Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warship

It's just more saber rattling by Putin. It's working the left loons shat themselves and Obama wet himself

Putin is not expecting WWIII in the next few months, which is reassuring.

No....he expects Europe to bend over and give him whatever he wants.....they have no stomach to actually confront putin...he knows history and how hitler did it.....
Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warships In Route To Syria

Pictures have emerged of Russian warships sailing towards Britain as they make their way to Syria. Norwegian Armed Forces captured images of a fleet of Russian warships sailing off its coastline, including an aircraft carrier, submarine and nuclear-powered battleship. It comes just days after the Royal Navy was put on red alert after it was revealed that Russia
Russian aircraft carrier and sub headed for British waters, UK prepares to intercept Russian warships in route to Syria
Spoiled brat American's think we will never see war on our soil. Half the trendy's don't even know what planet they are on with their heads barried into cell phones, ipads, computers most can't even tell you who the hell our first President was.
We are going to see a war like never before and RUSSIA is NOT to blame!

The British will respond with the Royal Navy Dinghy...the only sea worthy vessel still in the Royal fleet after decades of not spending any money on the British navy....the money going to support welfare to British citizens......of course, the British are hoping if the Russians invade that learning Russian will not be too difficult....

You are as ignorant as usual

Astute-class submarine - Wikipedia are fucking link to this submarine, as if you are the smartest ass in the class......and it takes 5 seconds to find this......

Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws

The Royal Navy's new multibillion pound hunter-killer submarine, HMS Astute, has been beset by design and construction flaws that have raised doubts about its performance and potential safety.

The Guardian can reveal that Astute, the first of seven new submarines costing £9.75bn, has been unable to reach its intended top speed.

At the moment, the boat, heralded as the most sophisticated submarine ever built for the navy, cannot sprint to emergencies or away from an attack – an essential requirement for a hunter-killer boat.

It would also be incapable of keeping pace with the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, which will be able to travel at more than 30 knots and need the submarines to protect them. One source told the Guardian the boat had a "V8 engine with a Morris Minor gearbox".

The only thing about subs is, is no one knows how many and what type subs Putin is moving.
What will Europe do when the U.S. tells them...sorry dudes......we have to pay for illegal aliens and muslim immigrants who are hiding terrorists....we can't bail you out this time......just give putin what he wants and then hope for the best...You too Japan....China probably doesn't hold a grudge for that whole "Rape of Nanking" just let them have what they want too....

if hilary gets into office..the world is fucked....but that will be funny too.....they all hated on the U.S.....let's see how they like it when we aren't providing them with protection....
How many aircraft carriers do the Roooskies have? I mean, operational ones that haven't been rusting for 25 years?
How many aircraft carriers do the Roooskies have? I mean, operational ones that haven't been rusting for 25 years?

Don't worry......putin will be taking what he wants by land...and then using those conquered ports to build his navy....
How many aircraft carriers do the Roooskies have? I mean, operational ones that haven't been rusting for 25 years?

One. They're smart enough to know that carriers are sittin' ducks. Now subs.........dat's a different story.
It's just more saber rattling by Putin. It's working the left loons shat themselves and Obama wet himself

Putin is not expecting WWIII in the next few months, which is reassuring.

Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warships In Route To Syria

Pictures have emerged of Russian warships sailing towards Britain as they make their way to Syria. Norwegian Armed Forces captured images of a fleet of Russian warships sailing off its coastline, including an aircraft carrier, submarine and nuclear-powered battleship. It comes just days after the Royal Navy was put on red alert after it was revealed that Russia
Russian aircraft carrier and sub headed for British waters, UK prepares to intercept Russian warships in route to Syria
Spoiled brat American's think we will never see war on our soil. Half the trendy's don't even know what planet they are on with their heads barried into cell phones, ipads, computers most can't even tell you who the hell our first President was.
We are going to see a war like never before and RUSSIA is NOT to blame!

The British will respond with the Royal Navy Dinghy...the only sea worthy vessel still in the Royal fleet after decades of not spending any money on the British navy....the money going to support welfare to British citizens......of course, the British are hoping if the Russians invade that learning Russian will not be too difficult....

You are as ignorant as usual

Astute-class submarine - Wikipedia are fucking link to this submarine, as if you are the smartest ass in the class......and it takes 5 seconds to find this......

Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws

The Royal Navy's new multibillion pound hunter-killer submarine, HMS Astute, has been beset by design and construction flaws that have raised doubts about its performance and potential safety.

The Guardian can reveal that Astute, the first of seven new submarines costing £9.75bn, has been unable to reach its intended top speed.

At the moment, the boat, heralded as the most sophisticated submarine ever built for the navy, cannot sprint to emergencies or away from an attack – an essential requirement for a hunter-killer boat.

