Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
This is a summation of the fraudulent Russian Collusion Investigation.
It's been simplified so that even liberals can understand it.


Red Nation Rising on Twitter
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
The Democrats created the fake "Russian Collusion" scam to illegally use the DOJ and FBI as political weapons.
The really sad thing about it is the MSM has ZERO interest in the TRUTH.
This is how democracies die.

A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS
The point is that much of the Democrat base is living in denial....and all they're waiting for is periodical announcements by the Swamp that gives them something to hope for.
It's like the way they would crow every time Obama gave a if reading off of a teleprompter was some sort of major accomplishment.
It's total horseshit.
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked our country.

A year ago, Trump's worshippers were saying that Russia didn't attack us, that this was all #fakenews. They aren't saying that anymore. Or at least most of them aren't.
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked the country.
This shit happens in every single election. It only became a 4 alarm fire because Trump won.

Russias goal is to sow distrust among the American people with regard to our political system.
THEY SUCCEEDED in large part because of people like you.

Espionage is not new to the Trump presidency and suggesting it is now suddenly a problem when little has changed is hysterical
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked our country.

A year ago, Trump's worshippers were saying that Russia didn't attack us, that this was all #fakenews. They aren't saying that anymore. Or at least most of them aren't.
Now they want Rosenstein impeached the guy who just got 12 indictments Sometimes it's difficult telling Repubs from their russian pals
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.

A few years ago The Democrats were sending entreaties to Russia asking for help in defeating Ronald Reagan. Today Russia has thrown off the communist yoke...and Democrats are pissed.

A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked the country.
This shit happens in every single election. It only became a 4 alarm fire because Trump won.

Russias goal is to sow distrust among the American people with regard to our political system.
THEY SUCCEEDED in large part because of people like you.

Espionage is not new to the Trump presidency and suggesting it is now suddenly a problem when little has changed is hysterical

Putin didnt care who long as the loser attacked the US from within, Fascist theory is that democratic elections are a waste of time and lead to weak and corrupt governments. He lets Hillary say it for him these days.
Dotr are you just one more apologizing for Putins attack on our election system? that it's all Obamas fault not Putins
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked the country.
This shit happens in every single election. It only became a 4 alarm fire because Trump won.

Russias goal is to sow distrust among the American people with regard to our political system.
THEY SUCCEEDED in large part because of people like you.

Espionage is not new to the Trump presidency and suggesting it is now suddenly a problem when little has changed is hysterical

Putin didnt care who long as the loser attacked the US from within, Fascist theory is that democratic elections are a waste of time and lead to weak and corrupt governments. He lets Hillary say it for him these days.
BULLSHIT A bi partisan group of congressmen said THERE IS NO DOUBT that russians hacked our elections to AIDE TRUMP
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Again you missed the point. The worst thing they did was expose the why is that a problem?
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked the country.
This shit happens in every single election. It only became a 4 alarm fire because Trump won.

Russias goal is to sow distrust among the American people with regard to our political system.
THEY SUCCEEDED in large part because of people like you.

Espionage is not new to the Trump presidency and suggesting it is now suddenly a problem when little has changed is hysterical

Putin didnt care who long as the loser attacked the US from within, Fascist theory is that democratic elections are a waste of time and lead to weak and corrupt governments. He lets Hillary say it for him these days.
BULLSHIT A bi partisan group of congressmen said THERE IS NO DOUBT that russians hacked our elections to AIDE TRUMP
Well they can then let us know, HOW they know that.
Suck on this for a while, dimocrap scum


We also have the House, the Senate, SCOTUS, 37 of the States and 87% of the geographical area of the Country.

Dimocrap scum have shit. Literally.

Plus, they're going so hard to the left, they're unlikely to cause any of that to change.

Remember girls, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media had Ubercunt ahead by 10 points the week before the election and gave the smelly scrunt a 95% chance of victory.

Right now, the generic ballot is about even up.

And the DNC just dissed the shit out of your most powerful Senator in Kalifornication and the 2nd most powerful dimocrap scum Representative lost to a communist.

I predict we pick up 20 seats in the House and 7 in the Senate.


Looking forward to the Mid Terms
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked the country.
This shit happens in every single election. It only became a 4 alarm fire because Trump won.

Russias goal is to sow distrust among the American people with regard to our political system.
THEY SUCCEEDED in large part because of people like you.

Espionage is not new to the Trump presidency and suggesting it is now suddenly a problem when little has changed is hysterical

Putin didnt care who long as the loser attacked the US from within, Fascist theory is that democratic elections are a waste of time and lead to weak and corrupt governments. He lets Hillary say it for him these days.
BULLSHIT A bi partisan group of congressmen said THERE IS NO DOUBT that russians hacked our elections to AIDE TRUMP

God if there is one thing a liberal loves over a poll it is a "bipartisan group".

You cant hack an election. Not possible.
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