Russian Disinformation Campaign

Okay, Biden is funneling billions to Ukraine to kill Russians and our government is surprised Russia is doing something? God who's running our government???
So we sit there and let them, or do we try and do something, back??

Certainly twiddling thumbs is not an option!
Our country excells at spreading misinformation.
Unfortunately it is now generally "the name of the game" even though Deep State itself goes back thousands of years to the first elites .
The difficulty these days is that it has become so much more complex to get to the truth or even nearest to it .
But this is not helped by frifth rate minds who imagine that their untutored brains have any real bearing on decoding and translating matters .Horsey and Marinade just being two of a multitude .
Which was mainly why Intel Agencies were created. But when they go rogue , it does need a Super Brain to untangle any truth from the webs of deceit and lies .
While this campaign is nothing new, US intelligence has recently declassified an in-depth analysis on the subject. The report also explains that they are cultivating ties with certain individuals and groups in different countries, with long-term goals, not just one-off events like elections.
Russian intel agencies undertaking long-term influence operations in US: Report

While the current focus seems to be the war in Ukraine, they want a permanent influencing campaign in the West.
Russian disinformation is part of its war effort in Ukraine. How can the West respond?

In related news, a propagandist training center has been founded in Rostov.
The Secret Russian ‘School’ Churning Out Minions for Putin
The focus appears to be on the occupied territories in Ukraine, although I would be surprised if it ends there. And there is no doubt there are such operations focused on the Russian public itself.
Is this new to you? Hahahahahahaha

Literally every first world country on the planet does this to every other nation. It's nothing new and has been going on since the internet & youtube started.

Hell, we even do it to Israel trying to influence their elections.

Just how out of touch with modern times are you.
Sure.... Tell Putin to stop invading his neighbors.
Or do you propose another Nevile Chamberlain?
If we stopped propping up Ukraine that war would have ended 6 months ago. Ukraine can only endure at the cost of our money and their blood but the outcome will be the same, tens of thousands of dead Ukrainian soldiers & civilians along with a depleted US treasury & military assets.
But hey if you get to poke putin in the eye dead women & children are worth it right?
It’s a scare tactic.

None of you can define it. None of you will even try.
The way to control people is to invent some big all powerful force that is actually in charge of the world.
If we stopped propping up Ukraine that war would have ended 6 months ago.
Interesting idea. Maybe France should have thought of that during the American revolutionary war. Instead of taking 7 years, would have been over in less than two years.

Between 1778 and 1782 the French provided supplies, arms and ammunition, uniforms, and, most importantly, troops and naval support to the beleaguered Continental Army. The French navy transported reinforcements, fought off a British fleet, and protected Washington's forces in Virginia.
The same argument could have been applied to WWII and just let Germany take over all of Europe, the middle east and North Africa. America would still be safe because we have the vast oceans to protect us.

You failed to mention the Vietnam war that killed thousands of our soldiers.
The same argument could have been applied to WWII and just let Germany take over all of Europe, the middle east and North Africa. America would still be safe because we have the vast oceans to protect us.

Putin is not Hitler.
Putin is not slaughtering millions in gas chambers.
Putin is not trying to take over the world.

And most importantly WE WERE ATTACKED

What I said in my original post is 100% accurate and it is obvious you don't care and or are totally oblivious to the fact that Ukraine can not defeat Russia. Your tax dollars are causing the unnecessary deaths of thousands of innocent people. Including young Russian men who are forced to fight or face prison or worse.

Horrible human being.
Interesting idea. Maybe France should have thought of that during the American revolutionary war. Instead of taking 7 years, would have been over in less than two years.

Between 1778 and 1782 the French provided supplies, arms and ammunition, uniforms, and, most importantly, troops and naval support to the beleaguered Continental Army. The French navy transported reinforcements, fought off a British fleet, and protected Washington's forces in Virginia.
The French were already fighting the British over territory in THEIR BACK YARD.

Yet another failed attempt to justify your bloodlust. You sound like Cheney

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