It would also be incapable of keeping pace with the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, which will be able to travel at more than 30 knots and need the submarines to protect them. One source told the Guardian the boat had a "V8 engine with a Morris Minor gearbox".

The only thing about subs is, is no one knows how many and what type subs Putin is moving.

I'd b willing to bet the US Navy knows how many, what type and exactly where they are at
It's just more saber rattling by Putin. It's working the left loons shat themselves and Obama wet himself

Putin is not expecting WWIII in the next few months, which is reassuring.

Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warships In Route To Syria

Pictures have emerged of Russian warships sailing towards Britain as they make their way to Syria. Norwegian Armed Forces captured images of a fleet of Russian warships sailing off its coastline, including an aircraft carrier, submarine and nuclear-powered battleship. It comes just days after the Royal Navy was put on red alert after it was revealed that Russia
Russian aircraft carrier and sub headed for British waters, UK prepares to intercept Russian warships in route to Syria
Spoiled brat American's think we will never see war on our soil. Half the trendy's don't even know what planet they are on with their heads barried into cell phones, ipads, computers most can't even tell you who the hell our first President was.
We are going to see a war like never before and RUSSIA is NOT to blame!

The British will respond with the Royal Navy Dinghy...the only sea worthy vessel still in the Royal fleet after decades of not spending any money on the British navy....the money going to support welfare to British citizens......of course, the British are hoping if the Russians invade that learning Russian will not be too difficult....

You are as ignorant as usual

Astute-class submarine - Wikipedia are fucking link to this submarine, as if you are the smartest ass in the class......and it takes 5 seconds to find this......

Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws

The Royal Navy's new multibillion pound hunter-killer submarine, HMS Astute, has been beset by design and construction flaws that have raised doubts about its performance and potential safety.

The Guardian can reveal that Astute, the first of seven new submarines costing £9.75bn, has been unable to reach its intended top speed.

At the moment, the boat, heralded as the most sophisticated submarine ever built for the navy, cannot sprint to emergencies or away from an attack – an essential requirement for a hunter-killer boat.

It would also be incapable of keeping pace with the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, which will be able to travel at more than 30 knots and need the submarines to protect them. One source told the Guardian the boat had a "V8 engine with a Morris Minor gearbox".

The only thing about subs is, is no one knows how many and what type subs Putin is moving.

I'd b willing to bet the US Navy knows how many, what type and exactly where they are at

What type and how many, for sure. As far as exactly where they are at, they have to be 'shadowing' them to know. Maybe?......Maybe not?
What will Europe do when the U.S. tells them...sorry dudes......we have to pay for illegal aliens and muslim immigrants who are hiding terrorists....we can't bail you out this time......just give putin what he wants and then hope for the best...You too Japan....China probably doesn't hold a grudge for that whole "Rape of Nanking" just let them have what they want too....

Well that is the message Trump is telling Putin- feel free to invade Europe- a President Trump would believe in 'Peace in our Time' and encourage the peaceful occupation of Europe by Russia.

Donald Trump- America's own Chamberlain

My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.[3]
It's just more saber rattling by Putin. It's working the left loons shat themselves and Obama wet himself

Putin is not expecting WWIII in the next few months, which is reassuring.

The British will respond with the Royal Navy Dinghy...the only sea worthy vessel still in the Royal fleet after decades of not spending any money on the British navy....the money going to support welfare to British citizens......of course, the British are hoping if the Russians invade that learning Russian will not be too difficult....

You are as ignorant as usual

Astute-class submarine - Wikipedia are fucking link to this submarine, as if you are the smartest ass in the class......and it takes 5 seconds to find this......

Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws

The Royal Navy's new multibillion pound hunter-killer submarine, HMS Astute, has been beset by design and construction flaws that have raised doubts about its performance and potential safety.

The Guardian can reveal that Astute, the first of seven new submarines costing £9.75bn, has been unable to reach its intended top speed.

At the moment, the boat, heralded as the most sophisticated submarine ever built for the navy, cannot sprint to emergencies or away from an attack – an essential requirement for a hunter-killer boat.

It would also be incapable of keeping pace with the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, which will be able to travel at more than 30 knots and need the submarines to protect them. One source told the Guardian the boat had a "V8 engine with a Morris Minor gearbox".

The only thing about subs is, is no one knows how many and what type subs Putin is moving.

I'd b willing to bet the US Navy knows how many, what type and exactly where they are at

What type and how many, for sure. As far as exactly where they are at, they have to be 'shadowing' them to know. Maybe?......Maybe not?

My uncle was a bubblehead back in the 80's and 90's...he sure has some stories about tracking and stealth between the USA and Rooskies. But he told me once the Russians were pretty good but we were better. Their subs were noisy
How many aircraft carriers do the Roooskies have? I mean, operational ones that haven't been rusting for 25 years?

