Russian boots on the ground in Syria

MisterBeale is telling us that "ALL WARS" are fomented by "bankers" The conflict that arose in arabia on the death of Muhummad in which SUCCESSION to
rule was disputed between the followers of Muhummad's son-in-law ---ALI -----and the followers of ABU BAKR who claimed that muhummad NAMED HIM-----was fomented the THE JEW---BANKER ---BARON ROTHCHILD..........thank-you for
setting just straight-----MISTERBEALE
ROFLMAO "global research" -------famous islamo Nazi pig "news source"-----this stuff did not even show up in the Israeli news

I guess that explains why you are so ignorant and have such tunnel vision. You get all your info from one source and have a definite source bias and cognitive dissonance. Even when presented with an alternative paradigm, you couldn't possibly even consider anything that would upset your apple cart. It's pointless having a discussion with you. Your ignorance and bias is legendary.
MisterBeale is telling us that "ALL WARS" are fomented by "bankers" The conflict that arose in arabia on the death of Muhummad in which SUCCESSION to
rule was disputed between the followers of Muhummad's son-in-law ---ALI -----and the followers of ABU BAKR who claimed that muhummad NAMED HIM-----was fomented the THE JEW---BANKER ---BARON ROTHCHILD..........thank-you for
setting just straight-----MISTERBEALE

I think this author is referring in regard's to US history. Not world history and tribal wars.
ROFLMAO "global research" -------famous islamo Nazi pig "news source"-----this stuff did not even show up in the Israeli news

I guess that explains why you are so ignorant and have such tunnel vision. You get all your info from one source and have a definite source bias and cognitive dissonance. Even when presented with an alternative paradigm, you couldn't possibly even consider anything that would upset your apple cart. It's pointless having a discussion with you. Your ignorance and bias is legendary.

wrong again-----I have been reading islamo Nazi propaganda since I was ten years old (very very very long ago-----I grew up in a Nazi enclave in the USA----north-east) "GLOBAL RESEARCH" is an islamo Nazi publication on the level of
stormfront. I am so familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda that I recognize it whenever I encounter it--------it is very consistent----virtually unchanging-----just fixed up to SEEM CURRENT
MisterBeale is telling us that "ALL WARS" are fomented by "bankers" The conflict that arose in arabia on the death of Muhummad in which SUCCESSION to
rule was disputed between the followers of Muhummad's son-in-law ---ALI -----and the followers of ABU BAKR who claimed that muhummad NAMED HIM-----was fomented the THE JEW---BANKER ---BARON ROTHCHILD..........thank-you for
setting just straight-----MISTERBEALE

I think this author is referring in regard's to US history. Not world history and tribal wars.

nice back Pedal----keep reading islamo Nazi propaganda-----you will discover that jewish bankers did it all------even the BUBONIC PLAGUE
ROFLMAO "global research" -------famous islamo Nazi pig "news source"-----this stuff did not even show up in the Israeli news

I guess that explains why you are so ignorant and have such tunnel vision. You get all your info from one source and have a definite source bias and cognitive dissonance. Even when presented with an alternative paradigm, you couldn't possibly even consider anything that would upset your apple cart. It's pointless having a discussion with you. Your ignorance and bias is legendary.

wrong again-----I have been reading islamo Nazi propaganda since I was ten years old (very very very long ago-----I grew up in a Nazi enclave in the USA----north-east) "GLOBAL RESEARCH" is an islamo Nazi publication on the level of
stormfront. I am so familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda that I recognize it whenever I encounter it--------it is very consistent----virtually unchanging-----just fixed up to SEEM CURRENT

The mere fact that you refer to anything as, "islamo Nazi propaganda," speaks volume to me about your personality, the amount that your mind is open, and your ability to empathize with all people. I seriously doubt you have a full grasp of all persons outlooks on life. You see the world through a very black/white perspective. People that view the world as such are very regressive and immature in their thinking, or are working for an agency that has an agenda. Thus, you are not to be trusted.

