanation is from a long dead Caesar of Ancient Rome. If it is not true, don’t say it. If it is not right, don’t do it.

Putin has lied regularly and continues to do so. That eliminates the argument that he is honorable in any way. The actions of the Russian Army confirm he and the nation are without Honor.

Country. A leader wants what is best for the Country. Putin has consistently done everything to harm his country.

His actions in Ukraine years ago got him tossed off the G-8. Where he had input and influence in world trade and economic policy. That harmed Russia. That harmed his country.

His actions now have guaranteed a Depression will wipe out the Russian Economy. His solutions to the responses of the world. Predictable responses I might add, are guaranteeing that Russia will spend decades as a Second or even Third World nation.

An example. Russian Airlines hit by sanctions will be unable to fly the planes they have. This means that the planes will rot on the ground. Putin has ordered that anyone can now service the planes. Not only that but the planes need not be inspected as part of the normal maintenance requirement.

That means those planes can never again be flown internationally. They can never again be used for any flights out of Russian Airspace. Putin just killed all Russian Flagged International Airlines.

So even if Putin wised up and withdrew from Ukraine to get the Sanctions Lifted. It would not help the Russian Airlines. The Russian Airlines just became the equivalent of a third world fly by night service. In one move.

This is not Putin looking after his Country. This is a weak man trying to show he isn’t afraid when he is. He will go down in history. Not as a great man. But as a pathetic fool who single handed my undid decades of progress and growth for Russia.
Putin is a remarkable individual, astute statesman, military genius, cultured and urbane, but still has empathy for the plight of the common man.
Although, he doesn't wear a crown or sit on a throne, Putin exemplifies all the traits of the greatest rulers throughout history. ... :cool-45:
Putin is a remarkable individual, astute statesman, military genius, cultured and urbane, but still has empathy for the plight of the common man.
Although, he doesn't wear a crown or sit on a throne, Putin exemplifies all the traits of the greatest rulers throughout history. ... :cool-45:

So why didn’t you address any examples I provided?
After the breakup of the Soviet Union.
America promised Russia that former eastern block countries would not be allowed to join NATO
Which was a blatant lie.
Because many of those countries were allowed to become NATO members and start boxing in Russia, as though the Cold War was still going on.
When recently there were statements by U.S. and EU officials that Ukraine was soon going to be allowed to join NATO as a full member.
That left Putin with no choice but to engage in a Special Military Operation to rid Ukraine of the globalist criminal government in Kyiv.
Globalist? Hardly. Nationalist, by all accounts.

No, this excuse is contradicted by the timeline. Putin started massing forces in September, long before the Nov 10 agreement.

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