Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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This ad needs to be run in every county that voted for trump. Non stop over and over so those who voted for him know what they voted for.

IF what the conservatives/republicans have said about the military for the last 40 years is true, IF what they said and did about Benghazi is true, WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY SUPPORTING TRUMP?

This man has allowed putin to murder our troops. Yet trump has done absolutely NOTHING about it. He is allowing putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

Yet the republicans are silent on this. You all were and still throw fits about Benghazi. You all lie through your teeth about it, Obama and Hillary yet when trump allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops, you are silent.

You voted for a man who doesn't give a flying fig about America. He doesn't care about our troops. He has put putin before our troops and our nation.

This whole thing is sickening and disgusting.

These Lincoln project ads are devastating.

To the establishment Republicans who will never survive it.
This ad needs to be run in every county that voted for trump. Non stop over and over so those who voted for him know what they voted for.

IF what the conservatives/republicans have said about the military for the last 40 years is true, IF what they said and did about Benghazi is true, WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY SUPPORTING TRUMP?

This man has allowed putin to murder our troops. Yet trump has done absolutely NOTHING about it. He is allowing putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

Yet the republicans are silent on this. You all were and still throw fits about Benghazi. You all lie through your teeth about it, Obama and Hillary yet when trump allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops, you are silent.

You voted for a man who doesn't give a flying fig about America. He doesn't care about our troops. He has put putin before our troops and our nation.

This whole thing is sickening and disgusting.

These Lincoln project ads are devastating.

They need to make more.

More ads about this need to be running in areas with high populations of the military and in areas that voted for trump.

This man is a traitor to our nation.

He's killing Americans here at home and allowing putin to kill Americans in Afghanistan.

How many more Americans have to die because of this traitor?

Do you understand that this is simply a television commercial made by people who hate President Trump more than anything in the world?
It's simply marketing
Investigations including Mueller's found just the opposite.
It's a commercial desinged to sell something.

Spoiler Alert - Red Bull doesn't really give you wings.
It's a commercial.
The guy who helped Trump get elected President, Putin of Russia, is now helping to murder Americans by financing the guys who helped al Qaeda on 9/11 and killing more Americans. Fortunately, Trump supporters are finding creative ways for excusing and defending their scum bag President.
Which of course didnt happen. You have an ad.....not a news report......Trump likes Russians so much he killed some in Syria.......

The Russian Conspiracy Hoax was already debunked
By the Democrats.
The guy who helped Trump get elected President, Putin of Russia, is now helping to murder Americans by financing the guys who helped al Qaeda on 9/11 and killing more Americans. Fortunately, Trump supporters are finding creative ways for excusing and defending their scum bag President.

Just more hoaxing.
This ad needs to be run in every county that voted for trump. Non stop over and over so those who voted for him know what they voted for.

IF what the conservatives/republicans have said about the military for the last 40 years is true, IF what they said and did about Benghazi is true, WHY IN THE HELL ARE THEY SUPPORTING TRUMP?

This man has allowed putin to murder our troops. Yet trump has done absolutely NOTHING about it. He is allowing putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops.

Yet the republicans are silent on this. You all were and still throw fits about Benghazi. You all lie through your teeth about it, Obama and Hillary yet when trump allows putin to put bounties on the heads of our troops, you are silent.

You voted for a man who doesn't give a flying fig about America. He doesn't care about our troops. He has put putin before our troops and our nation.

This whole thing is sickening and disgusting.

These Lincoln project ads are devastating.

They need to make more.

More ads about this need to be running in areas with high populations of the military and in areas that voted for trump.

This man is a traitor to our nation.

He's killing Americans here at home and allowing putin to kill Americans in Afghanistan.

How many more Americans have to die because of this traitor?

Do you understand that this is simply a television commercial made by people who hate President Trump more than anything in the world?
It's simply marketing
Investigations including Mueller's found just the opposite.
It's a commercial desinged to sell something.

Spoiler Alert - Red Bull doesn't really give you wings.
It's a commercial.

Yeah... Nope.

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.
My guess is Russia wants to see us remain mired down in a war with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

"At a summit in 2018 in Helsinki, Finland, Mr. Trump strongly suggested that he believed Mr. Putin’s denial that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 presidential election, despite broad agreement within the American intelligence establishment that it did. Mr. Trump criticized a bill imposing sanctions on Russia when he signed it into law after Congress passed it by veto-proof majorities. And he has repeatedly made statements that undermined the NATO alliance as a bulwark against Russian aggression in Europe."

Vlad's favorite candidate certainly does give deference to his benefactor.

Right, I don't think NATO is still useful. It needs to be changed or updated to reflect the current situation. NATO was created against the Soviet Union, and we need to modify that to reflect reality today. I think the criticism are valid.

Sure, of course Trump is going to say that Putin did not interfere with the election. Any president would. Because if the president said "Yes Putin interfered with the election", that would put the validity of their election into office, into question.

Obama would have said the same. So would Bush, and Clinton, and Bush Sr, and Reagan, and Carter, and Nixion, and every president that had ever been elected.

