Russian Have Started Retreating

Aww... that's so cute. But since Obama did not have any FBI visits and neither did he call Putin a genius... my question does not apply to him.

You are not very good at all this reading and comprehension stuff, are you? My sympathies. Come back when you have had a refresher course. Good luck. :itsok:

He was just promising more flexibility. Didn't want the voters to know.

He must have meant he was gonna get really tough in 2013. Right?
Yeah, those sanctions weren't very successful at stopping the invasion, were they?
Sanctions were applied after the invasion. You know, to punish the invasion.

Seriously, are you usually this dumb or did I catch you at a bad time? You may want to take a break there, fella. You are embarrassing yourself. :itsok:
That photo is fuckin' HILARIOUS! They're posing for a big "fuck you" photo, like, "See us retreating? We're retreating! See us going? Here we go!" Typical Russian humor. Funny as hell. Imagine how many liberal minions will believe it.
Sanctions were applied after the invasion. You know, to punish the invasion.

Seriously, are you usually this dumb or did I catch you at a bad time? You may want to take a break there, fella. You are embarrassing yourself. :itsok:
No. Many sanctions were placed on Russia by both O and dumb Don.
No. Many sanctions were placed on Russia by both O and dumb Don.
LOL, So what? You do that know that even the great Reagan (peace be on his name) imposed sanctions against Russia, right?

In fact, I don't know any president who didn't. But the claim of the other idiot was that sanctions did not stop the invasion. Since Biden's sanctions came after the invasion, it hardly could have stopped something in the past.

Try to keep up. :itsok:
LOL, So what? You do that know that even the great Reagan (peace be on his name) imposed sanctions against Russia, right?

In fact, I don't know any president who didn't. But the claim of the other idiot was that sanctions did not stop the invasion. Since Biden's sanctions came after the invasion, it hardly could have stopped something in the past.

Try to keep up. :itsok:
Okay. I thought you were thinking sanctions weren’t imposed on Russia until dumb Joe imposed them.
All of your examples are on the same side of the planet as Moscow, and I doubt the number of dead, maimed, and displaced even approach the numbers generated by...
Anybody that would quote a plagarist has gotta be even dumber than mlk
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That photo is fuckin' HILARIOUS! They're posing for a big "fuck you" photo, like, "See us retreating? We're retreating! See us going? Here we go!" Typical Russian humor. Funny as hell. Imagine how many liberal minions will believe it.
If you get your head out of your ass which would be very hard for you no doubt.....but if you could you would see what is going on.

All you russian propagandists really make republicans look bad.
I think they are setting up a trap but time will tell.
I am ashamed to see a republican like you so willing to demonstrate your ignorance......there are too many republicans like you and you are hurting republican chances in the mid terms big time.....allowing democrats to proclaim their willingess to stand up for those who fight for freedom....whilst you republicans continue to propagandize for Russia....pathetic.
So many stupid republicans on disappointing....that is just one reason I will no longer support is a toss up....who is more senile....trump or biden?

Trump allowed a moron like biden to out debate him.....when biden told Trump to shut up and Trump was so dumbfounded he could not even reply.

I support Desantis....much more electable than a old aging dude like Trump.
I am ashamed to see a republican like you so willing to demonstrate your ignorance......there are too many republicans like you and you are hurting republican chances in the mid terms big time.....allowing democrats to proclaim their willingess to stand up for those who fight for freedom....whilst you republicans continue to propagandize for Russia....pathetic.
Stopped reading at "republican like you"....

Return to Sender. Wrong Address.
So many stupid republicans on disappointing....that is just one reason I will no longer support is a toss up....who is more senile....trump or biden?

Trump allowed a moron like biden to out debate him.....when biden told Trump to shut up and Trump was so dumbfounded he could not even reply.

I support Desantis....much more electable than a old aging dude like Trump.

In case you're innumerate as well as illiterate (not to mention MAGA-level stupid), any of King's authorship issues doesn't affect the millions of innocent human beings murdered, maimed, and displaced by the heroic US military since 1945.

Martin Luther King Jr. authorship issues - Wikipedia

Stopped reading at "republican like you"....

Return to Sender. Wrong Address.
Macron: Let's not humiliate moscow .
Ukraine: Oops! Hehehehe.


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