Russian Foreign Minister: U.S. Knows ISIS Positions In Syria, Refuses To Bomb...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Lavrov said "there is something else which is a concern of the coalition"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Sunday the goal of the United States in Syria is different than what is publicly stated.

He also said the coalition led by the U.S. knows the positions of ISIS in the country and is not targeting them.

Lavrov told Channel one, the largest television network in the Russian Federation, that analysis of aviation operations in Syria “creates a strange impression” and instead of fighting ISIS “there is something else which is a concern of the coalition.”

He said the coalition purportedly fighting ISIS has “information on where exactly” the positions of the terrorist army are in Syria and Iraq, but “does not give consent to striking them.”

In August intelligence analysts said the Pentagon is not targeting an estimated 60 Islamic State training camps considered key in the ISIS effort to capture and hold territory.

According to Bill Gertz of the Free Beacon, officials have stated these camps are off limits “because of concerns about collateral damage.”

“If we know the location of these camps, and the president wants to destroy ISIS, why are the camps still functioning?” one official said.

The absurdity of the U.S. statement on collateral damage is astounding...

Russian Foreign Minister: U.S. Knows ISIS Positions in Syria, Refuses to Bomb

It's no secret the U.S./West has been trying to kill Assad for years. So this makes sense.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.

On September 4th Putin answered some questions from Russian journalists. A few of them were about Syria and ISIS:
Question: Mr President, I would like to clarify something with regard to the Islamic State, because Russia has been speaking of the need to create a political coalition, and the United States has been urging the same thing. There is no agreement on Syria, for example, and so forth. How do you see the creation of such a coalition?

Vladimir Putin: We are taking specific steps, and doing this publicly. If you want to know the details, I can explain once again. It is true that we want to create an international coalition to combat terrorism and extremism. With this aim in view, we are holding consultations with our American partners, I personally discussed this over the telephone with the President of the United Stated, Mr Obama, and I also discussed this with the President of Turkey, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, with the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt and other partners. Our military agencies are in close contact, only recently the heads of the general staffs of the countries neighbouring on these conflicts met in Moscow.

We continue our political efforts to create a certain coalition. If today it is impossible to organise joint work directly ‘on the battlefield’, so to speak, involving all the countries interested in combatting terrorism, we should at least achieve certain coordination between them. We are trying and making certain efforts in this direction. Our first steps show that overall this seems possible.

We know that there are different positions on the developments in Syria. Incidentally, people are not fleeing from the Bashar Assad regime – they are fleeing from the Islamic State, which has occupied vast territories in Syria and Iraq and is committing atrocities there. That is what people are running away from. However, we understand that political change is also required. We are also working with our partners in Syria.

It is true that we want to create an international coalition to combat terrorism and extremism.

There is an overall understanding that such joint efforts to combat terrorism should go side by side with certain political processes inside Syria. The Syrian President agrees with this too, including, say, holding early parliamentary elections and establishing ties with the so-called ‘healthy opposition’ and involving them in running the country. This is primarily a matter of Syria’s internal development. We are not imposing anything, but we are ready to assist in an internal Syrian dialogue.

Question: In the past few days, the refugee crisis has reached a critical point in Europe. The situation is very tense. What is your assessment of this situation, why do you think it is happening? What do you think will happen next?

Vladimir Putin: We talked about this on numerous occasions a long time ago. I believe this is an absolutely expected crisis. If you remember, or look it up in your archives, we in Russia, yours truly in particular, said a few years ago that we are in for large-scale problems if our so-called western partners continue with their misguided foreign policy, as I always referred to it, especially in Muslin regions, in the Middle East, North Africa – the policy they are actually still conducting.

What is this policy? That of imposing their standards without taking into consideration the history, religion, culture or national characteristics of these regions. This is, primarily, the policy conducted by our American partners; Europe blindly follows the lead, complying with its so-called allied commitments, and then it bears the brunt.

I am surprised to see certain American media outlets criticising Europe for its excessively tough, as they say, attitude to migrants. However, the United States does not have to deal with such a flow of migrants, while Europe, after it blindly followed instructions from America is now bearing the brunt of the crisis.

I am not saying this to say how smart we are and how shortsighted our partners turned out to be, or to bait anyone; we simply need to see what to do next. What is it? The answer is very simple.