None would say "Yeah, my win was because of foreign interference". And honestly, you are being idiotic to think otherwise. If *YOU* won the election, you would say that Putin didn't interfere, and you are lying if you say otherwise.

Regardless of Trumps criticism of a specific sanction bill... Trump has put in place far more, and tougher sanctions on Putin, than Obama ever did..... and keep in mind, Russian aggression started under Obama.

So the Democrat who had the aggression happen, should have been the one to put in place the tough sanctions, and they did not.

The Republican who showed up years after Russian aggression started, is the one who did what the Democrat should have, and put in place tough sanctions.

That's good enough for me, to justify voting for the Republican.
So to summarize. The Russians are doing to us in Afghanistan what we did to them in Afghanistan.

Why hasn't Donald Trump imposed massive economic sanctions on Russia for this? Why hasn't Trump imposed ANY of the sanctions on Russia that he has publically announced? Why does Trump call Putin every time something happens, like his acquittal in the Senate?

Enquiring minds want to know?
Maybe because the only sanctions that will indeed hurt Russia are the ones which affect its oil and gas exports. Considering that Russia is one of the main suppliers of Europe, it may cause severe energy and economic crises in Europe, which can affect other parts of the world.

Consider also retaliation actions. Look at Syria as example.
dont worry about our energy supply, we do perfectly without aggressive Muscovy

Competition, sanctions and the new geopolitics of Russian gas › 2020/01/23 › competition-sancti...

Jan 23, 2020 - Rising Russian supply puts Europe's energy policy to the test. ... Russia to Germany, required pipe-laying companies to wind down activities by ...

Russian Gas Flow To Europe Drops As Poland Transit Deal ... › Latest Energy News

May 26, 2020 - The flow of natural gas from Russia to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline crossing Poland ... Putin To Bail Out Russian Oil Industry. Join the ...

Is The U.S. Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The ... › sites › kensilverstein › 2020/05/04

May 4, 2020 - The U.S. wants to win new natural gas markets in Europe -- a market ... Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The European Natural Gas ...
Oil prices have fallen to the lowest since 1991 level . With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher.

he hugs the flag as he knows putin is killing american troops.....a coward never changes
Show your proof that he knew otherwise STFU
So to summarize. The Russians are doing to us in Afghanistan what we did to them in Afghanistan.

Why hasn't Donald Trump imposed massive economic sanctions on Russia for this? Why hasn't Trump imposed ANY of the sanctions on Russia that he has publically announced? Why does Trump call Putin every time something happens, like his acquittal in the Senate?

Enquiring minds want to know?
Maybe because the only sanctions that will indeed hurt Russia are the ones which affect its oil and gas exports. Considering that Russia is one of the main suppliers of Europe, it may cause severe energy and economic crises in Europe, which can affect other parts of the world.

Consider also retaliation actions. Look at Syria as example.
dont worry about our energy supply, we do perfectly without aggressive Muscovy

Competition, sanctions and the new geopolitics of Russian gas › 2020/01/23 › competition-sancti...

Jan 23, 2020 - Rising Russian supply puts Europe's energy policy to the test. ... Russia to Germany, required pipe-laying companies to wind down activities by ...

Russian Gas Flow To Europe Drops As Poland Transit Deal ... › Latest Energy News

May 26, 2020 - The flow of natural gas from Russia to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline crossing Poland ... Putin To Bail Out Russian Oil Industry. Join the ...

Is The U.S. Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The ... › sites › kensilverstein › 2020/05/04

May 4, 2020 - The U.S. wants to win new natural gas markets in Europe -- a market ... Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The European Natural Gas ...
Who are 'you'?
Actually it was very good for Russia.
Actually, what was very good for Russia was them seeing Vlad's chosen candidate win the election. Trump has sided with Putin over our intel agencies, threatened not to enforce sanctions he was forced to sign off on because Congress passed a veto-proof bill, let Russia get away with Crimea's annexation, has done nothing about Russia's interference in our election, and has made numerous statements undermining NATO much to Vlad's delight.

As for your idiotic comment about orchestrating a coup against a democratically elected government in Ukraine I have to ask................are you a Russian bot? Or perhaps an associate of Manafort's?
You're full of shit. Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation in a 2014 referendum while Obama was president. Trump had nothing to do with it. And yes there was a coup orchestrated by the Obama administration. The whole world knows it.

A recording of Nuland and Pyatt was leaked to the press that proves it.

And Ukraine joining the Russian Federation was a direct result of the coup. And that certainly wasn't the only time that the Obama administration orchestrated a coup against a democratically elected government. They also did it in Libya and Syria.
Last edited:

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy
Fake news.

1)Article is primarily sourced from unverifiable anonymous authority.

2) The article contains demonstrably false statements.
Right I mean Russia has our best interests in mind. It’s amazing how you find yourself defending Russia lol. Putin isn’t so bad! Of course not!
Never forget when Obama told Putin to wait till after the election, so he could kiss his ass better.
So to summarize. The Russians are doing to us in Afghanistan what we did to them in Afghanistan.

