Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?
He allows....didnt know Trump had power over Putey and Russia,,,,,,good thing you kept em there on their forever police action
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

No he didn't. But that was a nice attempt at deflection.

Why hasn't Trump publically condemned Russia, imposed sanctions, and threatened more? Why is Trump still calling Puting for chummy phone calls?

Whose side is Trump on, really?
The only people who hate American troops more then Putin are modern domestic terrorist Democrats
Impeachment didn't work. A hyped pandemic didn't work. This is just the latest lie to convince people that their best interests are with Burning Looting and Murdering.
Impeachment worked. He is an impeached President and no one is believing Rrump's "hyped pandemic" propaganda talking point except his flunkies. His approval ratings and polls are in the sewer and every day more and more life long Republicans are vowing not to vote for him. Most of the nation hates and despises him.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen
Watch how many more cowardly and lame excuses our USMB posters will post in this thread to defend their monster.
Who is defending Putin?
Well, you know I meant defending Trump, but since you ask, Traitor Trump is defending Putin. It's the topic of the thread.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen
Watch how many more cowardly and lame excuses our USMB posters will post in this thread to defend their monster.
Who is defending Putin?
Well, you know I meant defending Trump, but since you ask, Traitor Trump is defending Putin. It's the topic of the thread.
So, war with Russia? Is that what you want?
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?
He allows....didnt know Trump had power over Putey and Russia,,,,,,good thing you kept em there on their forever police action

So he should ignore it? Pretend it's not happening:


he hugs the flag as he knows putin is killing american troops.....a coward never changes

Your own article:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in his own statement late Saturday that he had "confirmed that neither the President nor the Vice President were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting yesterday."

Is he telling the truth? Who knows, but given that the media lies as much as the White House who can we believe anymore.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?
He allows....didnt know Trump had power over Putey and Russia,,,,,,good thing you kept em there on their forever police action

So he should ignore it? Pretend it's not happening:

View attachment 356305
Didnt we kill some Russian soldiers in Syria..........theres that word let again as if he knew prior to it being done......,,,any proof of that....explain let ..
This ad needs to be run in every county that voted for trump. Non stop over and over so those who voted for him know what they voted for.

IF what the conservatives/republicans have said about the military for the last 40 years is true, IF what they said and did about Benghazi is true, WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY SUPPORTING TRUMP?

This man has allowed putin to murder our troops. Yet trump has done absolutely NOTHING about it. He is allowing putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

Yet the republicans are silent on this. You all were and still throw fits about Benghazi. You all lie through your teeth about it, Obama and Hillary yet when trump allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops, you are silent.

You voted for a man who doesn't give a flying fig about America. He doesn't care about our troops. He has put putin before our troops and our nation.

This whole thing is sickening and disgusting.

These Lincoln project ads are devastating.
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