First, together, and I would like to stress this word, together we need to combat terrorism and extremism of all sorts, primarily in the problem countries, to resolve this issue – without that any further progress is impossible. How can we make any progress in regions controlled by the Islamic State? It is impossible, people are fleeing those regions, they kill hundreds of thousands, blow up cultural monuments, burn people alive or drown them, cut the heads off living people. How can one live there? Of course, people are fleeing.

First, we must efficiently combat terrorism and extremism together.

Second, we need to restore the economy of those countries and their social sphere. Only this way, by showing respect for the history, traditions and religion of these peoples and countries, we can restore their statehood and provide large-scale economic and political support.

If we join our efforts in all these areas, we will have positive results. If we act separately and keep arguing among ourselves over some quasi-democratic principles and procedures on certain territories, this will get us into a greater deadlock. However, I pin my hopes on a positive development and on joining efforts with all our partners.
Sunni man wrote: Everyone in the world except the American people, know that ISIS is a CIA / Mossad covert operation that is funded and supported by the US and Israel.

Granny says she didn't know it...

... Uncle Ferd says it's news to him...

... possum suspected somethin'...

... but didn't wanna say anything.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

The US, SA, Qatar and Turkey along with Canada and the Brits to name a few wanted to depose Assad. The Arab Spring was a bullshit movement. Just provided cover.

And give it up will ya? Even the NYT's has been upfront about the CIA's involvement.
People blaming the mess in Syria on Russia is beyond pathetic. Hell's bells no one can even name who the true terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels were.


Middle East
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.
There's this supposed Syrian shadow government that the west signed onto. No one has been elected but man oh man our asshole leaders wanted regime change so badly they could taste it.

Fast forward to now. Lavrov has been out there trying to convince even Assad's opposition to join forces to defeat ISIS. Saudi Arabia slapped the oppositions pee pee and said no. So who's the real opposition here?
People blaming the mess in Syria on Russia is beyond pathetic. Hell's bells no one can even name who the true terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrr jihadists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels were.


Middle East
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.
Russia is not being blamed for the mess in Syria, they are being blamed for contributing to it because when the civil war broke out they continued to supply Assad with weapons and supplies. They did the same thing with Ukraine. In fact, the timing of announcing new assistance to Assad is a distraction from the seeming end to the crisis in Ukraine and Putin's abandonment of that adventure.
Funny, the folks who praise Bush for going after WMD's held by Saddam have no issue with WMD's in the hands of Assad.
gee, you people act like you twas born yesterday...European conflict in the region is nothing new, in fact it's a regular occurrence..for the last 1000 years at least...
Russia is not being blamed for the mess in Syria, they are being blamed for contributing to it because when the civil war broke out they continued to supply Assad with weapons and supplies. They did the same thing with Ukraine. In fact, the timing of announcing new assistance to Assad is a distraction from the seeming end to the crisis in Ukraine and Putin's abandonment of that adventure.
Funny, the folks who praise Bush for going after WMD's held by Saddam have no issue with WMD's in the hands of Assad.
You think Russia was wrong to support Assad? Do you honestly believe the US had a viable alternative to fill the void left by Assad's regime or was Syria to be left to the extremists to run?
France and Germany just threw in with Russia.....Germany has troops on standby
No they didn't. Germany already has military personnel in Iraq. The soldiers going on standby are to confront the immigration crisis in Germany. France is part of the coalition fighting ISIS with air strikes. Germany and France have gone against US wishes and are calling for joint meetings and cooperation with coalition forces and the newly arriving Russian's. There proposals complicate and endanger the relationship with fellow Nato member Turkey.
What an awful mess we've created in Syria. So awful, it looks like Russia and Iran will have to clean it up.
The mess was not created by "we". Assad would have been thrown out of power by and during the Arab Spring if he had not been supplied with weaponry and supplies from Russia and manpower from Iran. Hence it was Russia and Iran that meddled and created the mess.

ISIS was born of U.S.,Saudi, and British support for 'Rebel' groups in Syria. That's who it got its money and weapons from. It's a real mess over there. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Russia and Iran are gonna have to try and clean up our awful mess. Let's hope they're successful.
It's not our's the socialists mess.

We didn't tell Obama to run away from Iraq with his tail between his legs just so he could brag about something other than getting Bin Laden during the 2012 election.

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