Russian Have Started Retreating

Well that doesnt make Russia good guys eitther.
At the moment they are raping and murdering in a sovereign European state.
That is the concern for the world.
The Russians are engaged in an illegal invasion, but I don't see any other option after the US instigated and supported an illegal coup in 2014. Over the past eight years, Ukraine has received billion$ in NATO weapons and training, turning it into a de facto NATO presence on Russia's western border. Putin will wreck Ukraine before he allows that to stand.
We werent asked.
Do you believe we were meddling in the internal affairs of Ukraine in 2014?

Top diplomat apparently drops the F-bomb in leaked telephone conversation about the EU
Zelensky will be storming Moscow by Christmas
If he isn't too busy selling Ukraine to Wall Street.

Zelensky is literally selling Ukraine to U.S. corporations on Wall Street | MR Online

"Zelensky coordinated his New York Stock Exchange publicity stunt with an editorial in the Wall Street Journal imploring US capitalists to “Invest in the Future of Ukraine.”

"'I committed my administration to creating a favorable environment for investment that would make Ukraine the greatest growth opportunity in Europe since the end of World War II,' Zelensky wrote.

"He continued..."
Yes, Russia's retreat was deliberate and planned. In fact, their retreating in Russia now too. Deliberately and planned!

Sanctions were applied after the invasion. You know, to punish the invasion.

Seriously, are you usually this dumb or did I catch you at a bad time? You may want to take a break there, fella. You are embarrassing yourself. :itsok:

They must have been very powerful to get Putin to withdraw from Ukraine.

Do you think Biden's weakness/infirmity will lead to China invading Taiwan?
If he isn't too busy selling Ukraine to Wall Street.

Zelensky is literally selling Ukraine to U.S. corporations on Wall Street | MR Online

"Zelensky coordinated his New York Stock Exchange publicity stunt with an editorial in the Wall Street Journal imploring US capitalists to “Invest in the Future of Ukraine.”

"'I committed my administration to creating a favorable environment for investment that would make Ukraine the greatest growth opportunity in Europe since the end of World War II,' Zelensky wrote.

"He continued..."

Selling it? That's awful!!

Putin must steal it.

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