You can rail against that which you see as "evil" all you like, but when you use such ad hominem terms, real Americans, ones that value all sides of a conversations and free speech, will then, automatically go seek out all source of information. So you do your cause much damage by trying to disparage your enemies and talk up your side. Unless you have bonafide real grievances to share with the forum about such a source, it is clear you are an agent of disinformation and a troll. The board should ignore your venomous posts and useless drivel.

You asked for proof, I gave it. My posts are always well sourced, you always have noting but hot air. Go away.
ROFLMAO "global research" -------famous islamo Nazi pig "news source"-----this stuff did not even show up in the Israeli news

I guess that explains why you are so ignorant and have such tunnel vision. You get all your info from one source and have a definite source bias and cognitive dissonance. Even when presented with an alternative paradigm, you couldn't possibly even consider anything that would upset your apple cart. It's pointless having a discussion with you. Your ignorance and bias is legendary.

wrong again-----I have been reading islamo Nazi propaganda since I was ten years old (very very very long ago-----I grew up in a Nazi enclave in the USA----north-east) "GLOBAL RESEARCH" is an islamo Nazi publication on the level of
stormfront. I am so familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda that I recognize it whenever I encounter it--------it is very consistent----virtually unchanging-----just fixed up to SEEM CURRENT

The mere fact that you refer to anything as, "islamo Nazi propaganda," speaks volume to me about your personality, the amount that your mind is open, and your ability to empathize with all people. I seriously doubt you have a full grasp of all persons outlooks on life. You see the world through a very black/white perspective. People that view the world as such are very regressive and immature in their thinking, or are working for an agency that has an agenda. Thus, you are not to be trusted.

You can rail against that which you see as "evil" all you like, but when you use such ad hominem terms, real Americans, ones that value all sides of a conversations and free speech, will then, automatically go seek out all source of information. So you do your cause much damage by trying to disparage your enemies and talk up your side. Unless you have bonafide real grievances to share with the forum about such a source, it is clear you are an agent of disinformation and a troll. The board should ignore your venomous posts and useless drivel.

You asked for proof, I gave it. My posts are always well sourced, you always have noting but hot air. Go away.

ROFLMAO-----"global research" "WELL SOURCED".!!!!!!! The islamo Nazi propaganda that I read as a child------consisted mostly of seedy little pamphlets---
that were fluttering in the breeze in the little Nazi semi rural-suburban town of
my childhood. I was an avid reader and read whatever was available. I have
four brothers so I also read lots of SUPERMAN comics and----by circa 1960 MAD MAGAZINE ------your idiot little commentary about what you imagine me to be ----
is fascinating------imaginative as it is. Interestingly enough----at age ten ---12----I had no idea that SYRIA and EGYPT----had become hosts to Nazi war criminals-----
who fled the Nuremburg trials------I just read the stuff. My education in your filth was a SLOW process-----without any guidance at all. ----that which I was reading was written by your heros-------Nazi war criminals who had settled in Egypt and Syria were some of the "contributors". It is unfortunate that you do not know----or that YOU ARE A SUPPORTER-----of islamo Nazi filth-----"GLOBAL RESEARCH" ------keep reading------someday you might understand what you are reading-----probably not. BTW------the stuff written by escaped Nazi war criminals------is CORE CURRICULUM ------in such noble school systems and mosques ----as those in Iran and Pakistan---------my colleagues from those places-----can QUOTE THEM ------chapter and verse-----just as you can. Your hero Dr Nidal Malik Hasan--------was, no doubt-------also brought up on that literature
ROFLMAO "global research" -------famous islamo Nazi pig "news source"-----this stuff did not even show up in the Israeli news

I guess that explains why you are so ignorant and have such tunnel vision. You get all your info from one source and have a definite source bias and cognitive dissonance. Even when presented with an alternative paradigm, you couldn't possibly even consider anything that would upset your apple cart. It's pointless having a discussion with you. Your ignorance and bias is legendary.

