Russian Collusion Investigations Have Big Orange Flailing Wildly

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"Before the election, Russian diplomats had publicly denounced the US electoral process and were prepared to publicly call into question the validity of the results."

Wait...I think the CIA confused Putin with Hillary Clinton, MSNBC, CNN and every half assed liberal tool on usmessageboard. Those are the only people "calling into question the validity of the results"

When Im right Im right.
Here is where I periodically ask the question that is periodically not exactly did the Russians change the election again?

No way that I'm aware of. Unless they helped with the release of some information exposing the crooked dealings of Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

In which case, I see no problem with that. I mean, if someone was trying to break into my house through a back window and some Russian knocked on the front door to tell me that, I'd buy the silly commie a beer or two.
it's a true bizarro world you live in when you use the words 'crazy conspiracy theory' to describe a poster's repy at the same time you have anything from infowars in your siggy.

Infowars must be taken with a grain of salt.

But I'd bet they have a far greater level of accuracy than the Chicago Tribune.

What you Nazis fail to grasp is that by having an openly partisan media that has no honor, as we do in this nation, any complaints you lodge against "fringe" sources is absurd. Alex Jones is in no way a more fringe nutbag than Dan Rather, who you of the fascist left put forth as if he were credible. We are in an age where there is literally no difference between the NY Times and hate sites like DailyKOS or ThinkHatred. The utterly absurd fiction that Jeff Bezos hate rag, the Washington Post has higher journalistic standards than StormFront is laughable. The idea that the Mexican owned New York Times is concerned with foreign interference in American politics is a level of hypocrisy that would make Pol Pot smile, and one you Nazis rise to every day.
The Chicago Tribune's article is merely narrative to keep the fake "Russian collusion" story alive. Anyone keeping up with events can see that the story is fading more so every day.

that wasn't even trying, dude.

Don't believe me? The left has cried "wolf!" so many times over their Russophobia, that nobody's even listening.

Of course, there are some who get all herky-jerky when they hear "wolf", but not myself. It;'s like the often-used word "racist", the left was fond of. The word no longer even has any meaning.

The illustrious commie Saul Alinsky summed it up in one of his rules: Rule number 7 read ""A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news."

This is what the whole "Russia Russia Russia" thing has become: An ineffectual drag, only being used to generate ratings by the leftist media cartel.

it ain't the left... it's the whole intel community pushing the truth to come out. but keep trying to convince yourself it isn't true. that makes it even more entertaining to know it's going to end very badly for the orange fuhrer.


Intel community? :rofl:

You mean the Obama traitors? Those leaking classified and secret information in service to your filthy party?
There are just TOO MANY topics and flailing allegations in the OP to do Topic Control. Can't moderate the whole enchilada at once. Narrow it down -- try again..
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