Why hasn't Donald Trump imposed massive economic sanctions on Russia for this? Why hasn't Trump imposed ANY of the sanctions on Russia that he has publically announced? Why does Trump call Putin every time something happens, like his acquittal in the Senate?

Enquiring minds want to know?
Maybe because the only sanctions that will indeed hurt Russia are the ones which affect its oil and gas exports. Considering that Russia is one of the main suppliers of Europe, it may cause severe energy and economic crises in Europe, which can affect other parts of the world.

Consider also retaliation actions. Look at Syria as example.
dont worry about our energy supply, we do perfectly without aggressive Muscovy

Competition, sanctions and the new geopolitics of Russian gas › 2020/01/23 › competition-sancti...

Jan 23, 2020 - Rising Russian supply puts Europe's energy policy to the test. ... Russia to Germany, required pipe-laying companies to wind down activities by ...

Russian Gas Flow To Europe Drops As Poland Transit Deal ... › Latest Energy News

May 26, 2020 - The flow of natural gas from Russia to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline crossing Poland ... Putin To Bail Out Russian Oil Industry. Join the ...
Is The U.S. Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The ... › sites › kensilverstein › 2020/05/04

May 4, 2020 - The U.S. wants to win new natural gas markets in Europe -- a market ... Using Sanctions To Elbow Russia Out Of The European Natural Gas ...
Who are 'you'?

western civilization .

Oil prices have fallen to the lowest since 1991 level . With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher.

The American shale revolution has transformed the global gas market dynamics

Since mid-2019, quite a lot of US LNG has been coming ashore in the EU because US supply has been growing fast (as a result of investment decisions taken earlier this decade), Chinese GDP growth has been lower than expected, and other emerging markets have gradually become saturated. In sum, the EU has been a ‘market of last resort’ for US LNG in the last months.

This is actually a good position to be in for the EU, because it entails that the global market is oversupplied and prices are low. US LNG and Russian gas, which also became more flexible and market-priced as a result of new EU rules and contract renegotiations since 2009-2010, compete head to head in the EU. In other words, Russia is a price-taker. Even if it sells very large volumes to the EU, it cannot manipulate the market. The moment Gazprom were to try and play ‘value-over-volume’ strategies (i.e. deliberately withhold supply to boost prices), its molecules would be quickly replaced by others. Not only would Gazprom fail to boost prices, but it would also lose market share.

Russia supplies gas to Turkey, one of its key customers, via the TurkStream and Blue Stream undersea pipelines which have a total capacity of 32 billion cubic metres (bcm) per year.

Gazprom sales to Turkey fell by 35% to 15.5 bcm last year, or half of the pipelines’ capacity. Gazprom planned maintenance at Blue Stream for May 13-19 but a Turkish official told Reuters

And Trump knew since March and did nothing

Bounties were paid...which means US soldiers were killed by Trump's buddy

But if Trump and Putin are buddies... why didn't Putin just tell Trump to remove the US military from Afghanistan?

You keep saying Trump is a puppet of Putin, and you do that at the exact same time you post evidence that he's not.

And by the way... Trump is not required to inform you of every single thing that the military, or his administration is doing. I don't buy this, because some dumb left-winger doesn't know what government was doing, means government was doing nothing.
Okay no one pretends Putin and Trump are buddies. Trump is a useful idiot to Putin. Putin makes him his bitch. Remember when Trump said in front of Putin that America needs to do better? Yeah Trump his bitch. Putin knows how to manipulate him.

My god can you fucking imagine how your ilk would act if Obama said that shit instead? That alone would have you asses demanding impeachment.

What are you talking about? Obama was a toy. This is a guy who said there was a red-line, and then did nothing when Assad waltzed over it like Chess against a three year old.

Then Obama INVITED the Russians into Syria. Did almost nothing when Russia invade Crimea, and has forces STILL IN THE UKRAINE TODAY..... right now, because Obama did nothing.

And you want to claim Trump was the useful idiot?

Lastly, you want to claim that if Obama had said America will do better, we would have flipped out?

What do you mean "IF" Obama had said something like that? What is this *IF* statement?

Did you forget the international "Apologize America" tour Obama put on?

Obama apologized to nearly everyone, as if everything America has ever done was horrible. If you think Trump saying America will do better is bad, what was that world "America is sorry for existing" tour Obama had?

Obama apologized to France and Europe, to "the Muslim world", to the Summit of Americas, to the G-20, for the War on Terror (because apparently he supported terror or something), apologized to Turkey (because they have a stellar record themselves).

Obama was a humiliation to the US.
It’s interesting how you’re too much of a pussy to even acknowledge what I said about Trump...

he hugs the flag as he knows putin is killing american troops.....a coward never changes
Russia has its own shadow government.
The world's Elites are trying to put their own troops into power all throughout the world in order for them to take it. But it has been pretty hard for them to remove Putin from office because he used to work as a Russian intelligence officer, and he knows all of their dirty little tricks that they play. That is why they want to keep him separated from Pres.Trump. They know that Putin can help him to defeat the Deep State's plot against him.

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