wrong again-----I have been reading islamo Nazi propaganda since I was ten years old (very very very long ago-----I grew up in a Nazi enclave in the USA----north-east) "GLOBAL RESEARCH" is an islamo Nazi publication on the level of
stormfront. I am so familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda that I recognize it whenever I encounter it--------it is very consistent----virtually unchanging-----just fixed up to SEEM CURRENT

The mere fact that you refer to anything as, "islamo Nazi propaganda," speaks volume to me about your personality, the amount that your mind is open, and your ability to empathize with all people. I seriously doubt you have a full grasp of all persons outlooks on life. You see the world through a very black/white perspective. People that view the world as such are very regressive and immature in their thinking, or are working for an agency that has an agenda. Thus, you are not to be trusted.

You can rail against that which you see as "evil" all you like, but when you use such ad hominem terms, real Americans, ones that value all sides of a conversations and free speech, will then, automatically go seek out all source of information. So you do your cause much damage by trying to disparage your enemies and talk up your side. Unless you have bonafide real grievances to share with the forum about such a source, it is clear you are an agent of disinformation and a troll. The board should ignore your venomous posts and useless drivel.

You asked for proof, I gave it. My posts are always well sourced, you always have noting but hot air. Go away.

ROFLMAO-----"global research" "WELL SOURCED".!!!!!!! The islamo Nazi propaganda that I read as a child------consisted mostly of seedy little pamphlets---
that were fluttering in the breeze in the little Nazi semi rural-suburban town of
my childhood. I was an avid reader and read whatever was available. I have
four brothers so I also read lots of SUPERMAN comics and----by circa 1960 MAD MAGAZINE ------your idiot little commentary about what you imagine me to be ----
is fascinating------imaginative as it is. Interestingly enough----at age ten ---12----I had no idea that SYRIA and EGYPT----had become hosts to Nazi war criminals-----
who fled the Nuremburg trials------I just read the stuff. My education in your filth was a SLOW process-----without any guidance at all. ----that which I was reading was written by your heros-------Nazi war criminals who had settled in Egypt and Syria were some of the "contributors". It is unfortunate that you do not know----or that YOU ARE A SUPPORTER-----of islamo Nazi filth-----"GLOBAL RESEARCH" ------keep reading------someday you might understand what you are reading-----probably not. BTW------the stuff written by escaped Nazi war criminals------is CORE CURRICULUM ------in such noble school systems and mosques ----as those in Iran and Pakistan---------my colleagues from those places-----can QUOTE THEM ------chapter and verse-----just as you can. Your hero Dr Nidal Malik Hasan--------was, no doubt-------also brought up on that literature

Guys, you use term "Islamo Nazi propaganda" both. What is it? Can you give me an example of it?
ROFLMAO "global research" -------famous islamo Nazi pig "news source"-----this stuff did not even show up in the Israeli news

I guess that explains why you are so ignorant and have such tunnel vision. You get all your info from one source and have a definite source bias and cognitive dissonance. Even when presented with an alternative paradigm, you couldn't possibly even consider anything that would upset your apple cart. It's pointless having a discussion with you. Your ignorance and bias is legendary.

wrong again-----I have been reading islamo Nazi propaganda since I was ten years old (very very very long ago-----I grew up in a Nazi enclave in the USA----north-east) "GLOBAL RESEARCH" is an islamo Nazi publication on the level of
stormfront. I am so familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda that I recognize it whenever I encounter it--------it is very consistent----virtually unchanging-----just fixed up to SEEM CURRENT

The mere fact that you refer to anything as, "islamo Nazi propaganda," speaks volume to me about your personality, the amount that your mind is open, and your ability to empathize with all people. I seriously doubt you have a full grasp of all persons outlooks on life. You see the world through a very black/white perspective. People that view the world as such are very regressive and immature in their thinking, or are working for an agency that has an agenda. Thus, you are not to be trusted.

You can rail against that which you see as "evil" all you like, but when you use such ad hominem terms, real Americans, ones that value all sides of a conversations and free speech, will then, automatically go seek out all source of information. So you do your cause much damage by trying to disparage your enemies and talk up your side. Unless you have bonafide real grievances to share with the forum about such a source, it is clear you are an agent of disinformation and a troll. The board should ignore your venomous posts and useless drivel.

