Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent

Blinken's speech was essentially "the whole world is waiting to see what excuse Putin makes for attacking a sovereign country".


No way to know what Putin is thinking. I'm sure he likes the fact that China doesn't seem to mind much.
"The "international human rights community" that promised bloody horrors from the Syrian army after the liberation of Idlib is the same public that promised that the "butcher" Assad would slaughter everyone in Aleppo. And stuck in their tongues in the ass after the liberation of Aleppo.
And this is the same public promising "bloody aggression of Russia with thousands of civilian victims"

"...It makes no sense for the Kremlin to leave the initiative in the hands of the CIA. The Kremlin could announce that enormous Ukrainian forces have been assembled on the Donbass borders where they await a false flag attack to begin hostilities. To prevent the unfolding of this plot against Donbass and against Russia, the Kremlin could issue an ultimatum that the Ukrainian forces be immediately withdrawn or they will be destroyed. If the Kremlin enters pointless negotiations and gives too much time for the removal of the forces, the CIA and neo-Nazis will have time to pull off the false flag event. If the Ukrainian forces are not immediately withdrawn, Russia can destroy them or disrupt their ability to fight with conventional missiles without without risking a single Russian life.

The latest word planted in the prestitute media is that next week Russia will launch a “horrific, bloody campaign that begins with two days of bombardment and electronic warfare, followed by an invasion, with the possible goal of regime change.” If the Kremlin wishes to squash a plot that could end up in world war, the Kremlin must step up to the plate and seize the initiative.

All of this could have been avoided if years ago the Kremlin had heeded the pleas of the Donbass Russians and reincorporated their homelands back into Russia. "
Why US have to send aid to fashists?
Is it not enough that the United States voted in the UN against the law banning the glorification of Nazism together with Ukraine? No one else in the world did .
Therefore, I repeat, the United States has no one else in the world except fascists to whom it is possible to provide military assistance?
Ohhhh, so you are Russian ?
I am russian, I am american, I am anti-nazi
You are a Putin-vison brainwashed tool. Know thyself.

Running Kremlin BS propaganda 24/7 with a side of laughable dey-iz-nazis opinionators - this is what passes for political discourse in Russian media while their opposition-free authoritarian named Putin is heading the country into yet another self inflicted economic recession (last one was in 2014).

Putin would be kicked out of office long time ago if Russia had true freedom of speech and political competitiveness.
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Is it just me or is this 'imminent' taking a long time? What's the Biden administration clown crew doing? Or is Putin just running the clock to make them look like bigger idiots? Whatever the case the US looks foolish.
Like in USA? Right?
You are so ignorant.... useless even to start to explain it.
Yes like in USA ignoramus, where we actually have competitive elections, term limits, separation of powers in branches of government and strong opposition parties that hold president's every move to account and criticism.

For 20 years now Russia has had king Putin, his oligarchs and subservient duma, media and courts that enable this regime.

If American president would be putting our country into recessions as a direct result of his foreign policy he would be kicked the f out the very next election.
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Is it just me or is this 'imminent' taking a long time? What's the Biden administration clown crew doing? Or is Putin just running the clock to make them look like bigger idiots? Whatever the case the US looks foolish.

'Imminent' was last Wed..

Quick! Someone take Ukraine's border ground temperature.
Has it frozen solid enough yet?
Is it just me or is this 'imminent' taking a long time? What's the Biden administration clown crew doing? Or is Putin just running the clock to make them look like bigger idiots? Whatever the case the US looks foolish.

Only because we are fools!

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