Russian Hackers May Have Affected 2016 Election Vote Totals

So a twitter thing is evidence? I see nothing but bullshit. The OP should be ashamed, I lost a minute of my life I will never get back.
"Clinton campaign should not have invited them in."

And Trump should not have let them in even further, right?
The article is from June. Why is it all that big of a deal now?

I commented because the topic (if not the article) is still relevant. Unless you think the Russians have learned their lesson and plan to play nice form now on. ;)

IF it were true, with this being September and this article coming out in June, we would have heard a hell of a lot more about it. No one has said a peep. I'm guessing the OP just happened across this article and posted it without checking the date.
it was on the news....two days ago that the states whose voting registration was hacked by the Russians had registration list problems with voters being rejected due to not matching their computer list, long lines of rejected legal registered voters, finally they had to use their paper, offline voter registration then hundreds or thousands left ,,,many without being able to what was said on the news...they ended up extending hours at several voting precincts due to their computer glitches on their voter rolls.
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After all the Trumpers assured us that the vote totals weren't hacked.

The Hard Truth Keeps Trickling Out, Little by Little

View attachment 147395
only an idiot doesn't understand how Kremlin hybrid (total) war works ...

Consolidation and Control: Power Shifts in Putin's Kremlin - YouTube
upload_2017-9-4_13-10-51.jpeg▶ 1:24:51

14.10.2016 - Uploaded by Hudson Institute
Consolidation and Control: Power Shifts in Putin's Kremlin. Hudson Institute ... at home and abroad ...

The Threat of Kleptocracy: States Bordering the Russian Federation ...
upload_2017-9-4_13-10-38.jpeg▶ 2:59:45

21.10.2016 - Uploaded by Hudson Institute
Hudson Institute's Kleptocracy Initiative hosts a discussion of the threats posed by kleptocracy to states ...
"Did nothing".... not so. They immediately instituted a plan to protect our voting systems. What, exactly, would you have had them do? And please spare me the left/right nonsense, thank you in advance.
If Democrats truly wanted to protect the voting process they would be for voter ID's.
"Did nothing".... not so. They immediately instituted a plan to protect our voting systems. What, exactly, would you have had them do? And please spare me the left/right nonsense, thank you in advance.
If Democrats truly wanted to protect the voting process they would be for voter ID's.

I have zero doubt that dems have been busing their pet nignogs around inner cities to triple or quadruple vote for a decade or two...
"Did nothing".... not so. They immediately instituted a plan to protect our voting systems. What, exactly, would you have had them do? And please spare me the left/right nonsense, thank you in advance.
If Democrats truly wanted to protect the voting process they would be for voter ID's.

I have zero doubt that dems have been busing their pet nignogs around inner cities to triple or quadruple vote for a decade or two...

Well, that makes you delusional...
"Did nothing".... not so. They immediately instituted a plan to protect our voting systems. What, exactly, would you have had them do? And please spare me the left/right nonsense, thank you in advance.
If Democrats truly wanted to protect the voting process they would be for voter ID's.

I have zero doubt that dems have been busing their pet nignogs around inner cities to triple or quadruple vote for a decade or two...

Well, that makes you delusional...

Lefties are the scum of the earth, there's no depths to which they won't sink. Voter fraud is childs' play compared to the stuff they do on a daily basis...

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