You asked for proof, I gave it. My posts are always well sourced, you always have noting but hot air. Go away.

ROFLMAO-----"global research" "WELL SOURCED".!!!!!!! The islamo Nazi propaganda that I read as a child------consisted mostly of seedy little pamphlets---
that were fluttering in the breeze in the little Nazi semi rural-suburban town of
my childhood. I was an avid reader and read whatever was available. I have
four brothers so I also read lots of SUPERMAN comics and----by circa 1960 MAD MAGAZINE ------your idiot little commentary about what you imagine me to be ----
is fascinating------imaginative as it is. Interestingly enough----at age ten ---12----I had no idea that SYRIA and EGYPT----had become hosts to Nazi war criminals-----
who fled the Nuremburg trials------I just read the stuff. My education in your filth was a SLOW process-----without any guidance at all. ----that which I was reading was written by your heros-------Nazi war criminals who had settled in Egypt and Syria were some of the "contributors". It is unfortunate that you do not know----or that YOU ARE A SUPPORTER-----of islamo Nazi filth-----"GLOBAL RESEARCH" ------keep reading------someday you might understand what you are reading-----probably not. BTW------the stuff written by escaped Nazi war criminals------is CORE CURRICULUM ------in such noble school systems and mosques ----as those in Iran and Pakistan---------my colleagues from those places-----can QUOTE THEM ------chapter and verse-----just as you can. Your hero Dr Nidal Malik Hasan--------was, no doubt-------also brought up on that literature

Guys, you use term "Islamo Nazi propaganda" both. What is it? Can you give me an example of it?

I will help you to understand-----you need some basics. Nazism is nothing new---
in fact the greeks invented it and it was even endorsed by some of our bestest
heroes------like PLATO----who considered "barbarians" <<<that means people
who could not speak greek -----good only as slaves ----aka "living tools". The
Spartans of Sparta added to the situation with ABSOLUTE chattel slavery ----
legally killed any time by the GLORIOUS SPARTAN CITIZEN----a whole big
caste of them-----permanent for ever with no rights at all. ------The Romans
worshipped the greeks-----and BORROWED HEAVILY. Constantine did
wonders for the ROMAN EMPIRE_----he made it HOLY with new laws.
Everyone had to become Christine -----and jews were especially attended to
with really special laws------Not permited to ride on a horse---carry a weapon
of any kind, ALWAYS required to wear a visible YELLOW badge----in general---
if you know the Nazi Nuremburg laws-----You know Constantine's invention of
NAZISM-------later carefully codified into JUSTINIAN LAW------which is also
CANON LAW of the Holy ROMAN EMPIRE_-----the first Reich. Second Reich --
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE ----is the era of the INQUISITION------same laws upon
the "underclass"--------and finally----picked up whole by the greatest REICH MAN OF ALL ---THE THIRD REICH----adolf hitler -----EMPEROR OF THE THIRD
REICH. But Constantine did even more------his NAZI laws were so wonderful that the great MUHUMMAD (no less) incorporated them into shariah law ----imposing them on his designated under class people ----DHIMMIS. ----with some additions------instead of being marked with yellow------Zoroastrians
were marked with red insignia Dhimmis are required to pay tribute---in the form of a poll tax-------JIZYA ----and also have virtually no civil rights NOW YOU KNOW---------don't tell any greeks that you run into that they invented the seeds of
Nazism-------the turks did a number on greeks too
with some additions------instead of being marked with yellow------Zoroastrians
were marked with red insignia Dhimmis are required to pay tribute---in the form of a poll tax-------JIZYA ----and also have virtually no civil rights NOW YOU KNOW---------don't tell any greeks that you run into that they invented the seeds of
Nazism-------the turks did a number on greeks too

