Russian intel agent who leaked Trump dossier found dead

It was a British agent who leaked a fake dossier to McCain. Nobody can't find him now,

Christopher Steele, Ex-Spy Who Compiled Trump Dossier, Goes to Ground
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Since the hotel incident was a complete fabrication in the first place, this is Fake News from start to finish

It was a British agent who leaked a fake dossier to McCain.

No, a British agent compiled the information from leaks from a Russian insider. Now he is conveniently dead. He was getting too close to Putin-Trump.
The shitty part to think about is if that agent /didn't/ actually say any of that crap and it was all bullshit made up by the British agent, or someone else, just to discredit Trump. That would mean some dude just paid for fake news with his life... That's pretty messed.

Not surprising to have happened in Russia though is it? I'm pretty sure the entire planet knows to keep their traps shut when working for the Russian mofia - much less a former KGB agent.
No, it was reported the day he died
Ex- Russian domestic security agent, oil executive Oleg Erovinkin dies after suffering heart attack, state-run news agency reports - Daily Sabah

Top Rosneft Exec Found Dead in Moscow

Then why was it reported over a month ago?
Found dead more than a month ago? Real precise there. Lol

The Kremlin has been covering it up. Read it simpleton.

It happened over a month ago. Putin has been burying it, like all his victims.
Yep, lead poisoning is known to stop the heart. LOL

Putin prefers radiation poisoning...more painful.

It was a British agent who leaked a fake dossier to McCain. Nobody can't find him now,

Christopher Steele, Ex-Spy Who Compiled Trump Dossier, Goes to Ground

He is hiding from Bannon and Trump.
It doesn't matter to many Conservatives, all that matters is that their guy won...
American Election interrupted by our greatest enemy...forgetaboutit...
Why should I care about some Russian with an ax to grind? Your reason better be good cause at this point I don't give two shits.
It doesn't matter to many Conservatives, all that matters is that their guy won...
American Election interrupted by our greatest enemy...forgetaboutit...
Why should I care about some Russian with an ax to grind? Your reason better be good cause at this point I don't give two shits.
It doesn't matter to many Conservatives, all that matters is that their guy won...
American Election interrupted by our greatest enemy...forgetaboutit...
Why should I care about some Russian with an ax to grind? Your reason better be good cause at this point I don't give two shits.
You respond with cartoon drawings and imply I'm stupid?

I busted your bullshit and you CAN'T give me an answer. I love when liberals crawl back in their holes because they were left empty handed.

You guys were so busy dumping on who would perform at Trumps inauguration, you missed it when it came out on Dec. 26th, the day he died, because it is a non story. Lol

You guys are getting desperate now. Anything to stop his full steam ahead. Keep it up and you will need rubber rooms in 2 years when you lose even more seats from all your fabricated screeching.
You guys were so busy dumping on who would perform at Trumps inauguration, you missed it when it came out on Dec. 26th, the day he died, because it is a non story. Lol

You guys are getting desperate now. Anything to stop his full steam ahead. Keep it up and you will need rubber rooms in 2 years when you lose even more seats from all your fabricated screeching.

Where were you when one of your comrades used a thirteen year old piece last week as their main source for their OP? Not only that, the source of your comrade is one of the most heavily used news resources by the extreme right, Zero Hedge.
What exactly is fake news to the Trumpsters anyways, other than journalism that disagrees with your God, Donald Trump?
Well with all the Clinton's buddies dying suddenly. I guess we will have to say show the proof Trump had something to do with it. Isn't that what you said multiple times with all the Clinton's mysterious deaths. One of their buddies shot themself with two different guns. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Cool...looks like we can now start a Trump Body Bag conspiracy theory to join Clinton's....
If I was a US agent in Russia, I'd be terrified now. I'd be getting the hell out.

What are our intel agencies supposed to do when they give Trump intel on Russia, and Trump asks "What's the source"?
Isn't it the job of the President to make sure they are getting verified information from a good source ?

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