Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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It doesn't take months. Besides that, it's been years. As far as I can tell all you want to do is bitch, not actually state what Trump should have done.

Laughing here. Extracting troops from hostile territory is about as complicated as invading it. It most assuredly takes months.

Yeah, still jumping headlong to unwarranted conclusions about me, personally, while otherwise no proposal is forthcoming other than what you wanted for years, bring them home, which at this time doesn't protect the troops. But then, the personal appears to be your thing, and I am not interested.

The first thing Trump should have done was to start an organized process involving military, intelligence and foreign policy teams to devise possible reactions to what was happening, to begin with, and very simply, to figure out whether that's Putin behind it, or merely a rogue intelligence operation out for revenge. From there, the options widely diverge. But then, they claim Trump never heard the first thing about it, and so it couldn't have happened. That's what happens with a narcissistic goof as CinC who wouldn't listen unless is crotch is licked.

he hugs the flag as he knows putin is killing american troops.....a coward never changes

Jewish Putin is nothing more as Trump's toilet paper.It's just a play for stupid voters in Russia who shall elect Putin as Tsar now.
It doesn't take months. Besides that, it's been years. As far as I can tell all you want to do is bitch, not actually state what Trump should have done.

Laughing here. Extracting troops from hostile territory is about as complicated as invading it. It most assuredly takes months.

It's only hostile because we invaded it. Again though, it's been years......

Yeah, still jumping headlong to unwarranted conclusions about me, personally, while otherwise no proposal is forthcoming other than what you wanted for years, bring them home, which at this time doesn't protect the troops. But then, the personal appears to be your thing, and I am not interested.

The first thing Trump should have done was to start an organized process involving military, intelligence and foreign policy teams to devise possible reactions to what was happening, to begin with, and very simply, to figure out whether that's Putin behind it, or merely a rogue intelligence operation out for revenge. From there, the options widely diverge. But then, they claim Trump never heard the first thing about it, and so it couldn't have happened. That's what happens with a narcissistic goof as CinC who wouldn't listen unless is crotch is licked.

I imagine he is lying but if he wasn't told how is he to listen?

Russia has been helping for years. Why shouldn't they? We did it to them. This isn't some new thing.

Why are we still there is the question people should be asking.
He doesn't even care if Americans, including veterans, die of COVID 19.

Heck, he doesn't even care if his own supporters die.
Impeachment didn't work. A hyped pandemic didn't work. This is just the latest lie to convince people that their best interests are with Burning Looting and Murdering.
Impeachment worked. He is an impeached President and no one is believing Rrump's "hyped pandemic" propaganda talking point except his flunkies. His approval ratings and polls are in the sewer and every day more and more life long Republicans are vowing not to vote for him. Most of the nation hates and despises him.

But you were nice enough to keep it competitive by running nominating a rancid tomato to run against him.
Fake news.

1)Article is primarily sourced from unverifiable anonymous authority.

2) The article contains demonstrably false statements.
But none of that means the russians did not offer the bounties, or that the trump admin hasn't been grappling with how to respond for a few months. These things are not hard to believe. Luckily, we have a Democrat controlled house intelligence committee that will investigate.
Throughout the 1980s the U.S. paid Mujahedin for killing USSR / Russian soldiers in Afghanistan. Just when the other side does it, it's called "bounties"
The difference being, they are american soldiers. And we are americans. Oh, and it is the year 2020.
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They "harbored" nothing. Those that attacked us have been killed years and years ago.
That's a shameless lie. They did harbor al qaeda. "They" being the taliban, who most certainly are not all dead. And when we leave, the evil taliban will certainly take over afghanistan again. How delightful for you! Do you plan to move there?
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Hypocrisy is not confined to a date on the calendar
Funny, by your own, horrible logic, all the people who paid the mujahedeen are out of government. Therefore, no connection, right?. I guess , in the end, you cant really hide whose side you're on.
The guy who helped Trump get elected President, Putin of Russia, is now helping to murder Americans by financing the guys who helped al Qaeda on 9/11 and killing more Americans. Fortunately, Trump supporters are finding creative ways for excusing and defending their scum bag President.
Which of course didnt happen. You have an ad.....not a news report......Trump likes Russians so much he killed some in Syria.......
So the press secretary says trump and pence were never briefed on this. Interesting. So now we keep the president in the dark about russian threats? This is worse than trump knowing and doing nothing. MUCH worse.
So the press secretary says trump and pence were never briefed on this. Interesting. So now we keep the president in the dark about russian threats? This is worse than trump knowing and doing nothing. MUCH worse.

I believe Trump is lying but if not, you are right.

Trump did say he was going to start pulling the troops. Both sides foolishly had conniptions and he did nothing (not that he generally follows up with anything he says)

Is it possible they didn't tell him because they thought it might start him on the "pull the troops" again?
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