Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen
Impeachment didn't work. A hyped pandemic didn't work. This is just the latest lie to convince people that their best interests are with Burning Looting and Murdering.
What do you rainbow warrior antifa-tardz think Trump's response should be?

I need a good laugh.

Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen
Watch how many more cowardly and lame excuses our USMB posters will post in this thread to defend their monster.
Who is defending Putin?
Well, you know I meant defending Trump, but since you ask, Traitor Trump is defending Putin. It's the topic of the thread.
So, war with Russia? Is that what you want?
Is he telling the truth? Who knows, but given that the media lies as much as the White House who can we believe anymore.

Your accusation against the "media" is just regurgitating the Nazi "Luegenpresse" smear.

The question "who can we believe anymore" is one a child would ask. An adult would get to work and analyze what they are reading, provided they can think on their own. In the end, it doesn't really matter whether Trump was briefed. If he was, and did nothing, that's bad. If he wasn't briefed, it tells us the briefers learned that the Boss doesn't want to hear about killed troops. At least not if they were killed at the behest of Russians, and they omitted the information seemingly knowing they didn't have to face repercussions for it. That's arguably worse. Either way, Trump did nothing, which not even that cesspool of mendacity that is this White House would deny.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen
Watch how many more cowardly and lame excuses our USMB posters will post in this thread to defend their monster.

I know it's just disgusting. Yet they spent years screaming about Benghazi.

These people are all frauds. They don't give a flying fig about our nation or people or our military.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

No he didn't. But that was a nice attempt at deflection.

Why hasn't Trump publically condemned Russia, imposed sanctions, and threatened more? Why is Trump still calling Puting for chummy phone calls?

Whose side is Trump on, really?

He's on russia's and putin's side.

He has NEVER been on America's side.
This ad needs to be run in every county that voted for trump. Non stop over and over so those who voted for him know what they voted for.

IF what the conservatives/republicans have said about the military for the last 40 years is true, IF what they said and did about Benghazi is true, WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY SUPPORTING TRUMP?

This man has allowed putin to murder our troops. Yet trump has done absolutely NOTHING about it. He is allowing putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

Yet the republicans are silent on this. You all were and still throw fits about Benghazi. You all lie through your teeth about it, Obama and Hillary yet when trump allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops, you are silent.

You voted for a man who doesn't give a flying fig about America. He doesn't care about our troops. He has put putin before our troops and our nation.

This whole thing is sickening and disgusting.

These Lincoln project ads are devastating.

They need to make more.

More ads about this need to be running in areas with high populations of the military and in areas that voted for trump.

This man is a traitor to our nation.

He's killing Americans here at home and allowing putin to kill Americans in Afghanistan.

How many more Americans have to die because of this traitor?
Is he telling the truth? Who knows, but given that the media lies as much as the White House who can we believe anymore.

Your accusation against the "media" is just regurgitating the Nazi "Luegenpresse" smear.

The question "who can we believe anymore" is one a child would ask. An adult would get to work and analyze what they are reading, provided they can think on their own. In the end, it doesn't really matter whether Trump was briefed. If he was, and did nothing, that's bad. If he wasn't briefed, it tells us the briefers learned that the Boss doesn't want to hear about killed troops. At least not if they were killed at the behest of Russians, and they omitted the information seemingly knowing they didn't have to face repercussions for it. That's arguably worse. Either way, Trump did nothing, which not even that cesspool of mendacity that is this White House would deny.

What do you want Trump to do?
What do you want Trump to do?

Is that the issue here, pknopp? Is the personal, what I "want", the level of your thinking? Or is the issue one that demonstrates, yet again, this White House's glorious dysfunction, malfeasance, and corruption? For to me it would appear, doing nothing leaves the troops exposed to the Russian scheming. Isn't that ... special?
What do you want Trump to do?

Is that the issue here, pknopp? Is the personal, what I "want", the level of your thinking? Or is the issue one that demonstrates, yet again, this White House's glorious dysfunction, malfeasance, and corruption? For to me it would appear, doing nothing leaves the troops exposed to the Russian scheming. Isn't that ... special?

So you don't have something you think Trump should do?

Me, I want him to do the right thing and bring them home. The same thing I wanted Obama to do but didn't .
How much is Trump, er, I mean Putin, paying the assassins?

I don't know.

What I do know is that the Taliban, the terrorists who harbored bin laden and those who were responsible for 9-11, is being paid to murder more Americans and our president, doesn't even care.

trump has to be thrown out of our White House. He needs to be investigated, prosecuted and put in prison where he belongs.
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Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?

