Russian Air Force shoots down Israeli F-35 enroute to Iran, is this story true?

If you cannot take out the F 35, you can take out the military base or aircraft carrier.
If you cannot take out the F 35, you can take out the military base or aircraft carrier.

And taking out a military base is hard. It takes bombers, lots of bomber. As for the Aircraft Carrier, a direct hit would have to be at least a 2000lb hit and it has to hit it exactly right. Otherwise, you just dented it, killed a few people and within a couple of days, the carrier is back to limited operation where it is able to launch and receive fighters and such.

That is without using a nuke. Use the nuke and everyone else is going to go to war with you. Even North Korea understands that. I doubt if the fruitcake leaders in Iran take that seriously.

So you hit the Carrier with your nuke. It still floats and is out of the "War" for a few weeks or months. No one hit's with a dirty bomb (at ground level). Even the bombs used on Japan were air burst. Use a dirty bomb and you get tons of global problems.

It ain't easy .
It would be National News with the Anti Colonialist Far Left & Left If True

The Magats are still trying to keep us scared since they can't make us mad. I hear they are coming up with a shot for Magatism. It contains bleach.

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