Don't worry......putin will be taking what he wants by land...and then using those conquered ports to build his navy....

Ah Trump's buddy Putin.

The right wing sure does admire him.

Well, he got his warm water Black Sea port. He is now a major player in the middle-east. He has kept NATO stalemated on his western flank. It takes real leadership to do all that since the fall of the Soviet in 1992. And, it is not a case of admiration but, of respect; respect for true leadership. Lack of respect by western Progressives for todays Russia, could very well be their downfall.
Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warships In Route To Syria

Pictures have emerged of Russian warships sailing towards Britain as they make their way to Syria. Norwegian Armed Forces captured images of a fleet of Russian warships sailing off its coastline, including an aircraft carrier, submarine and nuclear-powered battleship. It comes just days after the Royal Navy was put on red alert after it was revealed that Russia
Russian aircraft carrier and sub headed for British waters, UK prepares to intercept Russian warships in route to Syria
Spoiled brat American's think we will never see war on our soil. Half the trendy's don't even know what planet they are on with their heads barried into cell phones, ipads, computers most can't even tell you who the hell our first President was.
We are going to see a war like never before and RUSSIA is NOT to blame!

The British will respond with the Royal Navy Dinghy...the only sea worthy vessel still in the Royal fleet after decades of not spending any money on the British navy....the money going to support welfare to British citizens......of course, the British are hoping if the Russians invade that learning Russian will not be too difficult....

You are as ignorant as usual

Astute-class submarine - Wikipedia are fucking link to this submarine, as if you are the smartest ass in the class......and it takes 5 seconds to find this......

Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws

The Royal Navy's new multibillion pound hunter-killer submarine, HMS Astute, has been beset by design and construction flaws that have raised doubts about its performance and potential safety.

The Guardian can reveal that Astute, the first of seven new submarines costing £9.75bn, has been unable to reach its intended top speed.

At the moment, the boat, heralded as the most sophisticated submarine ever built for the navy, cannot sprint to emergencies or away from an attack – an essential requirement for a hunter-killer boat.

It would also be incapable of keeping pace with the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, which will be able to travel at more than 30 knots and need the submarines to protect them. One source told the Guardian the boat had a "V8 engine with a Morris Minor gearbox".

In 2012, during the joint exercise Fellowship, Astute performed simulated battles with the latest United States Navy Virginia-class submarine, the USS New Mexico. It was reported that the Americans were "taken aback" by Astute's capabilities. Royal Navy Commander Iain Breckenridge was quoted, "Our sonar is fantastic and I have never before experienced holding a submarine at the range we were holding USS New Mexico. The Americans were utterly taken aback, blown away with what they were seeing".[44][45]
It's just more saber rattling by Putin. It's working the left loons shat themselves and Obama wet himself

Putin is not expecting WWIII in the next few months, which is reassuring. are fucking link to this submarine, as if you are the smartest ass in the class......and it takes 5 seconds to find this......

Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws

The Royal Navy's new multibillion pound hunter-killer submarine, HMS Astute, has been beset by design and construction flaws that have raised doubts about its performance and potential safety.

The Guardian can reveal that Astute, the first of seven new submarines costing £9.75bn, has been unable to reach its intended top speed.

At the moment, the boat, heralded as the most sophisticated submarine ever built for the navy, cannot sprint to emergencies or away from an attack – an essential requirement for a hunter-killer boat.

It would also be incapable of keeping pace with the Royal Navy's new aircraft carriers, which will be able to travel at more than 30 knots and need the submarines to protect them. One source told the Guardian the boat had a "V8 engine with a Morris Minor gearbox".

The only thing about subs is, is no one knows how many and what type subs Putin is moving.

I'd b willing to bet the US Navy knows how many, what type and exactly where they are at

What type and how many, for sure. As far as exactly where they are at, they have to be 'shadowing' them to know. Maybe?......Maybe not?

My uncle was a bubblehead back in the 80's and 90's...he sure has some stories about tracking and stealth between the USA and Rooskies. But he told me once the Russians were pretty good but we were better. Their subs were noisy

Bet he had great stories!
How many aircraft carriers do the Roooskies have? I mean, operational ones that haven't been rusting for 25 years?

Don't worry......putin will be taking what he wants by land...and then using those conquered ports to build his navy....

Ah Trump's buddy Putin.

The right wing sure does admire him.

Well, he got his warm water Black Sea port. He is now a major player in the middle-east. He has kept NATO stalemated on his western flank. It takes real leadership to do all that since the fall of the Soviet in 1992. And, it is not a case of admiration but, of respect; respect for true leadership. Lack of respect by western Progressives for todays Russia, could very well be their downfall.