Says the asshole supporting the destruction of memorials, statues, and businesses.

Piss off you pootin putz.
1. What was the source of the intelligence? Has it been verified? By who?

2. Who says Trump was briefed on it? Was that verified? By who?

3. The election is 4 months away, and there will probably be many stories surfacing between now and then that are total bullshit. Maybe this one is true, maybe not but the prudent thing to do is wait until we know more. Of course, the Lefties never do that if the story is negative about Trump, same as they've been doing since before he even took office. In all my years I have never seen such a concerted effort to denigrate and demagogue someone as viciously as the Left has vs Trump. One story after another has been shown to be false, but they keep on doing in with no apology and no shame. Integrity in journalism from the Left is truly dead in this country.
So you don't have something you think Trump should do?

Me, I want him to do the right thing and bring them home. The same thing I wanted Obama to do but didn't .

Serves to demonstrate that every reply that starts with "So..." is a distortion, at best.

Bringing the troops home takes months, and for these months they are sitting ducks for the Russian scheming. Therefore, that doesn't really solve the problem, or does it?
So you don't have something you think Trump should do?

Me, I want him to do the right thing and bring them home. The same thing I wanted Obama to do but didn't .

Serves to demonstrate that every reply that starts with "So..." is a distortion, at best.

Bringing the troops home takes months, and for these months they are sitting ducks for the Russian scheming. Therefore, that doesn't really solve the problem, or does it?

It doesn't take months. Besides that, it's been years. As far as I can tell all you want to do is bitch, not actually state what Trump should have done.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?

A weekend warrior eh? It's not "your" country, it's all of ours. Listen close, nobody in my unit would have ever trusted you with our backs. You're an ill mannered, un american piece of crap who spews hatred for EVERYTHING he/she disagrees with. Rump's an ass but you need to quit following/believing everything some whack job spouts just because you hate the Commander In Chief.
The guy who helped Trump get elected President, Putin of Russia, is now helping to murder Americans by financing the guys who helped al Qaeda on 9/11 and killing more Americans. Fortunately, Trump supporters are finding creative ways for excusing and defending their scum bag President.
Gee didnt he try to withdraw them.....but nnnooooo you said they needed to stay cause the Generals said so and stupid Trump better listen

Yet he allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

trump is allowing putin to murder our troops. He's doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Nothing to put consequences on russia and putin for this.

He does the exact opposite. He tries to get russia into the G7.

And you have no problem with it. You make excuses for it.

You are nothing but a fraud. You spent years screaming about Benghazi yet around 20 American soldiers have been murdered by putin and you make excuses for it.

Get out of my nation. You aren't a real American. No real American would sit by while our president allows putin to murder our troops.

I would be very surprised if you were ever in the military but I was. I was in the National Guard. I served my nation and my state. I put my life on the line to save Americans when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

What have you done? Besides a lifetime of destroying our nation?

Says the asshole supporting the destruction of memorials, statues, and businesses.

Piss off you pootin putz.

You are telling me a statue of people who are traitors to our nation are more important than our military who are putting their lives on the line for our nation?

You make me sick.

I would be shocked if you were ever I our military.

You say you're an American and love our nation yet you don't give a damn about our nation. You make extremely lame excuses for this abomination in our white house.

The man has known since March that putin his paying the Taliban to murder our troops and you have no problem with it.

You respect and revere people who waged war on our nation for the only reason to own human beings a slaves. A war that resulted in over 600 thousand Americans dead including a president. You don't see that people who wage war against our nation are traitors.

You have no problem with what putin is doing and the fact that trump doesn't care.

What does that say about you?

When will you respect and revere America? When will you respect and revere the people who defeated those traitors? When will you respect and revere our military?

I have never seen a post by any right winger on this board about how they respect General Grant, or General Sherman, or President Lincoln or any of the people who saved our nation from the traitors of the south and helped keep our nation intact.

What does that say about the right wingers on this board?
The guy who helped Trump get elected President, Putin of Russia, is now helping to murder Americans by financing the guys who helped al Qaeda on 9/11 and killing more Americans. Fortunately, Trump supporters are finding creative ways for excusing and defending their scum bag President.

These people are just sick.

They have fits about people taking a knee during the anthem. They have fits if someone doesn't put their hand over their heart during the anthem. They have fits if someone doesn't say the anthem.

Yet they have no problem with putin putting bounties on the heads of our military and trump doing absolutely nothing about it. In fact, they make excuses for it.

Simply disgusting.
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