You mentioned Zoroastrians above. Unless I am mistaken, Zoroastrian ideology also has some common features with Nazism. Or I am mistaken again? )
with some additions------instead of being marked with yellow------Zoroastrians
were marked with red insignia Dhimmis are required to pay tribute---in the form of a poll tax-------JIZYA ----and also have virtually no civil rights NOW YOU KNOW---------don't tell any greeks that you run into that they invented the seeds of
Nazism-------the turks did a number on greeks too

You mentioned Zoroastrians above. Unless I am mistaken, Zoroastrian ideology also has some common features with Nazism. Or I am mistaken again? )

I do believe that the Nazis were fascinated with Zoroastrianism or with Zoroastrians. At least RICHARD WAGNER was. I know very little about
it other than a few little factoids. Zoroastrians are really BIG on racial
purity------One cannot CONVERT to the religion----you have to be IN THE
FAMILY -----descendant of the original core group. The number of Zoroastrians
today is very tiny--------some in Iran------more in Mumbai and some in Israel.
In Iran-----they kill them. They are fascinated with fire (???)----as far
as I know----they tend to be highly educated. They are the original ARYANS,
so the Nazis identify with them ------in a perverse way. Don't quote me----
I think that the Aryans who migrated to India are supposed to be the ancestors
of the BRAHMINS of India. India was a nice place-----with a nice fertile
river valley------and the big strong Aryans moved in on the Dravidian natives
(??????) don't quote me-----the whole thing is a muddle in my mind. Hindus
do something with fire-----but, then -----all cultures do SOMETHING with fire.
They are heavy into astronomy ----which is kinda interesting-----so are hindus.
The "three kings" who brought gifts to Jesus-------were Zoroastrians---that's
why they followed "the star" ----------sorry------that's all I "know" or think I
know. Jews and Zoroastrians who live ---or used to live, in Mumbai, got
along very well together They are both,, in general, escapees from Islamic
Some other information about the theme.

Russian Flights Over Iraq and Iran Escalate Tension With U.S.
WASHINGTON — Russia is using an air corridor over Iraq and Iran to fly military equipment and personnel to a new air hub in Syria, openly defying American efforts to block the shipments and significantly increasing tensions with Washington.

American officials disclosed Sunday that at least seven giant Russian Condor transport planes had taken off from a base in southern Russia during the past week to ferry equipment to Syria, all passing through Iranian and Iraqi airspace.

Their destination was an airfield south of Latakia, Syria, which could become the most significant new Russian military foothold in the Middle East in decades, American officials said.

Russia positioning tanks at Syria airfield: U.S. officials
Russia has positioned about a half dozen tanks at a Syrian airfield at the center of a military buildup, two U.S. officials said on Tuesday, adding the intentions of Moscow's latest deployment of heavy military equipment to Syria was unclear.

One of the U.S. officials said seven Russian T-90 tanks were observed at the airfield near Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The two U.S. officials said Russia had also positioned artillery, which they said appeared to be arrayed defensively to protect Russian personnel stationed there.

Russia positioning tanks at Syria airfield: U.S. officials

Putin Said to Explore Sidelining Assad Even as He Arms Him
Russia is sending signals to the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that it may allow Syria’s embattled leader Bashar al-Assad to be eased out of power as it seeks to forge a united front against Islamic State and retain influence in the region, officials and Syrian opposition leaders said.

Officials from the three countries, as well as from the opposition, have been negotiating possible terms for sidelining Assad since at least June, when President Vladimir Putin hosted Saudi King Salman’s son, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed, they said. Saudi Arabia is Assad’s main regional enemy, while Russia is his longtime ally. Since then, Russia’s whirlwind diplomacy has brought key officials from across the region to Moscow for talks.

Putin Said to Explore Sidelining Assad Even as He Arms Him
Poor Putin-----he did a "Nasser"-------for those who do not know------Russia has been
supportive of arab Baathist pigs for more than 60 years. They did it in Yemen---more than 60 years ago-----they did it in the 1960s in Egypt's attempt to destroy Israel------and they DID IT to Assad too. The real prize for RUSSIA is port cities and control of waterways. Russia has now joined up with Iran------and the goal remains port cities and control of shipping

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