And interesting term.

I have no respect for Putin as a man.

But as a budding expansionist, who has made Russia back into a somewhat international player- sure he has been an effective leader in putting Russia in a position to get into trouble.
Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warships In Route To Syria

Pictures have emerged of Russian warships sailing towards Britain as they make their way to Syria. Norwegian Armed Forces captured images of a fleet of Russian warships sailing off its coastline, including an aircraft carrier, submarine and nuclear-powered battleship. It comes just days after the Royal Navy was put on red alert after it was revealed that Russia
Russian aircraft carrier and sub headed for British waters, UK prepares to intercept Russian warships in route to Syria
Spoiled brat American's think we will never see war on our soil. Half the trendy's don't even know what planet they are on with their heads barried into cell phones, ipads, computers most can't even tell you who the hell our first President was.
We are going to see a war like never before and RUSSIA is NOT to blame!

The British will respond with the Royal Navy Dinghy...the only sea worthy vessel still in the Royal fleet after decades of not spending any money on the British navy....the money going to support welfare to British citizens......of course, the British are hoping if the Russians invade that learning Russian will not be too difficult....

You are as ignorant as usual

Astute-class submarine - Wikipedia

And here you go jack ass....

Royal Navy £1bn warships break down in Gulf because they can't take the heat

he Royal Navy faces a “bloody dangerous” delay in replacing its ageing fleet of frigates because the Ministry of Defence has run out of money to order new ships, a former First Sea Lord has told MPs.

Further delays to the long awaited Type 26 frigates will leave the Navy with a “grossly inadequate” fleet to meet its duties, Lord West of Spithead told the Commons defence committee.
The cost of socialized medicine and generous social safety nets comes home to roost.

Wait till they realize the United States can't afford our military either...because of our democrats.......what are they going to do when the Russians start running over Europe...?

You do seem to be very excited by the prospect of a Russian invasion of Europe.
I’m sure they consulted you on where their submarines are headed.
Maybe you should learn wtf the DEFCON system is. Which is not your favorite trendy liberals news like CNN, ABC, MSN, FOX, etc.

And the DEFCON system told you where Russian subs are? Maybe you should stop your cartoonish posting
I don't know a whole lot about DEFCON either, but I do know a or two about 'links'. Maybe you should learn wtf a 'link' is, what it means, how it is used, and how it leads you to the place where the comment originates. If you do that then you won't need to hold the 'link provider' responsible for the comment you'll find at the end of your short (very short) journey by way of the 'link'. Maybe you should stop your cartoonish conclusions.

I do know something about defense posture and the locations of submarines and their mission are state secrets. I doubt some dude on a message board has the scoop shitbrains.

An aircraft carrier from any country always has at least one sub to scout ahead of them and aircraft carriers are easy for our satellites to track.
How many aircraft carriers do the Roooskies have? I mean, operational ones that haven't been rusting for 25 years?

Don't worry......putin will be taking what he wants by land...and then using those conquered ports to build his navy....

Ah Trump's buddy Putin.

The right wing sure does admire him.

Well, he got his warm water Black Sea port. He is now a major player in the middle-east. He has kept NATO stalemated on his western flank. It takes real leadership to do all that since the fall of the Soviet in 1992. And, it is not a case of admiration but, of respect; respect for true leadership. Lack of respect by western Progressives for todays Russia, could very well be their downfall.


And interesting term.

I have no respect for Putin as a man.

But as a budding expansionist, who has made Russia back into a somewhat international player- sure he has been an effective leader in putting Russia in a position to get into trouble.

He also had the foresight to bring in China as 'somewhat' of an ally. Trouble with Russia now means very, very big trouble for everybody. Expansionist as regards Russia is an over inflated term as he only wanted Crimea, which is rightfully Russian in its origins.
Did Kiev fall, yet?.............(as we were warned 2 years ago by the west, :laugh:). NYET!
Russian Aircraft Carrier And Sub Headed For British Waters, UK Prepares To Intercept Russian Warships In Route To Syria

Pictures have emerged of Russian warships sailing towards Britain as they make their way to Syria. Norwegian Armed Forces captured images of a fleet of Russian warships sailing off its coastline, including an aircraft carrier, submarine and nuclear-powered battleship. It comes just days after the Royal Navy was put on red alert after it was revealed that Russia
Russian aircraft carrier and sub headed for British waters, UK prepares to intercept Russian warships in route to Syria
Spoiled brat American's think we will never see war on our soil. Half the trendy's don't even know what planet they are on with their heads barried into cell phones, ipads, computers most can't even tell you who the hell our first President was.
We are going to see a war like never before and RUSSIA is NOT to blame!
I AM curious as to how you know where Russian subs are.

They are in the vicinity of the Aircraft carrier.

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